
Green thinks the Warriors dynasty can beat the OK combination, and after O'Neal asks, Green stutters

Green thinks the Warriors dynasty can beat the OK combination, and after O'Neal asks, Green stutters

A Xiongkan basketball

2024-05-24 00:03Published in Guangdong

When we talk about a dynasty team, we habitually compare some of the best superteams in the NBA against them. Recently, Draymond Green and Shaquille O'Neal joined on a podcast to discuss how superteams from different NBA eras will compete to win.

Green thinks the Warriors dynasty can beat the OK combination, and after O'Neal asks, Green stutters

On Shaquille O'Neal's podcast, they discussed together how the Golden State Warriors' dynasty-era lineup will play against themselves and Kobe's Los Angeles Lakers.

Shaquille O'Neal also told Draymond Green on the podcast that although he is the host, he asked Draymond Green not to have any scruples, speak freely, and say everything in his heart.

Green thinks the Warriors dynasty can beat the OK combination, and after O'Neal asks, Green stutters

Shaquille O'Neal said, "Shaquille's Lakers vs. your Golden State Warriors, seven-game series. You pick any of my champion teams, any of your champion teams. ”

"Who won? The additional question is, who's guarding me? Please don't say Andrew Bogut. ”

Green thinks the Warriors dynasty can beat the OK combination, and after O'Neal asks, Green stutters

Obviously, no lineup of the Golden State Warriors dynasty can beat the Lakers of O'Neal and Kobe, after all, the team that has won three consecutive championships represents absolute dominance.

If it weren't for some disagreements between Kobe Bryant and O'Neal, and some discord within the Lakers, they could have won more championships.

Green thinks the Warriors dynasty can beat the OK combination, and after O'Neal asks, Green stutters

Draymond Green responded, "I don't think any player on our team can guard you, I do think we can throw some defensive plans at you to influence you." ”

"One is that you won't be allowed to get the ball. So we're going to use one person in front of you and one person behind you to defend you."

Green thinks the Warriors dynasty can beat the OK combination, and after O'Neal asks, Green stutters

When Draymond Green said this, he looked very unconfident, like a deflated balloon. Soon, O'Neill interrupted Draymond Green's speech.

O'Neill said that the strategies you thought about were tried against my team at the time, but they didn't work. You must know that the defensive scale of the Golden State Warriors at that time was pediatric for the NBA in the 00s of the 21st century.

Green thinks the Warriors dynasty can beat the OK combination, and after O'Neal asks, Green stutters

Draymond Green could only smile wryly in the face of O'Neill's questioning: "Yes, that's because I'm not on the court."

O'Neal then asked Draymond Green who you think would win the seven-game series.

Draymond Green says "We're definitely going to win the series"

O'Neill said, "Draymond, don't say it, listen, I like your confidence, but there's no way. ”

Green thinks the Warriors dynasty can beat the OK combination, and after O'Neal asks, Green stutters

O'Neal also seemed speechless in the face of Draymond Green's unconfident and unconfident answer. Subsequently, Draymond Green asked O'Neal in turn, so how will the Golden State Warriors lose? O'Neill also gave a very crisp answer.

O'Neal said "Because of me, Kobe Bryant and the big Bob, Robert Horry and Brian Shaw"

O'Neal then asked Draymond Green, who do you think should defend Kobe Bryant and who can guard Kobe? Draymond Green responded that Klay Thompson was at his peak and could limit Kobe.

Green thinks the Warriors dynasty can beat the OK combination, and after O'Neal asks, Green stutters

Faced with Draymond Green's extremely unconfident answer, O'Neill said, "We'll continue this conversation on your podcast."

O'Neal told Draymond Green "Nobody defends him, nobody defends me, nobody defends Stephen, nobody defends Klay." I understand, but you can't beat us. ”

Draymond Green retorted to O'Neal that he guaranteed that the state Warriors would be able to defeat the Lakers led by O'Neal and Kobe Bryant in six games and achieve the final victory.

Green thinks the Warriors dynasty can beat the OK combination, and after O'Neal asks, Green stutters

The Lakers dynasty led by the Golden State Warriors dynasty and the OK combination is not at the same level of strength at all. The Los Angeles Lakers won four consecutive championships because of internal disagreements.

And the so-called dynasty of the Golden State Warriors, they have never won three consecutive championships. Moreover, they have three crowns, all of which were won by beating LeBron James. On the other hand, the Lakers have beaten a variety of different teams in the league.

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  • Green thinks the Warriors dynasty can beat the OK combination, and after O'Neal asks, Green stutters
  • Green thinks the Warriors dynasty can beat the OK combination, and after O'Neal asks, Green stutters
  • Green thinks the Warriors dynasty can beat the OK combination, and after O'Neal asks, Green stutters
  • Green thinks the Warriors dynasty can beat the OK combination, and after O'Neal asks, Green stutters
  • Green thinks the Warriors dynasty can beat the OK combination, and after O'Neal asks, Green stutters
  • Green thinks the Warriors dynasty can beat the OK combination, and after O'Neal asks, Green stutters
  • Green thinks the Warriors dynasty can beat the OK combination, and after O'Neal asks, Green stutters
  • Green thinks the Warriors dynasty can beat the OK combination, and after O'Neal asks, Green stutters
  • Green thinks the Warriors dynasty can beat the OK combination, and after O'Neal asks, Green stutters

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