
The 58-year-old Shang Tian'e did not have the aura of Ah Ke, and the sequin skirt was round and full, but the temperament was not obvious The straight-leg sequin skirt of the old Shang Tian'e was fashionable to wear the skirt of middle-aged and elderly women

author:Stylish cover

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Dress wearing can directly affect the thickness of femininity, so many women like to wear skirts on different occasions, hoping to highlight the charm of image and temperament through skirt wearing.

The design of the skirt is diverse, there are gorgeous, there are also fresh, the characteristics of the skirt are different, the personal modification is not the same, but do not only care about the shaping of the sense of trend, choose the skirt that can set off its own charm to add advantages.

Older women should pay more attention to clothing and choice, only pay attention to the sense of trend and ignore personal characteristics, and it is inevitable that there will be mistakes in wearing. Hong Kong's old drama bone businessman Tian'e's skirt wearing is a bit of a "stepping on the thunder" effect, read it, it will be worn.

Look at the middle-aged and elderly women wearing skirts need to pay attention to what problems, Shang Tian'e has the affinity of ordinary elderly people, sequin skirts are a bit of a figure, the face is real and natural. The 58-year-old Shang Tian'e did not have Ah Ke's aura, and the sequin skirt was rounded and full, but the temperament did not look old.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="4" > Shang Tian'e's straight sequin skirt</h1>

The 58-year-old Shang Tian'e did not have the aura of Ah Ke, and the sequin skirt was round and full, but the temperament was not obvious The straight-leg sequin skirt of the old Shang Tian'e was fashionable to wear the skirt of middle-aged and elderly women

The color design of the skirt

Middle-aged and elderly women are suitable for colors with high saturation but low brightness, such colors can make the wear become connotative, layered, and will not have a sense of childishness. The trend elements suitable for middle-aged and elderly women are relatively small, so the color selection must be precise.

Dark purple and dark blue are very mysterious and attractive colors, and it is very attractive to wear alone. Combined together, fashion personality can be multiplied. When wearing these two colors of clothing, you can choose a fabric with brightness, and use the luster to make the wearing mysterious and deep.

The 58-year-old Shang Tian'e did not have the aura of Ah Ke, and the sequin skirt was round and full, but the temperament was not obvious The straight-leg sequin skirt of the old Shang Tian'e was fashionable to wear the skirt of middle-aged and elderly women

The style characteristics of the skirt

Straight-leg clothing has distinct characteristics, that is, the upper and lower designs are the same width, such as H-type, such clothing seems to have a variety of advantages when worn well, but it will also affect the image if it is not worn well.

Specifically, the slim body or the choice of oversized skirts can show the charm of the dashing and casual, because in the wearing of the skirt will leave a space, it seems to be loose and unrestrained, so that the figure and temperament will be improved to varying degrees.

If a woman with a rounded body chooses a fully fitted size, then she may wear a tight effect, the waist line is not obvious, and the rounded effect of the whole body is prominent. If you add eye-catching color, the image will have a bloated feeling when you look at it.

The 58-year-old Shang Tian'e did not have the aura of Ah Ke, and the sequin skirt was round and full, but the temperament was not obvious The straight-leg sequin skirt of the old Shang Tian'e was fashionable to wear the skirt of middle-aged and elderly women

The splicing features of the skirt

The splicing features of the skirt can make up for the lack of straight tube design, and the straight tube style weakens the waist curve, so the thin effect of the clothing is insufficient, the figure looks full, and the morphological characteristics are weakened a lot.

The stitching design makes the boundaries between the upper and lower parts clear, so that the body proportions will be adjusted, and if the position of the stitching is up, the body proportions will be more perfect.

The 58-year-old Shang Tian'e did not have the aura of Ah Ke, and the sequin skirt was round and full, but the temperament was not obvious The straight-leg sequin skirt of the old Shang Tian'e was fashionable to wear the skirt of middle-aged and elderly women

Sequins, stitching and other eye-catching elements have a distinct sense of trend, can increase the vividness of the image, so you can enlarge the characteristics of the body, if the body is round and full, then the skirt will have the effect of being full, showing the obesity and bloating of the posture. In this way, even if the temperament is particularly outstanding, it is difficult to save, and the image attractiveness will still be reduced a lot.

Therefore, when wearing, you can choose to weaken the sense of trend, increase the suitability of the skirt, to ensure that the wear can have a more positive impact on the image, so that the collocation will be attractive without mistakes.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="12" > the dresses of middle-aged and elderly women are fashionable</h1>

The 58-year-old Shang Tian'e did not have the aura of Ah Ke, and the sequin skirt was round and full, but the temperament was not obvious The straight-leg sequin skirt of the old Shang Tian'e was fashionable to wear the skirt of middle-aged and elderly women

The style of the skirt

Style characteristics affect the visual proportion of the body, so we must pay attention to the selection of styles, plump women are not suitable for choosing H-shaped skirts, try to use skirts that can modify the waist to enhance the image texture.

To pay attention to the contrast of the key position of the skirt, the contrast between the shoulders and the waist and the crotch is the most important, the greater the difference in the proportions of the three, the more advanced the figure looks.

The 58-year-old Shang Tian'e did not have the aura of Ah Ke, and the sequin skirt was round and full, but the temperament was not obvious The straight-leg sequin skirt of the old Shang Tian'e was fashionable to wear the skirt of middle-aged and elderly women

The color of the skirt

Skirt color has the effect of enlarging or reducing the body posture, bright and light colors are easy to enlarge the body characteristics, while deep, dark colors can reduce the body shape vision.

Therefore, plump women are suitable for wearing skirts with deep colors and low brightness; while women with dry and thin bodies are more suitable for wearing dresses with bright colors and bright colors.

The 58-year-old Shang Tian'e did not have the aura of Ah Ke, and the sequin skirt was round and full, but the temperament was not obvious The straight-leg sequin skirt of the old Shang Tian'e was fashionable to wear the skirt of middle-aged and elderly women

The length of the skirt

Middle-aged and elderly women are suitable for wearing skirts with a length below the knee, if they are too short, they will inevitably wear a kitsch effect, and the wear of knees and below the knee will appear very atmospheric and elegant.

If it is a special event occasion, you can choose a skirt with the ground or a tail. For everyday wear, try to choose a skirt that is between the ankles and knees.

The 58-year-old Shang Tian'e did not have the aura of Ah Ke, and the sequin skirt was round and full, but the temperament was not obvious The straight-leg sequin skirt of the old Shang Tian'e was fashionable to wear the skirt of middle-aged and elderly women

Trend elements

Middle-aged and elderly women can also choose to wear with trendy elements, but to ensure the appropriateness of the design, cut-out elements, splicing elements, and lace elements can be applied.

No matter which kind of fashion element should be noted, the area of fashion elements should not be too large, and simple small area modification can increase the personality of the trend and make the temperament more distinct.

Middle-aged and elderly women should start from the perspective of style, color, length and trend elements when choosing skirts, comprehensively analyze the suitability of skirts, and choose skirts with advantages greater than disadvantages, so as to keep the image in the best condition. Skirt wearing can not achieve 100% perfect results, but you can use advantages to cover up disadvantages, so that the wear charm is still very sufficient.

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