
Li Zhen conducted a special investigation in Liulin County

author:Yellow River News Lvliang Channel
Li Zhen conducted a special investigation in Liulin County

On June 9, Li Zhen, vice chairman of the CppcC Municipal Committee, conducted a special investigation on the implementation of the spirit of the cppcc work conference of the provincial party committee and the municipal cppcc committee in Liulin County. Yang Yuexiang, deputy secretary of the county party committee and county magistrate, Guo Qingzhi, deputy secretary of the county party committee and president of the party school, Liu Tangxi, vice chairman of the county CPPCC committee, and responsible persons of relevant units attended the forum.

Li Zhen conducted a special investigation in Liulin County

At the forum, Guo Qingzhi gave a detailed report on the implementation of the spirit of the CPPCC work conference of the provincial party committee and the municipal CPPCC committee, and said that in accordance with the positioning requirements of the "four first lines" of the CPPCC in the new era, our county will guide all CPPCC cadres to strengthen the construction of ideology, organization, system, and work style, so that responsibilities are "realized", capabilities are "raised", services are "strengthened", and the image is "treed up", and strive to contribute wisdom and strength to promoting the new development of the CPPCC cause and comprehensively building a new Liulin that is "innovative, open, green, civilized, and happy"!

Li Zhen conducted a special investigation in Liulin County

Yang Yuexiang pointed out: The vast number of CPPCC members in our county are a high-quality contingent that stresses politics, innovation, and practical results, and has achieved results in many aspects in implementing the spirit of the CPPCC work conference of the central, provincial, and municipal cppcc committees. He stressed that in implementing the spirit of the meeting, it is necessary to continue to exert efforts in many aspects, to implement all aspects of the CPPCC's performance of its duties, to fully understand and accurately grasp the new orientation and new mission of the CPPCC work in the new era, and to better realize the two-way force of making suggestions and consolidating consensus.

He said that the county party committee and county government will, as always, attach importance to and support the work of the CPPCC, continue to strengthen and improve the leadership of the CPPCC work, provide a strong and powerful guarantee for the CPPCC to perform its duties and responsibilities, and let the CPPCC members and CPPCC organs play their full role.

Li Zhen conducted a special investigation in Liulin County

Li Zhen, vice chairman of the CPPCC Municipal Committee, fully affirmed the results of the work of the CPPCC in all aspects of our county, and he asked all CPPCC members to further study and comprehend the spirit of the CPPCC work conference of the central, provincial, and municipal CPPCC committees, so as to profoundly understand and resolutely implement it. It is necessary to strengthen communication with the county party committee and the county government, continue to give play to their own advantages, perform various functions well, and make new and greater contributions to the economic and social development of Liulin. It is necessary to strengthen the building of cppcc organs themselves, strengthen the management of CPPCC members, improve the management system of CPPCC members, innovate and explore work methods, and enhance the ability of political consultation and the level of participation in and discussion of state affairs. It is necessary to gather the wisdom of CPPCC members, sum up experience, enhance consensus, promote unity, and push the WORK of the CPPCC to a new level.

Li Zhen conducted a special investigation in Liulin County
Li Zhen conducted a special investigation in Liulin County

After the meeting, Li Zhen and his party successively went to Jinjiazhuang Town and Liuyu Town Guxiang Centennial Wine Company in our county to investigate, listened carefully to the relevant responsible persons' work reports on the operation of the CPPCC consultation room and achieved specific results, and put forward relevant suggestions.

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