
Famous rock singer He Yong: Red, depressed, but what is the current life situation?

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Famous rock singer He Yong: Red, depressed, but what is the current life situation?

He Yong on stage

In October 2020, He Yong, a famous rock singer in the past, was seen by fans leaning against the wall roots of a community in Beijing to bask in the sun. He is slightly fat, his face is haggard, his eye bags are somewhat conspicuous, and he has long lost his former style.

Seeing that the handsome idol of the past has become a middle-aged uncle who is now downcast, this fan can't help but burst into tears.

He Yong became very popular in the 90s of the last century, he sang "Bell and Drum Tower", which is a rare classic, due to the times and personality and other subjective and objective reasons, He Yong's fate ups and downs, comparable to a sadistic TV series...

Famous rock singer He Yong: Red, depressed, but what is the current life situation?
Famous rock singer He Yong: Red, depressed, but what is the current life situation?

Childhood He Yong

He Yong was born in Beijing in 1969 to an artistic family, the son of He Yusheng, a well-known three-string player. He Yong's neighbors are all famous music actors, and under the influence of the environment, He Yong has loved music since childhood. Coupled with his father's deliberate training, teaching him folk music and playing the piano, He Yong went on a tour of the country with the art troupe at the age of 15.

He loves rock music, influenced by Western rock singers, He Yong is a typical "punk teenager". He has long hair, stud earrings, a black leather jacket and jeans with holes in his knees. Standing in the crowd, He Yong was very eye-catching.

At the age of 17, He Yong formed the band "Mayday" with several friends. At that time, the cave head often pulled them out to perform, and the other party thought that the children were coaxed and did not pay them, He Yong grabbed the watermelon knife and asked the other party for money. He Yong's ruthlessness has since become famous in the circle.

Famous rock singer He Yong: Red, depressed, but what is the current life situation?

Young He Yong

In the early 1990s, He Yong signed to Dadi Records. The company took away the master tape he recorded, but delayed sending him an album. He Yong took two plate axes from his home and went to negotiate with the company's leaders. The other party was afraid of he Yong's dangling plate axe in his hand, so he had to hand him the mother belt.

He Yong is born impatient and paranoid, loves to go to extremes when things happen, and does things regardless of the consequences. After his fierceness spread, no one in the circle dared to provoke him.

Famous rock singer He Yong: Red, depressed, but what is the current life situation?

Magic Rock Sanjie: Zhang Chu, He Yong, Dou Wei (from left to right)

In 1992, He Yong joined The Magic Rock Music Culture Company and released his only solo album "Junkyard". Among them, the main song "Bell and Drum Tower" was quickly sung. He Yong, together with Zhang Chu and Dou Wei, was called the "Three Masters of Magic Rock".

In December 1994, "Magic Rock Sanjie" was invited to perform at the Hung Hom Sports Centre in Hong Kong. At the press conference, in the face of hundreds of media, He Yong said arrogantly: "Among the four kings of Hong Kong, only Jacky Cheung is a singer. "Mei Yanfang, the Four Heavenly Kings, Huang Qiusheng and other Hong Kong and Taiwan superstars were present, and everyone felt that He Yong was too crazy."

Famous rock singer He Yong: Red, depressed, but what is the current life situation?

He Yong performed on the same stage as his father

At that time, He Yong did have crazy capital, he sprinkled a bottle of mineral water on his head, and then sang madly. Tens of thousands of spectators were ignited by his passion, cheering and roaring wave after wave. This performance made Ho Yong popular all over Hong Kong.

Famous rock singer He Yong: Red, depressed, but what is the current life situation?

He Yong is very pure, only rock music in his mind, and it is very simple to deal with the world. In 1996, he was invited to participate in the Awards Performance of 20 Years of Pop Music at the Capital Gymnasium. Singing and singing, he jumped on the black piano on the stage and stomped the keys to pieces.

The audience was in an uproar. What is even more incredible is that when He Yong performed on stage, he suddenly shouted at the audience: "Li Suli, are you beautiful?" Li Suli is a bus conductor and a respected model worker.

Famous rock singer He Yong: Red, depressed, but what is the current life situation?

He Yong

Soon the media published an article saying that He Yong ridiculed the labor model and did not respect the labor model, and the media unanimously attacked him. He Yong was banned from acting for 4 years.

