
After stabbing his wife's "cheating partner" and being released from prison, the man refused to let his three children go to school for seven years

After stabbing his wife's "cheating partner" and being released from prison, the man refused to let his three children go to school for seven years

Chengdu Business Daily Red Star News

2024-05-27 10:55Published on the official account of Red Star News of Chengdu Business Daily, Sichuan

In 2023, in a city in the southeast, Wu's family lives in a low-rise bungalow, which is incompatible with the brand-new buildings in the village. The bungalow is divided into a kitchen, bathroom, living room and two bedrooms, with earthen walls on all sides, and a wood-burning stove in the kitchen, where the two daughters squeeze into one bedroom and Wu and his son live in another.

Wu claimed that in 2016, three children were "forced to suspend school" because they could not afford tuition and fees. However, the staff of the city's education bureau told Red Star News that the city's compulsory education students have already achieved free tuition according to the policy, and there is no problem of "unable to afford tuition due to poverty". In 2017, the city, town, and village governments began to work on Wu's children's enrollment, in addition to exempting tuition and miscellaneous fees, giving subsistence allowances, etc., they also contacted the local "Xiangxian", who was responsible for the education and living expenses of the three children until they graduated from university, but these proposals were rejected by Wu, "He didn't cooperate even to apply for a subsistence allowance and ask him to fill in a material."

Wu said that he did not accept help because he only wanted "the part of the money I deserved". He said he was sentenced in 2013 after cutting the "life-roots" of the man he had sex with his wife. After his release from prison, he divorced his wife, and then demanded alimony from his ex-wife, as well as the mental damage caused to his family by the "cheating partner". As for why he didn't let his children go to school, he gave a few different explanations. As of May 21 this year, Wu still has not let his three children return to school.

After stabbing his wife's "cheating partner" and being released from prison, the man refused to let his three children go to school for seven years

▲Screenshot of the video of the TV station's report on Wu's injury case

Refusing to send children to school 

Unless you help him "overturn the case"

In 2023, Red Star News visited Wu's home. At that time, Wu's eldest daughter was over 15 years old, and his second son and youngest daughter were 14 and 12 years old respectively. Seeing a stranger approaching, the children turned around and ran into the mountains and forests behind the house, and after repeated persuasion, only the eldest daughter was willing to talk to reporters, and when asked if she wanted to go to school, she moved her eyes to Wu who was sitting on the side, and replied, "Ask me Lao Dou (Dad)".

Wu said that he was unable to continue his studies because of the expenses for food and the purchase of teaching materials for his three children. At that time, Wu's second son and youngest daughter were still in kindergarten, although they did not belong to the scope of compulsory education, but they could enjoy the subsidy policy for students in difficulty, and some "village sages" had proposed funding, but Wu refused.

Lao Zhang came to the door many times to mobilize the children to return to school, and he said that he was one of the few outsiders who could talk to the three children of Wu's family. Lao Zhang has been a teacher in the front line of teaching for many years, and every time he visits Wu's house, he will pull three children to teach some simple literacy and mathematics, "His eldest daughter is now at the literacy level of the second and third grades of primary school, and the younger two can't do it."

In order to allow the children to return to school, the local city, town, and village governments and education departments have been doing Wu's work since 2016. A staff member surnamed Li at the city's government revealed that Wu's attitude had softened and agreed to let the children return to school, provided that the local government would "overturn the case" for him.

Intentionally injuring someone with a knife

After turning himself in, he was obsessed with "revenge"

According to a criminal verdict provided by Wu, in October 2013, he raised a knife to cut the lower body of Hu, who had sex with his wife, in his wife's residence when she was working abroad, causing Hu X to suffer minor injuries, and then went to the police station on the same day to turn himself in. According to media reports, the attending doctor said that Hu was seriously injured in the lower body. Fortunately, it did not affect the corpora cavernosa, and if it recovers well, it will not affect the future life of the couple.

