
The 62-year-old uncle died of kidney failure, and he often ran and loved to drink tea before his death? The doctor sighed: ignorance had hurt him

author:Health Science Doctor Chan
The 62-year-old uncle died of kidney failure, and he often ran and loved to drink tea before his death? The doctor sighed: ignorance had hurt him
In order to better tell the content of the article, the plot of the characters is fictional, please read it sensibly

Not long ago, there was an "accident" in Brother Liu's family, and his father, Uncle Liu, who had always paid attention to health preservation, died of kidney failure.

According to Brother Liu's recollections, Uncle Liu, who is 62 years old, has always paid great attention to health preservation.

The 62-year-old uncle died of kidney failure, and he often ran and loved to drink tea before his death? The doctor sighed: ignorance had hurt him

Every day when Uncle Liu gets up in the morning, he brews a pot of strong tea, and when he drinks the tea until there is no taste, the day will end successfully.

In addition, Uncle Liu also likes to exercise, and when he has the right time and opportunity, he goes to the park outside for a while, saying that it is healthier to sweat.

But the accident happened, Uncle Liu was sent to the hospital because of severe kidney failure, and the doctor shook his head helplessly after conducting a rigorous examination for Uncle Liu.

"Alas! This can be said to be ignorance that harmed him, how can he do these things? ”

The 62-year-old uncle died of kidney failure, and he often ran and loved to drink tea before his death? The doctor sighed: ignorance had hurt him

1. What is "ignorance" by doctors?

In fact, Uncle Liu's hobbies on weekdays are these two, running and drinking strong tea, and Uncle Liu's kidney failure is the habit of drinking too much strong tea.

Now drinking tea has become one of the hobbies of most people, so that many people have begun to study various ways to drink tea and find the most suitable and healthy way to drink tea.

In fact, drinking tea is still a good habit, especially for the elderly, drinking tea can be said to be able to prevent many "geriatric diseases".

The 62-year-old uncle died of kidney failure, and he often ran and loved to drink tea before his death? The doctor sighed: ignorance had hurt him

There is a substance in tea called tea polyphenols, which act as natural antioxidants and can slow down the aging rate of cells in all parts of the body, especially the cells of the cerebral cortex. This means that drinking tea keeps the brain alive as they age, allowing older people to "live younger".

In addition to slowing down brain aging, according to research, drinking tea can also prevent Alzheimer's disease and diabetes. This is the effect of tea polyphenols in tea, and of course, there are also "good brothers" of tea polyphenols in tea catechins, which work together to reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease and diabetes in tea drinkers.

As for the benefits of drinking tea so much, why do you still say that Uncle Liu's kidney failure is caused by drinking tea?

The 62-year-old uncle died of kidney failure, and he often ran and loved to drink tea before his death? The doctor sighed: ignorance had hurt him

This is because the starting point of drinking tea is to drink tea in moderation, but Uncle Liu's tea drinking habits are not good. Although I can benefit from drinking tea, the harm that tea brings to the body is not less at all.

Second, the habit of drinking tea that is not good for the body

In fact, Uncle Liu's tea drinking habits are not an exception, in daily life, there are many people who have tea drinking habits similar to Uncle Liu.

Which ones are unhealthy and are the "culprits" that lead to Uncle Liu's kidney failure, let's take a look at them together, and then we can change these bad habits.

The 62-year-old uncle died of kidney failure, and he often ran and loved to drink tea before his death? The doctor sighed: ignorance had hurt him

1. Excessive tea drinking

The first is that I drink too much tea. Nowadays, there are more and more people drinking tea, and many people are "fascinated" by the special aroma of tea, and even give up drinking boiled water, and rely on tea to replenish water every day.

This habit is not good, because tea contains fluorine, a substance that is not good for the kidneys, and if the content of fluoride in the body is high, it will cause certain damage to our body.

In order to dissipate these fluoride and reduce the impact on the body, it is necessary to exert force through the kidneys, because only the kidneys in our body can dissolve fluoride.

The kidneys have a limited ability to excrete fluoride, and when we drink tea in moderation on weekdays, there is not much pressure, and the kidneys do not feel "tired" because of this.

