
Popular singers bombarded live broadcast rewards, this time it was outrageously wrong

Popular singers bombarded live broadcast rewards, this time it was outrageously wrong

Channel comments

2024-05-25 20:36Published in Guangdong Knowledge Field Creators

Text/Xiong Zhi

"It's better to study hard for decades than to dance on the street for three minutes, when which Internet celebrity gets rich overnight through live broadcast...... This kind of negative energy orientation is corroding the younger generation around us......"

Popular singers bombarded live broadcast rewards, this time it was outrageously wrong

Recently, the popular singer Hailai Amu posted an article, criticizing the live broadcast reward, which stirred up a thousand waves with one stone. In his opinion, live broadcast tipping is "a new routine of beggars begging, which is more unpreventable than telecom fraud", a heartache, full of controversy and traffic.

Just like Guo Youcai was branded as an "Internet celebrity tumor" overnight, Hailai Amu's words are amazing, catering to some people's prejudice against the live broadcast industry. But it's a pity that he, who has eaten enough of the live broadcast reward bonus, completely scolded him this time.


A rather ironic fact is that before picking up the moral stick and beating the live broadcast reward, Hailai Amu, the grassroots singer who came out of Liangshan, Sichuan, is precisely the beneficiary of the live broadcast reward bonus.

After making controversial remarks, many netizens picked up the pictures of Hella Amu's previous live broadcasts. For a long time, he also used to promote new songs and market himself by opening live broadcasts. And just like other anchors, the reward gifts that swiped the screen in the live broadcast room are one of the sources of his income.

Popular singers bombarded live broadcast rewards, this time it was outrageously wrong

Of course, Hailai Amu did not hide his acceptance of the live broadcast reward. He admitted frankly in the post that he found that "the live broadcast reward is really too fast, and it can't be stopped", so he simply stopped broadcasting. After all, his income, "probably a little more optimistic than most people behind the camera."

Seeing this, I can't help but want to remind Amu to come to the sea, in fact, I really feel sorry for the fans, and I don't want them to spend a penny, so I can turn off the reward, instead of opening the live broadcast and being busy receiving gifts. Of course, this is off-topic.

Now, with the help of the stage of "Singer 2024", Hella Amu's popularity has increased significantly. From a grassroots artist to a popular singer, he has worked hard, and with the skyrocketing popularity and worth, it has become easier to obtain wealth.

Popular singers bombarded live broadcast rewards, this time it was outrageously wrong

The growth of worth and wealth makes it easy for people to lose their ability to empathize. What's more, the current public opinion field is still full of the prejudice that live streaming is "undecent" to make money. Therefore, it is not surprising that Hailai Amu suddenly "turned his face" for the live broadcast that once brought him income.

After all, after becoming popular, Hella Amu has a lot of easy ways to make money by performing commercially, releasing new songs, holding concerts, and no longer needs to make a living through live broadcasts. Even a blanket ban on tipping will not have any impact on his interests now.

And wealth came too quickly, and after creating a class barrier with the public, it was naturally difficult for him to empathize with ordinary people who made a living legally by rewarding live broadcasts, even if he was one of these many ordinary people.

Hailai Amu saw some problems with live broadcast rewarding, but selectively ignored the fact that live broadcast, as a stage, has helped many grassroots artists live a better life, just like he once was. So it's no wonder that netizens complained, "If you can take over the commercial performance, you will overturn other people's pots", "A person, what I am most afraid of is forgetting the way I came"......


The criticism of the live broadcast reward on the platform is the same as the encirclement and suppression of Guo Youcai.

In fact, in the era of market economy, as long as you don't steal or rob, it's a legal business. Live broadcast tipping is not different from other professions, and there is no difference between high and low.

To a certain extent, the anchors who make a living from live broadcast rewards are the same as the artists who ran the rivers and lakes in the past, or the stars who stood on "Singer 2024", there is no essential difference, they all rely on their own labor and services to earn money.

When a user tips, he recognizes the anchor and pays for the anchor's performance. Hailai Amu is on "Singer 2024", and takes out the venue fee, which is essentially to earn "reward" money with services, but the person who "rewards" is not the audience, but the advertising sponsor, and the form of payment has changed.

If there is an original sin in making money from live broadcasting, then a singer can earn countless money by singing a song on stage, where is its legitimacy?

Moreover, the current live broadcast industry has long bid farewell to the situation of demons dancing, and after years of development, it has gradually moved towards standardization and specialization.

For example, in terms of anchor incubation, a complete set of discovery, training, packaging, and transportation has been formed, which can help some talented anchors stand out. In terms of content production, some high-quality live broadcast programs have a fairly sophisticated production level, and the quality is no worse than those produced by traditional media.