For a singer who loves rock music, being banned from performing for 4 years is a sadistic ordeal. He Yong's personality was originally paranoid, and under this huge blow, he suffered from depression.

In 2002, He Yong suffered a depression attack and set fire to his house at home. As soon as the wind blew, the flames flew to the neighbor's house. The fire police arrived at the first time to extinguish the fire.

Famous rock singer He Yong: Red, depressed, but what is the current life situation?

He Yusheng

His parents ignored He Yong's resistance and forcibly took him to the hospital. After the doctor's diagnosis, he said that He Yong's psychology and spirit were problematic. He Yong took a large dose of sedative drugs, and the huge side effects of the drugs changed He Yong beyond recognition. His body quickly gained weight, his hair fell out, and his eyes were dull.

He Yusheng and his wife often secretly shed tears, not understanding why their talented son had come to such a point. After his condition improved, He Yong left the hospital to go home, but he could not do without drugs every day.

Famous rock singer He Yong: Red, depressed, but what is the current life situation?

Yin Lichuan

In order to let his son change his life, his father advised He Yong to get married and start a family. In 2004, He Yong and his talented daughter Yin Lichuan started a family in Beijing. She is 4 years younger than He Yong, a native of Chongqing, graduated from the Spanish Department of Peking University, and is a well-known poet, writer, director and screenwriter.

This pair of talented women also want to live a good life, but both sides have strong personalities and do things uniquely. The marriage lasted only 4 months before disintegrating, and He Yong did not remarry after that.

Famous rock singer He Yong: Red, depressed, but what is the current life situation?

During He Yong's recuperation at home, his father gave psychological and life care, and he gradually returned to normal. In 2013, He Yong participated in Hunan Satellite TV's "Every Day Upward", singing his classic works one by one. But few viewers were optimistic about him, and many people didn't know him and asked who the fat uncle was.

Famous rock singer He Yong: Red, depressed, but what is the current life situation?

He Yong can't do without drugs and carries drugs with him. Every time you go out and perform on stage, you have to take medicine. In 2015, He Yong participated in a performance in Beijing, because he forgot to take medicine when he went out, he went to the commissary to buy cigarettes, and was ridiculed by the old man who bought cigarettes. He Yong grabbed the knife and stabbed the other party.

The police rushed to take him away, and He Yong was detained for half a year and later admitted to the hospital for treatment.

Since then, He Yong's illness has been good and bad. At that time, he had no financial resources and was still supported by his parents in his 40s. He was so weak that it was difficult to even climb the stairs.

Famous rock singer He Yong: Red, depressed, but what is the current life situation?

His former friend did not forget him and deliberately pulled him out to perform. But every time He Yong performed, he had to lie down for a few days when he came back, and even got sick. Later, his friends were afraid that something would happen to him and did not dare to ask him to go out to perform.

He Yong's situation has always been the heartache of his parents. No matter how many people hate their sons, their parents always love He Yong. His father often remembered He Yong's handsome appearance of holding a guitar and singing on stage when he was young; and then looking at the son in front of him, his father suddenly dreamed.

His parents took care of He Yong's life, took care of him to take medicine, and sent him to the hospital for examination. When he met He Yong, he was in a good mood, and his father would take him out. Under the warm and affectionate care, He Yong's depression was basically cured, and he was not as manic as before. He became much calmer and quieter.

Famous rock singer He Yong: Red, depressed, but what is the current life situation?

He Yong took a group photo with friends

Usually, he reads books at home, listens to music, and often leans against the wall to bask in the sun. When he meets acquaintances and neighbors, he will greet them politely. It is difficult for people who do not know to imagine that this middle-aged man who sits lazily under the wall is He Yong, who was once a famous rock star.

Time is really cruel, it makes people, and it can change people beyond recognition. He Yong has been red, brilliant, depressed, depressed, and the ups and downs of life are comparable to a sadistic TV series.

Famous rock singer He Yong: Red, depressed, but what is the current life situation?

In October 2020, He Yong was 51 years old and still single. He Yusheng, who is more than eighty years old, is worried: In the future, when he leaves, who will take care of his son? Thinking of his son's future, the old man burst into tears.


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