
There are countless lovers in bed, they are the most beautiful couple, but also a combination of "devil" and "angel"

author:Male gods and goddesses are deep gossip
There are countless lovers in bed, they are the most beautiful couple, but also a combination of "devil" and "angel"
There are countless lovers in bed, they are the most beautiful couple, but also a combination of "devil" and "angel"

After 11 years of divorce, the "stripper queen" Tita Vantis recalls the long-lasting love affair, leaving only heartache.

"I've been with him for 7 years, only 1 year of marriage, marriage for us, is the 'kiss of death', is the nail in the coffin, only pain." 」

She never wanted to talk much about that marriage again. That love lasted only 300 days.

Never mention that person.

The "devil" who insane the world but broke her heart.

There are countless lovers in bed, they are the most beautiful couple, but also a combination of "devil" and "angel"

It is said that Tita Vantis and Marilyn Manson are angels and demons.

A glamorous one that drives men and women around the world crazy.

There are countless lovers in bed, they are the most beautiful couple, but also a combination of "devil" and "angel"

The other, eerie and dark, uses heavy metal music to destroy the soul.

One is like the sun, the other is like the setting sun.

Two people who should not have intersected, but they had intersected.

As soon as Tita touched striptease, she became popular.

There are countless lovers in bed, they are the most beautiful couple, but also a combination of "devil" and "angel"

The fire to the British royal family, celebrities and magnates, have repeatedly invited her to perform.

But Tita declined.

"My performance is for everyone."

Even if it is open to the public. But her performance is still hard to find.

More peculiarly, Tita's fans, mostly women.

According to incomplete statistics, almost 80% of them are young women.

Several times, Tita took to the streets, and she walked along, always followed by people.

As soon as Tita turned around, the man immediately ran up to Tita and said, "I don't want to bother you, but I want to tell you that I really enjoy your performance." ”

It was a couple of young women.

Such things, in Tita's world, are all too common.

On other occasions, the Emperor asked her to perform a striptease, saying that it was the prince celebrating his birthday.

Tita refused to go.

She has her own pride and persistence.

This persistence also attracted Marilyn Manson.

He is an American heavy metal music singer, and his singing style is mostly manic, explosive, and dark series.

His upbringing is also bleak.

As a child, he has been living in eroticism and destruction.

Once, Manson saw with his own eyes that a neighbor's little boy had killed his own dog.

A knife, blood flowing.

This incident subtly affected Manson's personality.

When he grew up, whether he dressed up, or dressed, or music, he struggled and tore.

There are countless lovers in bed, they are the most beautiful couple, but also a combination of "devil" and "angel"

But people are always attracted to people who are the opposite of themselves.

He fell in love with Tita.

There are countless lovers in bed, they are the most beautiful couple, but also a combination of "devil" and "angel"

At the height of Tita's popularity, Manson's fame was not small.

But at that time, he was accompanied not only by applause, but also by questioning and insulting.

That year, "The Matrix" was a hit, and Manson's theme song "Rock is dead" became popular with the movie.

But red, his behavior became more and more wild.

Several times, Manson sang on stage, singing and singing, and stabbed himself with a knife on the spot.

At that time, foreign media also said that Manson also dug his eyeballs and removed his ribs.

There's even more terrifying.

He performs the body live.

This had a very big impact at that time.

Because it was then that a homicide was discovered in Colorado, USA.

A high school student shot 12 classmates at school.

Including a teacher.

Before the police could investigate, the two high school students had already committed suicide.

In the follow-up investigation, the police also found that the teenager loved to watch horror movies, and especially loved Manson's songs.

Manson was implicated in this.

The media pointed the finger at him, saying that his music had a negative impact on teenagers.

But Manson went his own way and did not correct it.

The outside world is even more repulsive to him.

It was in this darkest moment of his life that Manson saw Tita's website, National Naked Girl.

Tita often shares her own photos here.

All sorts of them, all mouth-wateringly sexy.

Years later, Manson described his first encounter with Tita as "the only girl in the world who can live her life like an ideal." ”

There are countless lovers in bed, they are the most beautiful couple, but also a combination of "devil" and "angel"

With curiosity, there is bound to be a desire to hunt.

