
Cross-border new frontiers! Feng Yingying launched her own jewelry design and entered the NFT market as the first person to be wireless

author:Spoiler Hong Kong drama

This article edited spoiler agency: Xiao Tong

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When it comes to TVB Xiaohua Feng Yingying, I believe that without too much introduction, the audience is already very familiar with her, in addition to shooting variety shows, dramas, and acting as emcee, she has recently stepped on the boundary design jewelry and entered the NFT (non-homogeneous token) market.

Speaking of this NFT (non-homogeneous token) market, some netizens should not know what it means, the full name of NFT is Non-Fungible Token, which refers to non-homogeneous tokens, which are the only cryptocurrency tokens used to represent digital assets (including jpg and video clip forms), while NFTs can be bought and sold, just like tangible assets.

Cross-border new frontiers! Feng Yingying launched her own jewelry design and entered the NFT market as the first person to be wireless
Cross-border new frontiers! Feng Yingying launched her own jewelry design and entered the NFT market as the first person to be wireless

Singers Chen Wanren and Karen Mok and others have also launched NFT music works and concert souvenirs, so Feng Yingying stepped over the boundary this time to launch her own design jewelry, which can be said to have become the first artist in TVB to break into the NFT market.

The reason why Feng Yingying wants to step over the boundaries to design jewelry is actually because she is a person who likes to try new things, and she has this idea and decision now.

Cross-border new frontiers! Feng Yingying launched her own jewelry design and entered the NFT market as the first person to be wireless
Cross-border new frontiers! Feng Yingying launched her own jewelry design and entered the NFT market as the first person to be wireless

As for choosing to do crystal design, Feng Yingying said that she is still very related to crystal, and she believes that crystal will have a self-healing and soothing effect.

Feng Yingying said: Externally I am good and peaceful, internally I think too much all day, from time to time I will drill the tip of the horn, I need some help, I want to heal myself through the crystal, at the same time, this time to do the design to get my own good trouble, all day to touch the crystal, tell yourself to calm down.

Cross-border new frontiers! Feng Yingying launched her own jewelry design and entered the NFT market as the first person to be wireless
Cross-border new frontiers! Feng Yingying launched her own jewelry design and entered the NFT market as the first person to be wireless

At the same time, Feng Yingying also said that in fact, she planned to make crystal bracelets at the beginning, but later met an expert friend, who inspired her to enter the NFT market, so Feng Yingying, who has always liked to try new things, will certainly not miss this opportunity.

In Feng Yingying's view, entering the NFT market, on the one hand, you can also have things, on the other hand, you can also get virtual works, this technology is still quite fun.

Cross-border new frontiers! Feng Yingying launched her own jewelry design and entered the NFT market as the first person to be wireless
Cross-border new frontiers! Feng Yingying launched her own jewelry design and entered the NFT market as the first person to be wireless

In addition, Feng Yingying also revealed to everyone that the crystal series Crystal.Clear she launched this time is divided into three stages to represent the journey of life, which are seeds, flowers and fruits.

At the same time, there is also a piece that is very collectible, because it is a combination of antiques sent by antique collectors and friends, which is relatively meaningful.

Cross-border new frontiers! Feng Yingying launched her own jewelry design and entered the NFT market as the first person to be wireless
Cross-border new frontiers! Feng Yingying launched her own jewelry design and entered the NFT market as the first person to be wireless

And the above introduction so much, everyone is not very curious about these works designed by Feng Yingying? However, these works will soon be displayed in front of everyone, and Feng Yingying will exhibit these works at Fine Art Asia in october.

So now for these works of Feng Yingying is still relatively mysterious, and in the virtual works, it can be said that each piece will have a trace of Feng Yingying, I don't know if you can find Feng Yingying's hidden surprises from it.

Cross-border new frontiers! Feng Yingying launched her own jewelry design and entered the NFT market as the first person to be wireless
Cross-border new frontiers! Feng Yingying launched her own jewelry design and entered the NFT market as the first person to be wireless

I have to say that Feng Yingying is really a versatile person, who has already involved emcee, variety shows, dramas, etc. in the circle, and also designed jewelry outside the circle.

And Feng Yingying's step across the boundary this time, some netizens said that Feng Yingying is not paving the way for a career change design? However, for everyone's concerns, Feng Yingying denied everyone's idea, and she admitted that this move was only hoping to make herself richer, so it would continue to develop in the entertainment industry.

Cross-border new frontiers! Feng Yingying launched her own jewelry design and entered the NFT market as the first person to be wireless
Cross-border new frontiers! Feng Yingying launched her own jewelry design and entered the NFT market as the first person to be wireless

In the end, we also wish Feng Yingying success in this move, and hope that her career development path can become more and more abundant!

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