
When people are at a low point, calm down, suppress the fire, and get through it, and you win

author:Cloth clothes and coarse food

"Desperate Housewives" said: "The more bad luck you are, the more you have to calm down and cheer up silently, and get through it quietly, you will find out how powerful you really are!" ”

There is no way to go, unless you really give up everything.

There is no absolute trough on the road of life, and all the crushing is the nutrients that make you grow.

Or when you are too smooth, some unpleasant things will come out to embarrass you and test you.

After surviving the winter, spring is coming, without exception.

When people are at a low point, calm down, suppress the fire, and get through it, and you win


The more difficult it is, the more you have to calm down.

In the Western Han Dynasty, there was a young man named Ban Chao, whose father was a civil servant and had a good family background.

Under the arrangement of his parents, he studied hard and achieved quite a lot.

Just when he was about to show his ambitions when he was twenty years old, his father passed away, and his family was in the middle of the road. Life immediately fell into a low point.

What's worse is that he has thought of a lot of ways, but he has not achieved results.

In a flash, he reached the age of thirty, and his elder brother Ban Gu made contributions to the "Book of Han" and was promoted to Tailingshi.

The elder brother settled in Luoyang, so he went to work as a small follower, copying and writing.

I thought that at the feet of the Son of Heaven, there would be many opportunities, but this time it took more than ten years to follow.

A scholar, when he is not confused, has not seen any traces of getting ahead.

Fortunately, he was not in a hurry. But it continues to hibernate, like a big tree, which has stabilized its foundation, and is afraid of the wind and rain.

As the saying goes: "If you want to hurry, you will not reach it, and if you rush in, you will die." ”

When you are struggling, you have to turn over immediately, which is often ineffective, and it will spell out all the old bottoms. What's even more terrifying is that because you are walking too quickly and your steps are not steady enough, you will never have a chance to stand up after you have fallen behind.

People just have to think like this: "If you can't grow up smoothly, it's a big deal to be a late bloomer." ”

Keep reading, the book will slowly become thinner, you will slowly grow taller, and the road on the soles of your feet will also extend to distant places. Where footsteps can't reach, wisdom can reach it, and vision can reach it.

Stick to observation to see how the times are changing, whether there are opportunities, and whether it suits your own development.

Stick to living with a smile and don't complain about anyone and don't blame society. Your laughter is the best antidote to your troubles, and it also prevents negative energy from approaching you.

Insist on uniting the family, everyone comes together, and helps each other. If one family member stands up, then the rest of the family can always live a little more stable.

Persist until a certain time, the turning point of life will come, you will have a lot of experience, and everything is under control.

When people are at a low point, calm down, suppress the fire, and get through it, and you win


Hold back the fire and don't let emotions defeat you.

Time is like flowing water, and it has reached the sixteenth year of Yongping.

Emperor Ming of the Han Dynasty wanted to restore contacts with the Western Regions and expand the social power of the Han Dynasty, so he sent Dou Gu to lead troops to attack the Xiongnu.

When Ban Chao heard the news, he immediately decided to put pen to paper.

For the sake of the face of his acquaintances, Dou Gu agreed to take Ban Chao with him, but he did not reuse it. After all, what can a scholar count on?

When he arrived at the battlefield, Ban Chao marched forward bravely, which was impressive.

Soon, Ban Chao was reused, and he was also appointed as an envoy to go on a business trip to Shanshanguo.

When he arrived in Shanshanguo, he found that the Xiongnu had also sent a delegation of envoys, and they arrived almost at the same time. In the face of the barbarism of the Xiongnu, Shanguo had to refuse to contact Ban Chao.

The people under Ban Chao were all hesitant, and some people retreated. But Ban Chao said without hesitation: "If you don't enter the tiger's den, you will get the tiger." After speaking, he took a group of people and took advantage of the night to destroy the envoys of the Huns.

This time, he became famous all over the world in one fell swoop.

When faced with complex situations, you will be anxious, but anxiety will not solve the problem.

Guiguzi said: "If the qi is fixed, the heart is fixed, and the heart is fixed." ”

People will encounter a short-term trough, and when you are anxious, the trough will be prolonged, and even you will have no way to rise. Therefore, you must learn to cut through the mess quickly, throw away your anxiety, and face it bravely.

When it is critical, you can calm down for three minutes, you can make yourself sober, and you can also be in a hurry.

When Ban Chao was in Khotan, he met a barbaric sorcerer.

The sorcerer said to the king, "The gods are angry, why do you want to go to the Han Dynasty?" After that, I have to kill Ban Chao's horse.

Ban Chao said, "Okay, ask the wizard to lead the horse himself." ”

When the wizard walked to the horse's side, Ban Chao took advantage of his unpreparedness and immediately killed him.

Since then, the country of Khotan has been peaceful, without the demagogy of various sorcerers, and it has successfully returned to the Han Dynasty.

When people are angry, you analyze calmly, and you have a slight advantage at the beginning.

When others are angry, you can treat them calmly, your concentration is much stronger than that of the other party, and the certainty of victory is greater.

If you don't let your temper defeat you, then you defeat your temper and things will definitely get better in the moment.

When people are at a low point, calm down, suppress the fire, and get through it, and you win


Get through it, everything is the best arrangement.

When Ban Chao became more and more famous, and the more he knew about the Western Regions, he was promoted again and again by the imperial court.

After Emperor Zhang of Han succeeded to the throne, he wanted to recall Ban Chao and go to the capital to enjoy happiness.

Ban Chao rejected the emperor's kindness and said: "I have been to the frontier for more than five years, and I know the Western Regions very well, if I go back, other colleagues may not be able to stabilize the situation, so I want to continue to move forward......

With continuous efforts, Ban Chao has stabilized all the countries in the Western Regions.

He was far away in the Western Regions, but he was rewarded by the emperor and left an allusion to the "marquis of thousands of miles".

From going to the Western Regions to returning to the dynasty, Ban Chao has gone through almost 30 years. A high-spirited middle-aged man came back with gray hair.

Ming Dynasty writer Feng Menglong commented on Ban Chao: "It must be as far away as Ban Dingyuan, Fang is full of soldiers and full of guts." ”

The success of life is like boiling soup, and the fire will cause scorching; Only a warm fire can guarantee the taste. Since you can't rush it, it will take decades or a lifetime to boil it slowly, which is also good.

Along the way, success is not happy, defeat is not discouraged, face it with a stable attitude, and the accumulation day after day is the achievement.

When people are at a low point, calm down, suppress the fire, and get through it, and you win


I've seen an inflection point theory that things get to a certain point where they will go in the opposite direction.

The scary thing is that many people give up without waiting for the inflection point.

People have to live for decades, there are spring, summer, autumn and winter every year, and you can't refuse the coming of winter just because you like spring.

If winter is a low point, that's okay, because spring will come back sooner or later.

Every year, it is the end of last year, and it is also the beginning of this year.

Author: Cloth Clothes Coarse Food.

Follow my words and go into your heart.

The pictures in the article come from the Internet.