He is a talented man and has first-class means of chasing people.

On the same day, Manson found out that Tita would perform in Los Angeles, so he immediately went to Los Angeles.

In the name of a fan, he has been quietly observing Tita's movements.

It wasn't until a dance party that Manson learned that Tita was going to attend and went too.

As soon as he saw Tita, he was very direct and asked, "I would like to invite you to shoot the MV." ”

Tita knew Manson.

His musical talent and independent personality also made her curious.

With almost the slightest hesitation, Tita agreed.

For men, especially men with purpose, she has always been indispensable.

Otherwise, you will not leave an umbrella at random in the Burberry runway, but let the men next to you scramble to pick it up.

Manson is a quick-fixer.

Seemingly smelling ambiguous, he took the initiative to invite Tita to Portland, Oregon.

He also went out of his way to find a bar and said he wanted to have dinner with Tita.

Tita was still happy to go to the appointment.

It was their first official date.

Lazy music, ambiguous lights, two young men and women, slowly approaching little by little.

They're really together.

That night, what should have happened and what shouldn't have happened, has happened.

In the midst of the obsession, Manson loves to call Tita "Charles Monroe".

Say she's as sexy as Monroe.

This is something that Tita loves to hear.

Because her idol is Nonemaroe.

The next day, Manson took advantage of his affection and gave Tita a piece of underwear.

It is diamond-set. Great value.

And Tita, in return, took out a bottle of absinthe and handed it to Manson.

She is not a reserved woman.

The two exchanged gifts and exchanged gifts, which was considered to be a fixed relationship.

It also officially came together.

There are countless lovers in bed, they are the most beautiful couple, but also a combination of "devil" and "angel"

In 2001, Manson was being scolded by the "shooting incident", and Tita was already a symbol of the sexy goddess.

Just then, they announced to the media that they were already in love.

For a time, almost the whole world was shocked.

Because the combination of these two people is incredible.

One like Satan. One like an angel.

One sex feels that women are adored; the other, arrogant to the point of national hostility.

There are countless lovers in bed, they are the most beautiful couple, but also a combination of "devil" and "angel"

Fans laughed: it was a complete combination of Dracula and the Queen.

Another added: "Wrong, it was a combination of a vampire and a European noblewoman." ”

But they don't care about the outside world at all.

Since the announcement of the relationship, it has been very low-key.

Low-key to the announcement of love news, I will no longer appear on the same stage.

It was not until 2003, after the two fell in love for 2 years, that they appeared together for the first time in variety shows.

It was a talk show, and Manson appeared at the same time with Tita.

As soon as they appeared, the host asked everyone what they wanted to know: "Why never show up together?" ”

Manson explained: "Yes, after all, I didn't find the right dirty movie for the two of us, and I didn't like to come out together because it would bother people." ”

There are countless lovers in bed, they are the most beautiful couple, but also a combination of "devil" and "angel"

The first time they were on the same stage, their words and deeds were extremely loving.

If you have also watched this show, you will definitely find that from the beginning to the end, Manson and Tita's sitting posture is inclined to each other.

There are countless lovers in bed, they are the most beautiful couple, but also a combination of "devil" and "angel"

Even if you talk to the host, you will smile and look at each other.

There are countless lovers in bed, they are the most beautiful couple, but also a combination of "devil" and "angel"

The host really couldn't stand it, and coaxed and said, "Do you want to show your love?" ”

Manson immediately kissed Tita.

Tita was also very cooperative and responded enthusiastically.

There are countless lovers in bed, they are the most beautiful couple, but also a combination of "devil" and "angel"

This episode is completely their love show.

However, their progress is really fast.

Not long after the show, Manson proposed to Tita.

It was spring, and there was the smell of love everywhere.

Manson put away the mania and handed a 7-carat diamond ring to Tita.

Once again, Tita accepted without any hesitation.

But at that time, she did not expect that the feelings were too quick and dangerous.

There are countless lovers in bed, they are the most beautiful couple, but also a combination of "devil" and "angel"

After the engagement, Manson and Tita were married.