Wu was sentenced to eight months in prison for intentional injury and was liable for civil compensation of 19,638.96 yuan. According to the release certificate issued by the police, in June 2014, Wu was released after the expiration of his sentence. After leaving the detention center, Wu did not compensate Hu in accordance with the legal judgment, so he was included in the credit blacklist. In July 2014, Wu divorced his wife.

In Wu's eyes, the other party had a relationship with his wife, and it was understandable that he cut the other party's lower body, "I am protecting my family." Similarly, he was puzzled by the need to compensate Hu and was included in the credit blacklist, and Wu claimed that Hu and his ex-wife's behavior caused harm to him and his three children, and the two of them should compensate their families.

According to a 2013 Nandu report: The injured Hu said that the two parties had a relationship voluntarily. This statement was denied by Wu's wife. Wu's wife said that after repairing the charger in June last year, Hu first made a flirtatious remark, and after being clearly refused, he was knocked unconscious. Later, when she came to her senses, she realized that she had been "raped". During this year's National Day, Hu knocked on the door again to threaten her husband with a threat, and the two had a relationship again. According to the police interrogation, at 6 p.m. on October 19, Hu went to Wu's house and mentioned the aforementioned matter, Hu's attitude made Wu dissatisfied, so Wu tied Hu's hands and feet with a rope, and then took out a kitchen knife and cut Hu's genitals. As for whether Hu is suspected of rape, it is impossible to determine because it has been too long and there is no relevant evidence. Wu was detained by the police on suspicion of intentional injury.

After leaving the detention center, Wu was obsessed with "avenging grievances", and his parents were also dissatisfied with the case. ”

After stabbing his wife's "cheating partner" and being released from prison, the man refused to let his three children go to school for seven years

▲Screenshot of the video of the TV station's report on Wu's injury case

We do not accept support

Claiming "As long as I deserve it"

Mr. Wu's Mr. Fa Xiaoding said that after the old case, he felt that Wu had changed and did not allow his three children to go to school, in his opinion, on the one hand, because of material conditions, and on the other hand, "to take revenge on his ex-wife in this way."

After this incident, Wu divorced, and the court ruled that the ex-wife should pay 2,000 yuan per month for the three children, but after paying a total of 6,000 yuan for 3 months, the ex-wife did not continue to perform the maintenance obligation. Wu pursued it through the court, and the court responded that he could not contact his ex-wife, so he could only include her in the credit blacklist, and then his three children dropped out of school.

After stabbing his wife's "cheating partner" and being released from prison, the man refused to let his three children go to school for seven years

▲ Wu and his ex-wife divorce judgment

Wu's parents recalled that in 2015, the old couple tried to send their children back to school, when Wu's eldest daughter said: "I am a child without a mother, can grandma help me cook", Wu's mother specially rented a house next to the school to cook for the child. But at the end of 2016, Wu brought his three children home and never let them go to school again.

Around 2017, the local government discovered the situation of Wu's family during the visit, and the city immediately linked up with the town government, village committee and other education and civil affairs departments at all levels to formulate a plan, including handling the subsistence allowance, introducing him to work, and helping his three children return to school, but these relief measures were all rejected by Wu.

A staff member of the local town government told Red Star News that they had contacted Wu's ex-wife and offered to help in the name of child support. This plan was discovered by Wu, who said that he knew that his ex-wife had no money and was unwilling to accept this "help", "I just want what I deserve".

The reporter asked Wu why he couldn't separate the "overturning of the case" from the children's resumption of school, and let the children return to school first? He said that this incident is the root cause of his and his three children's lives off the track, and only by solving this problem can he be willing to let the children get back on track. The reporter asked the children who have been out of school for a long time, what will they do in the future? Wu said that they can do odd jobs to make a living, "they may complain about me in the future, or they may not, this is their life."

Doing ideological work many times is ineffective

The local government ordered the child to return to school, but to no avail

In the local villages, where clan relations are important, the situation of Wu's family has crossed the clan boundary and has become a "public event" in the entire village.