The 62-year-old uncle died of kidney failure, and he often ran and loved to drink tea before his death? The doctor sighed: ignorance had hurt him

But once you drink too much tea, the fluoride in your body will exceed the capacity of your kidneys.

In this way, fluoride will inevitably remain in the body, which not only causes harm to the body, but also makes the kidneys in a state of "high pressure" at all times, and the kidneys need to redouble their "efforts" to complete the work that only they can do.

2. Drink tea that is too strong

Nowadays, drinking strong tea has become a common thing, after all, the taste of strong tea will be stronger, and you can also feel the aftertaste when tasting tea.

Although drinking strong tea regularly brings great satisfaction in taste, it also brings a lot of burden to the body.

Tea contains not only tea polyphenols and catechins that are beneficial to the body, but also some substances that can affect the health of the body, such as caffeine.

The 62-year-old uncle died of kidney failure, and he often ran and loved to drink tea before his death? The doctor sighed: ignorance had hurt him

The name gives us the impression of "refreshing the mind", which is a very correct idea that can help people get excited.

But only a moderate amount of caffeine is a good thing for the human body, excessive caffeine will make people continue to maintain a "stimulating state", stimulate the kidneys to work, make people urinate frequently, and thus cause damage to the kidneys.

In addition, there is a particularly high amount of oxalic acid in tea.

The 62-year-old uncle died of kidney failure, and he often ran and loved to drink tea before his death? The doctor sighed: ignorance had hurt him

Although oxalic acid does not cause direct damage to the body, it can be synthesized into calcium oxalate in the body, which cannot be degraded and eventually stays in the kidneys.

As for calcium oxalate, it is the main substance of kidney stones as we commonly say.

Although some kidney stones do not affect the health of the body, we do not even feel the presence of them when they are not flare-up.

However, if there are stones in the kidneys for a long time, it will naturally affect the normal work of the kidneys, and severe cases will inevitably lead to kidney failure.

The 62-year-old uncle died of kidney failure, and he often ran and loved to drink tea before his death? The doctor sighed: ignorance had hurt him

3. Drink tea on an empty stomach

Some people like to take a sip of tea first thing in the morning before going on to other activities. If everyone has this habit, it should be changed as soon as possible.

This is because when we drink tea on an empty stomach, the tannic acid in the tea leaves "stands out" and begins to "sound the alarm bell" for our human body.

On an empty stomach, tannic acid stimulates our stomach to secrete gastric acid, which increases the pressure on the stomach and, in severe cases, affects the entire digestive system, making it impossible for us to eat.

The 62-year-old uncle died of kidney failure, and he often ran and loved to drink tea before his death? The doctor sighed: ignorance had hurt him

Although the habit of drinking tea on an empty stomach does not cause great harm to the kidneys, it is not a good thing to destroy our digestive system. Therefore, if we want to be healthy, we must put an end to all bad habits that can damage our body.

3. Develop the correct habit of drinking tea

Although the "culprit" of Uncle Liu's kidney failure is drinking tea, the main reason is Uncle Liu's poor drinking habits.

Therefore, in daily life, if you want to avoid physical conditions caused by drinking tea, you need to develop a good habit of drinking tea.

The first thing is to pay attention to the amount and concentration of tea. As we mentioned above, whether it is excessive tea consumption or long-term drinking of strong tea, it will cause certain damage to the body, especially the kidneys. So we can make a change in this regard, that is, drink tea in moderation.

The 62-year-old uncle died of kidney failure, and he often ran and loved to drink tea before his death? The doctor sighed: ignorance had hurt him

As for the standard of moderate tea drinking, here is a standard for everyone, and you can also improve it according to your own situation.

The amount of tea you drink every day should not take up all the water you drink every day, and it is best to be a third of all the water you drink every day. That is to say, if you have 6 cups of water a day, two cups of tea should be the maximum amount.

And there should also be a limit to the concentration of tea. For people under the age of 50, tea leaves within 20 grams will not cause harm to the body, but can "filter" out the harmful substances in tea through their own strong metabolism.

The 62-year-old uncle died of kidney failure, and he often ran and loved to drink tea before his death? The doctor sighed: ignorance had hurt him

And the elderly who are over this age should pay attention to the fact that it is best not to exceed 10 grams of tea per day. Of course, this data can be changed according to everyone's own physical condition.