In November 2005, Manson announced that he would marry Tita.

But on the eve of his wedding, he still couldn't control himself and had to throw a bachelor party.

At this party, Manson insisted on asking a stripper.

Tita knew this, and was so angry that she yelled at Manson, "Why do you want to ask the stripper, if you want to see it, I'll just dance to show you." ”

This startled Manson.

Years later, Manson still remembers Tita's words vividly, saying to a friend, "Tita was so funny and cute at that time. ”

After a night of indulgence, they held the wedding as promised.

Both are romantic lovers.

The wedding was held at the Baron's Castle in Ireland.

Alessandro Zodurowski, Gottfried Helnwein, and Elvis Presley's Daughter all came.

Tita, dressed in a purple dress, walked into the church with Manson.

There are countless lovers in bed, they are the most beautiful couple, but also a combination of "devil" and "angel"

In front of more than 60 celebrities, they promised each other and agreed for life.

It was a visual feast.

A year later, Vogue posted their wedding photos on the front page, with the caption:

"They are the darlings of the Creator, enjoying endless pampering and love. The beauty is unbeatable. ”

It also amazed a large number of people.

However, it was found that although the wedding was luxurious, the behavior of the two was very traditional.

Manson, who has always been brash and unbridled, once again faced the stage and did not do anything out of the ordinary.

And Tita, as the world's most expensive stripper, is not half naked.

Throughout the wedding, luxury with restraint.

Concise and not ostentatious.

There are countless lovers in bed, they are the most beautiful couple, but also a combination of "devil" and "angel"

Some fans say it's because they love each other too much.

Maybe that's true.

After the wedding, they no longer hide from the camera as they did when they were in love.

Instead, they frequently attend various events hand in hand.

In the year of their new marriage, they went to the hardcore punk awards scene together.

There are countless lovers in bed, they are the most beautiful couple, but also a combination of "devil" and "angel"

In an interview, Manson looked at Tita and smiled.

Tita, on the other hand, would lean lightly on Manson's shoulder.

There are countless lovers in bed, they are the most beautiful couple, but also a combination of "devil" and "angel"

It's like a little couple in love.

Another time, they attended an exhibition.

Tita followed Manson closely, and when Manson talked to reporters, she snuggled up to him.

There are countless lovers in bed, they are the most beautiful couple, but also a combination of "devil" and "angel"

It's so sweet that it's almost overflowing the screen.

Later they walked the red carpet together.

The media wrote in large pages: This is the most matched couple in the world.

At that time, they thought so.

After all, after marriage, Manson, who even had to wear makeup to sleep, was willing to remove his makeup when he traveled with Tita.

There are countless lovers in bed, they are the most beautiful couple, but also a combination of "devil" and "angel"

Reveal your complete, true self to Tita.

And Tita, since marrying Manson, her stripping performance, gradually moved closer to Manson's dark route.

There was a show where she was dressed in black and smiled, enough to charm everyone.

However, when the outside world thought they were in love, they divorced.

There are countless lovers in bed, they are the most beautiful couple, but also a combination of "devil" and "angel"

In December 2006, after only a year of marriage, Tita filed a divorce lawsuit in court.

The rationale is that "insurmountable differences".

That's a false statement.

Entertainment reporters learned of this news and exposed it one after another, because Manson was still in love with multiple women in marriage.

It is simply the American version of Luo Zhixiang.

During this time, Tita could not contact him.

He seemed to have disappeared and refused to go home.

"I don't accept his relationship with another girl, and even though I love him, it's not what I want." Tita told reporters.

But the funny thing is that it wasn't until a year later that Manson learned of the divorce.

At that time, he was playing outside again, and happened to watch TV, and saw that the TV was broadcasting Tita's lawsuit for divorce, only to learn that he had been divorced.

It is said that the divorce papers were sent directly to his recording studio.

However, within a year, the marriage had been separated.

On the day of departure, Tita asked for nothing but four cats.

The name Marilyn Manson was never mentioned again.

And Manson, until he had had enough fun, recalled the marriage.

