
Yang Mi was publicly humiliated in a breastdress: whose eyes did her breasts obstruct?

author:Pigs who love strawberries

Hello, I'm Piggy.

As a unique cultural phenomenon, fashion has always played a role as a bridge between the past, the present and the future, and it is also an important way for people to express their individuality and show their aesthetics. In the current era of social media, fashion is no longer limited to catwalks and magazine covers, everyone has the potential to become the spokesperson of fashion, and female celebrities are undoubtedly the most high-profile group.

With the popularity of social media and the rise of public opinion supervision, the clothing choices of female celebrities have become the focus of public discussion more and more frequently, some people have become famous overnight, and some people have been criticized for it.

In this process, we seem to ignore a question, that is: when we appreciate and evaluate the outfits of female celebrities, have we crossed their personal choices and aesthetic rights, and turned into pointless accusations and attacks on them?

1. Freedom of dressing: their choice, do you comment?

Yang Mi was publicly humiliated in a breastdress: whose eyes did her breasts obstruct?
Yang Mi was publicly humiliated in a breastdress: whose eyes did her breasts obstruct?

Recently, whether it is Yang Mi's retro style or Ouyang Nana's fresh outfit, it has sparked heated discussions on the Internet. At the same time, some netizens also began to criticize their outfits sharply, and even offensive remarks and behaviors, which made the fashion topic that should be appreciated and communicated become full of negative energy and violent emotions.

Yang Mi was publicly humiliated in a breastdress: whose eyes did her breasts obstruct?

As public figures, female celebrities' every move has always attracted much attention, and their outfits have often become fashion vanes, but this does not mean that they should bear unlimited accusations and attacks from the public. No matter what kind of outfit, their personal choices and aesthetic rights should be respected, and the public's comments and suggestions should also be based on respect and goodwill.

When we begin to use derogatory terms such as "ugly" and "earthy" to define the outfits of female stars, have we ignored the artistic conception and emotions they want to convey? When we start to make offensive remarks and behaviors because of temporary dissatisfaction, have we realized that these senseless injuries only bring distress and pain to the other person, but cannot change any facts and outcomes?

When we appreciate and evaluate the outfits of female stars, we should examine our own inner world, as well as our understanding and tolerance of beauty. We can have our own aesthetics and preferences, but this does not mean that we can be above others and treat other people's choices in a demeaning and offensive way, because everyone has the right to show their true self, and this truth should never be distorted by the unreasonable accusations of others.

Yang Mi was publicly humiliated in a breastdress: whose eyes did her breasts obstruct?

2. Put aside appearances: look at each one with your heart

When we talk about the outfits of female celebrities, we seem to forget an important fact, and that is this: they should not be defined and judged just because of their appearance. No matter what kind of outfit they wear, it is just a part of their life, and deep down in their hearts, there are more colorful personalities and emotions.

In the current social environment, appearance seems to have become an inescapable label for women, and they need to bear endless aesthetic pressure and negative evaluations from the outside world, and these evaluations often only stay at the level of superficial beauty and ugliness and conform to the mainstream aesthetics, but ignore the unique wisdom and charm of women.

Yang Mi was publicly humiliated in a breastdress: whose eyes did her breasts obstruct?

When we appreciate the outfits of female stars, we should learn to put aside their appearances and feel and understand every emotion and artistic conception she wants to express. Every outfit is an expression of attitude and emotion towards life, and what is needed behind this is not senseless accusations and attacks, but the warmth of understanding and tolerance.

Yang Mi was publicly humiliated in a breastdress: whose eyes did her breasts obstruct?

We should also realize that the so-called "beauty" should not be simply defined and limited to a certain appearance, but should have a more diverse and inclusive connotation. Everyone has their own unique beauty, and this beauty should never be bound by narrow aesthetics, whether it is the external appearance or the inner quality, it is equally worthy of appreciation and respect.

Yang Mi was publicly humiliated in a breastdress: whose eyes did her breasts obstruct?
Yang Mi was publicly humiliated in a breastdress: whose eyes did her breasts obstruct?

3. Refusal of the sexual gaze: Respect for the choices and rights of others

When we appreciate the outfits of female celebrities, we only do so out of momentary curiosity and interest, but when this curiosity and interest are infinitely magnified, it can easily evolve into an act called "sexual gaze". The so-called "sexual gaze" is not just a one-sided appreciation of the appearance of others, more often than not, it is a violation and harm, a violation of the privacy and dignity of others.

In the current social environment, the sexual gaze has become ubiquitous, whether in real life or in the virtual cyberspace, women are always unable to get rid of the bottomless staring and judgment from others. Their every move, no matter what kind of choice they make, may become the object of criticism from others, and this criticism often becomes extremely unscrupulous just because of their gender.

Yang Mi was publicly humiliated in a breastdress: whose eyes did her breasts obstruct?

We need to realize that gender should not be the standard for judging and attacking others, and women also have the right and freedom to express themselves, no matter what kind of choice, they should not be bound by negative evaluations from the outside world. We should respect everyone's choices and rights, and face diverse lives with tolerance and understanding, rather than arbitrarily interfering with and hurting others' choices through sexual gaze and violence.

Yang Mi was publicly humiliated in a breastdress: whose eyes did her breasts obstruct?
Yang Mi was publicly humiliated in a breastdress: whose eyes did her breasts obstruct?


Fashion should be a feast for everyone, a love of life and an exploration of beauty, and women's outfits should become a beautiful scenery of fashion, showing their unique charm and style.

When appreciating and evaluating the outfits of female stars, we should use tolerance and understanding to feel the beauty and emotion they want to convey, and behind this, what is needed is not only our aesthetics, but also inner insight and emotional resonance.

We should also be aware that on the stage of fashion, there should not be a bottomless attack and belittlement, no matter who it is, should be treated with respect and kindness, and this is the positive energy and warmth that fashion wants to transmit, I hope that everyone, on the stage of fashion, can open their hearts and bravely show their true selves, because every choice is a part of life, and it is the courage and firm power to shine.

Yang Mi was publicly humiliated in a breastdress: whose eyes did her breasts obstruct?

Let us work together to face the colorful fashion world with kindness and tolerance, and also use actions to convey this beauty, so that everyone can shine in the sunshine of freedom and respect.

Yang Mi was publicly humiliated in a breastdress: whose eyes did her breasts obstruct?

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