In addition to drinking tea in moderation, it should also be done to drink tea at the right time. As we mentioned above, drinking tea on an empty stomach can cause some damage to the body, so it is very important to find the right time to drink tea.

Generally speaking, the best time to drink tea is between meals, so that you don't have to worry about having an empty stomach, and you don't need to worry about affecting your sleep status.

Therefore, when drinking tea, we should try to choose to take a break after eating and then start tasting tea, so that our body's acceptance of tea can reach the best.

The 62-year-old uncle died of kidney failure, and he often ran and loved to drink tea before his death? The doctor sighed: ignorance had hurt him

Fourth, other tips to protect the kidneys

Developing a good habit of drinking tea will naturally make the human body further prevent kidney failure, but we still need to pay attention to other ways to protect our kidneys and stay away from diseases.

1. Reduce urine holding

If it is said that the behavior that is most harmful to the kidneys, holding urine definitely has the "strength" to compete with other behaviors.

If the human body is in a state of holding urine, it means that your bladder is "overwhelmed" and must be quickly expelled to reduce the pressure on the bladder. At this time, if there is no way to urinate immediately, urine will return and some of the urine will return to the kidneys.

The 62-year-old uncle died of kidney failure, and he often ran and loved to drink tea before his death? The doctor sighed: ignorance had hurt him

As we all know, urine is the excrement of the human body, and urination is the process of excreting harmful substances from the body. Therefore, in the process of refluxing the harmful substances contained in the urine to the kidneys, these harmful substances that have been excreted by the kidneys will have to come back again, forcing the kidneys to process them again.

So, don't hold your urine for too long on weekdays, and find a way to urinate when you feel like urine.

2. Wash your face with cool water

Washing your face with cold water must be disagreeable, but in fact, washing your face with cold water is a very effective habit for the kidneys.

There are a lot of capillaries in our faces, and if we wash our faces with cool water, the temperature of the water is lower than the temperature of the human body, which will stimulate the capillaries in our face, thereby speeding up blood circulation in our body.

The 62-year-old uncle died of kidney failure, and he often ran and loved to drink tea before his death? The doctor sighed: ignorance had hurt him

The process of blood circulation in the human body will naturally strengthen metabolism. In particular, the accumulation of harmful substances in the kidneys will also speed up the excretion of the body, so that the kidneys will be minimized.

3. Warm your feet and teeth

Both of these methods are very common methods of kidney nourishment in Chinese medicine. Warming your feet is as simple as washing your feet with warm water and then pressing the springs on your feet with your hands, preferably 30 times a day.

According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, it is the starting point of massaging the kidney meridian to help the human body replenish the kidney.

Warm teeth are a method of promoting blood circulation in traditional Chinese medicine, which is also more acceptable.

This is done by rinsing your mouth with warm water that is close to your body's body temperature to boost your metabolism and benefit your kidneys.

The 62-year-old uncle died of kidney failure, and he often ran and loved to drink tea before his death? The doctor sighed: ignorance had hurt him


In general, it is not tea drinking that causes kidney failure, but improper tea drinking that causes kidney failure.

In fact, many events in life are like this, just as the idiom says that the moon is full and the moon is lost, and the same is true for health. We should also pay attention to the fact that although some things can bring benefits to our health, we should still pay attention to moderation.


Literature Health 2018-12-22——"Traditional Chinese Medicine Believes: Men at the age of 45 are the golden period of kidney nourishment, often do these 5 things to prevent kidney deficiency and replenish kidney qi"

Qilihe Rong Media 2023-10-4——"How much tea should I drink a day?" 》

Shandong Satellite TV 2017-11-3——"Drinking tea like this again, your kidneys will be "gone"! (Contains 3 Secrets to Nourish the Kidney)" 2024-4-21——"55-year-old uncle died of kidney failure, doctor reminded: I'd rather be thirsty than drink these 3 kinds of "water""

Qinzhou Financial Media2024-05-16 —— "The 62-year-old uncle died of kidney failure, he often ran and loved to drink tea before his death, and the doctor sighed: ignorance hurt him"