When the reporter visited, the village committee office was crowded with villagers, and the villagers of the Wu clan said that the clan also held a meeting to "clean up" Wu, but they did not dare to do it, fearing that it would affect the three children. Some villagers said that when the village held a big event and had a banquet, everyone would talk about the child as long as they saw Wu, but he didn't listen to it, and Mr. Ding almost "fought" with him, while Mr. Ding said, "I just slapped the table, but didn't do anything."

Around 2017, Mr. Ding, who has achieved success in business, stated to the government as a "village sage" that as long as Wu is willing, he can provide all the study and living expenses of the three children until they graduate from university, but Wu did not accept the small kindness, and Mr. Ding can only take him to work to give some help.

In addition to not letting his children go to school, Wu has a good evaluation in the mouth of the villagers, hard-working, capable, and everyone is on call for anything, although there is no stable income, but the needs of the three children such as fish farming, online shopping, and watching variety shows will be met as much as possible.

The staff of the Municipal Education Bureau pointed out that the case of Wu's family is complex - in addition to not letting the child go to school, there is no substantial abuse, and the three children are also very dependent on him, and the staff tried to lure Wu away by introducing the work, so as to take the opportunity to send the child back to school, and Wu either went out with the child, or the child fled into the mountains and forests when he saw outsiders coming, and the work could not be carried out at all.

The village committee studied and judged the possibility of transferring guardianship, and found that no matter whether it was transferred to the children's grandparents or transferred to the village level in accordance with the regulations, it was impossible for the children to leave Wu's actual sphere of influence, and "there is a high probability that they will still run home in the end."

After many times of ineffective ideological work, in order to enroll the three children in school as soon as possible, the local municipal education department jointly discussed with the judiciary, the procuratorate, and the court, and the city's education bureau issued an administrative punishment decision to Wu and applied to the municipal people's court for enforcement. On December 28, 2023, the local municipal court issued a ruling and issued a notice to Wu, ordering him to allow the three children to return to school within a time limit, but Wu did not take any action after receiving the notice.

After stabbing his wife's "cheating partner" and being released from prison, the man refused to let his three children go to school for seven years

▲ The local administrative punishment decision issued against Wu

For Wu's family, the government department can only adopt the most primitive method: to meet his demands as much as possible, and at the same time continue to do his work, hoping that he will relent, and take the initiative to let the children return to school.

According to Article 58 of the Compulsory Education Law of the People's Republic of China, if the parents or other legal guardians of school-age children or teenagers fail to send school-age children or teenagers to school for compulsory education in accordance with the provisions of this Law, the local township people's government or the education administrative department of the people's government at the county level shall criticize and educate them and order them to make corrections within a time limit.

According to her experience, in this case, Wu's guardianship can be revoked through legal means, and a more suitable guardian can be appointed, and if the child's mother and grandparents are not suitable or unwilling to serve as guardians, the civil affairs departments at the municipal and district levels can conduct temporary guardianship. But she also said that after the revocation of custody, "the child may inevitably remain under the influence of the father."

In her view, similar incidents require the participation of multiple parties, in addition to grassroots village committees, neighborhood committees, as well as civil affairs, education and other departments, social workers and lawyers also need to work together. In addition, the lack of specific and accountable case managers is also a problem worthy of attention, and "a joint force for follow-up needs to be formed".

Red Star News reporter Zhou Weihao

Edited by Guo Yu and edited by Guan Li

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  • After stabbing his wife's "cheating partner" and being released from prison, the man refused to let his three children go to school for seven years
  • After stabbing his wife's "cheating partner" and being released from prison, the man refused to let his three children go to school for seven years
  • After stabbing his wife's "cheating partner" and being released from prison, the man refused to let his three children go to school for seven years
  • After stabbing his wife's "cheating partner" and being released from prison, the man refused to let his three children go to school for seven years

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