It was a full year after they were divorced, and Manson was asked by a reporter about his ex-wife, who said: "Unfortunately, at the same time, I got married... Suddenly in trouble, I had to take care of my family, I had to take care of my family. ”

"Now I can look back and look at it like a bystander, wow, I end up feeling guilty about who I was before."

There are countless lovers in bed, they are the most beautiful couple, but also a combination of "devil" and "angel"

But it was too late.

Tita is a proud woman.

She never stayed too much in a relationship, and after the divorce, she was with Luis de Castelbaillac.

Louis was a French aristocrat with the title of Count, 12 years younger than Tita.

There are countless lovers in bed, they are the most beautiful couple, but also a combination of "devil" and "angel"

Image source: Qili Women's Network

And Manson also began a new relationship.

He announced his relationship with Evan Rachel Wood.

Evan is also not an ordinary person, he is the heroine of "Westworld".

Sensuality and classical temperament coexist.

There are countless lovers in bed, they are the most beautiful couple, but also a combination of "devil" and "angel"

When Tita and Louis are in love, Manson announces his marriage to Wood like a gamble.

Say you're about to start a new marriage.

But just 8 months later, the wedding was canceled again. Wood quickly married someone else.

After marriage, he had a son.

And Manson, still in lust, continued to bump and drift.

He was later said to have loved many people and slept with many women, including Jenna Jameson.

A few years ago, he found a photographer girlfriend.

But at the time he was riddled with scandals.

Media exposure, Manson is intimate with his girlfriend and never undresses.

Manson himself explained: "Because of the fear that the house will suddenly explode. ”

He added: "I don't like to be intimate with people, I have bathed with women 2 times in my life, that was in very dark situations, I was really ashamed." ”

Later, Manson gradually gained weight again.

From a handsome skinny man, he became a fat ball.

Even playing the devil again is only unbearable.

Fans were disappointed: "Manson has become a man's ball. ”

There are countless lovers in bed, they are the most beautiful couple, but also a combination of "devil" and "angel"

And Tita, who left Manson, lived more and more freely.

Within a few years, she was with Adam Rajčević again.

The two stood together, simply aristocratic people coming out of the painting.

Very well matched.

There are countless lovers in bed, they are the most beautiful couple, but also a combination of "devil" and "angel"

Image source: Network

Now Tita, in addition to acting, writes, works as a designer, and learns to sing. It's more free than when I was with Manson.

She also responded to this:

"You have to be decent at all times.

No matter how deeply you have been hurt, I have been hurt hard, but I have not forgotten to maintain dignity and decency.

Because only then will you not continue to dwell on it – like driving to his house, spying on his social media account, these crazy things...

When you fall from glue to freezing, you're sure to want to find something crazy to do.

But remember, calm, calm, converge. ”

There are countless lovers in bed, they are the most beautiful couple, but also a combination of "devil" and "angel"

Love, righteousness.

Don't love, start all over again.

Years later, they were on the same stage.

Depp was the host at the time, and when things were human and the emotions dissipated, he asked the question: "What do you think is the biggest advantage of the other party?" ”

Tita took the lead and said, "Sounds good." ”

"Perfect body." Manson said.

"What about character?"

Or Tita spoke first: "Although the behavior is not too good, it is usually very connotative, and loves to tell jokes." ”

She paused and said, "It's... Private life is too chaotic, and it is not very concerned about people, otherwise... I'm also not going to get divorced. ”

Manson listened, "Everything is perfect, it's my garbage that doesn't deserve her." ”

When he finished, he stopped speaking.

The arrogance and indulgence of that year have become a lifetime of regret and regret.

For the rest of his life, he would never have this peerless beauty again.

That day, at the end of the interview, Tita didn't look at Manson any more and didn't look back.

Manson, on the other hand, is still in place, as if he is nostalgic for the past, more like a confession of the marriage of more than 300 days.

If the Scythians are rainbows, they know that there is a party.

But do not know how to cherish, in the end become confused.

No one will stay where they are and wait for anyone.

No one is obligated to bet their whole life and wait for your growth.

It's love.

It's life.

Author: Chi Jinwen

There are countless lovers in bed, they are the most beautiful couple, but also a combination of "devil" and "angel"

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