Vulgar rubbing has been suppressed, and high-quality anchors and excellent programs have come to the fore, which is the result of the joint screening of platforms and users, and it is also the inevitable result of the continuous evolution of the industry.

It has formed a set of survival of the fittest mechanism based on the quality of live broadcast content, the so-called "you can make a lot of money without work", "you can get rich overnight with just two twists", but if you try to be an anchor for two days, you will find that it is taken for granted.

The survival of the fittest makes good content win, good money drives out bad money, and on the live broadcast platform, we can see a lot of treasure programs. Some high-quality traditional arts have opened up a new online stage through live broadcasts.

For example, the "2023 Intangible Cultural Heritage Data Report" released by Douyin shows that as of May 2023, there are an average of 19,000 intangible cultural heritage live broadcasts on Douyin every day, and an average of 13 intangible cultural heritage content broadcasts every minute, and many endangered intangible cultural heritage categories have found new audiences through the platform.

Popular singers bombarded live broadcast rewards, this time it was outrageously wrong

Folk music and dance, poetry and opera, Chinese painting and calligraphy, these practitioners in the traditional art industry, subject to the spread of the surface, in the past it was often difficult to get out of the circle, but now with the help of the live broadcast stage, you can achieve a wider reach, so that more young people pay attention to it, and pay "rewards" to recharge high-quality literary and artistic content.

At the level of cultural communication, the new form of live broadcast has enhanced the volume of high-quality cultural inheritance, which helps to avoid the "extinction of traditional skills".

For practitioners, live streaming gives them a new stage, and tipping brings new income channels, which can not only improve their lives, but also give them more motivation to produce and create high-quality content, forming a virtuous circle and making cultural dissemination and intangible cultural heritage more sustainable.


In the past two days, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security issued a public announcement that it intends to add 19 new occupations such as network anchors, generative artificial intelligence system applications, and user growth operators.

Popular singers bombarded live broadcast rewards, this time it was outrageously wrong

The inclusion of "online anchors" and the recognition of new occupational types of work are the result of the continuous development and growth of the industry and the increasing number of practitioners, and also reflect the recognition of the professional value of online anchors at the policy level.

According to the "Research Report on China's Online Audiovisual Development (2024)" previously released by an institution, as of December 2023, the total number of short video accounts on the whole network will reach 1.55 billion, and 15.08 million people regard live broadcast as their main business, which means that on average, 1 out of every 100 people is a professional anchor.

It is not difficult to see that the new economic form of webcasting has become an important employment reservoir. It allows some multi-talented young people to no longer be buried, and also provides a short springboard and buffer for many flexible workers, so that they can accumulate energy and then devote themselves to the next career.

Not only the live broadcast industry, but also new economic forms such as online car-hailing, takeaway, and express delivery have ushered in rapid development in recent years, providing convenience for the people, and also attracting a large number of people to enter with a low threshold, effectively alleviating the employment pressure.

In the past two days, the online car-hailing industry in many places has sounded the alarm, and the transportation capacity is saturated, with an average of no more than 20 orders per vehicle per day. Behind the saturation of capacity is the rapid increase in the number of employees, which is a microcosm of the current employment pressure.

Popular singers bombarded live broadcast rewards, this time it was outrageously wrong

In this context, Hailai Amu's criticism of live broadcast rewarding is only a moral consciousness, but it is understandable. Whether to start a live broadcast or not, whether to accept a tip, he has the autonomy to choose.

But as a singer on the national stage, Hailai Amu doesn't start the live broadcast himself, and he still laughs at the network anchors who are included in the new professional directory as "begging", and calls on the state to take care of it, and can't wait to ban the live broadcast reward across the board, this is the real why not eat minced meat.

Vulgar live broadcasts should be rectified, but they should not be one-size-fits-all, stand on the moral high ground to put the live broadcast industry on the line, and label the live broadcast reward as unseemly.

After eating the dividends of the live broadcast and earning money through rewards, and now he is "crossing the river and demolishing the bridge" in turn, I don't know if Hailai Amu realizes that his heartache seems to be "asking for life for the people", but in fact it is breaking the jobs of how many people are legally making a living?

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  • Popular singers bombarded live broadcast rewards, this time it was outrageously wrong
  • Popular singers bombarded live broadcast rewards, this time it was outrageously wrong
  • Popular singers bombarded live broadcast rewards, this time it was outrageously wrong
  • Popular singers bombarded live broadcast rewards, this time it was outrageously wrong
  • Popular singers bombarded live broadcast rewards, this time it was outrageously wrong
  • Popular singers bombarded live broadcast rewards, this time it was outrageously wrong

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