
Vernacular prose: The unsympathy of a country child

author:Yi Cong named the local literature society
Vernacular prose: The unsympathy of a country child

Text: Zhu Leiyun

  In the late spring night, it was quiet. The occasional croaking of frogs by the ditch in the field brings a fresh breath to the people. In a rural junior high school dormitory 2 kilometers north of the town, a fair-skinned, elegant and simple teacher 40 miles away is grading students' test papers. He is my junior high school math teacher and homeroom teacher, Mr. Wang.

Teacher Wang, whose full name is Wang Qixing, is a native of Zhaoyang Town, Xinghua. At the end of the 70s of the last century, there was a boom in the countryside to run a large agricultural school, and Mr. Wang came to Huangshe Junior High School from Xinghua County to teach. At that time, I was thinking about the second year of junior high school, and he was quite responsible for us, making us rural children unforgettable for life, and we had a deep affection for Mr. Wang.

I loved reading in primary school, I always had good Chinese grades, and I was the class president of the graduating class. However, after entering junior high school, the curriculum increased and the textbooks became more and more difficult, and my math performance in the first year of junior high school was not satisfactory. In the second year of junior high school, Mr. Wang racked his brains and tried his best to improve our grades rapidly. At that time, we had just come out of the era of "red soldiers", and we were at a loss for plane geometry. Therefore, Mr. Wang added the concept of space to us through self-made teaching aids, so that we could understand what is the equality of diagonals and what is the nature of parallelograms. Homemade teaching aids are easy to break, so he asked the village carpenter to make a pair of triangles. When he was very interested in explaining geometry, he once brought a chair and explained it in simple terms, which made the students' ignorant hearts suddenly open.

At that time, there were many self-run junior high schools in the village, and the teaching facilities of the school were extremely simple. However, he was not to be left behind and tried to be in line with the teaching methods in the city. Learning algebra requires mathematical thinking and repeated practice. In class, Mr. Wang used concise language to sort out the knowledge points for us and explain the practice of examples. At that time, the county junior high schools were popular in the book "New Algebraic Geometry Review Problem Solution for Junior High School". Mr. Wang found this book and used the break time to engrave the steel plate and soil method mimeograph according to the book for us to use as information. At that time, there was a shortage of teaching and auxiliary materials, and the information on education reform was blocked, and the arrival of this book was undoubtedly a relief in the snow. We put these materials in folders and called them "Lecture Notes on Mathematics for the Second Year of Junior High School".

"Your future is in your school bag" Whenever we make mistakes, Mr. Wang puts out this sentence to educate us. One of my classmates was obsessed with the manuscript of "A Girl's Heart" and spent 2 weeks copying it. Teacher Wang severely criticized after knowing this, and he spoke bitterly and guided the student according to the situation, so that the student's spirit was reinvigorated. Under the careful training of Mr. Wang, the students lived up to expectations! At the end of the semester, there were more than 30 people in our class, and the math scores improved significantly, and only one or two people failed. In particular, the "Mathematics Handouts for the Second Year of Junior High School" has become a magic weapon for us to defeat the enemy. But unfortunately, on the way to school, this material of mine fell into the ditch, the paper was unrecognizable------ the book was ruined! I cried for a whole week! Mr. Wang usually likes us students who study hard. One weekend, he gave me his "New Algebraic Geometry Review Problem Solution" for junior high school! You know, this "secret book" was borrowed by him from a colleague and friend in the city. I heard that this class of students graduated, and the books had to be returned to others. Later, until he graduated from the second year of junior high school, Mr. Wang did not ask for the book back, and I don't know how he explained it to his friends in the city. This book accompanied me until the third year of junior high school and the first year of high school, and my math score was not bad, and I scored 94 points in the first test of my first year of high school.

At that time, it coincided with reform and opening up, and people's spiritual life was becoming richer and richer. My eldest brother bought a red light radio to listen to the news and enjoy radio dramas. No, on Saturday, I took this radio and went to the small river behind the village to listen to the radio drama "Song of Youth".

One day, I looked up suddenly, hey, why did Mr. Wang come to our village? It turned out that Mr. Wang, his lover and his children were separated, and he returned to Xinghua every two weeks. Every time, I had to walk from the school to Lao Ge, and then take a boat back to Xinghua City. On the way to walk, you have to pass through this riverside road in our village.

"Xiao Zhu, your radio is good! How much did you buy it? ”

"My brother bought it, 25 yuan."

"Next time, our class will have an activity, bring it to use!"


Seeing the pace of the teacher's departure, I thought: the teacher lives in the school, the cultural life is monotonous, he is usually very good to us, why don't I lend this radio to the teacher, so as to get closer to the teacher-student relationship!

On Monday, with my family's permission, I brought the radio to class. In the class meeting, the teacher turned on the radio and played a youthful and inspirational radio drama for us. After getting off work, Mr. Wang used this radio to enjoy the popular Huangmei Opera "Tianxian Pei", Yue Opera "Chasing Fish" and so on.

Suddenly, Mr. Wang came to me: "Xiao Zhu, we have used the radio for so long, you can take it back and let your eldest brother use it!" ”

"No, teacher, this radio is left with you!" I'm earnest. After repeated excuses, Mr. Wang still left the radio for a while.

Later, after graduating from the second year of junior high school, Mr. Wang gave me the radio. I remember what he said at the time: "Study mathematics well, and you will rely on mathematics to turn around in the future!" "With the encouragement of our teachers, we worked hard. I remember that when I graduated from the second year of junior high school, half of the students in my class were admitted to the third class of junior high school in the township, which was the first batch of junior high school classes run by the education department after the reform and opening up. I went to the third (1) class of Chenbao Middle School, with 49 students, and I was the top student class in the township. Later, we were successfully admitted to high school, and we were admitted to the normal school and became a glorious personal teacher. I thank Mr. Wang from the bottom of my heart, he has laid a solid foundation for me in mathematics, without Mr. Wang's teachings, I would not be where I am today!

After graduating from the second year of junior high school, Mr. Wang was transferred to Jiangzhuang Primary School to teach. We used to visit the teacher a few times. A few years later, he returned to the city and taught at Chengnan Primary School in the county seat. Because of the long distance and inconvenient transportation, we never met. The year before last, at the class reunion, a few people said that they would organize a visit to Mr. Wang, but they were riddled with trivial matters, and everyone never got their wish! Alas----

Teachers from the city came to the countryside to bring the spring of education to the children and plant beautiful seeds in our hearts. Now I have also worked on the education front for many years, and over the years, I have not forgotten my original intention, worked steadfastly, and continued the dedication of Mr. Wang.

Teacher Wang Qixing, the rising star of rural education in Xinghua!

  Zhu Leiyun, a Chinese teacher at Chenbao Central Primary School in Xinghua City, Jiangsu Province, has a bachelor's degree, a senior teacher in primary and secondary schools, a member of the Xinghua Writers Association, and a discipline leader in Xinghua City. Various newspapers and periodicals publish articles frequently. Meeting friends in words, traveling in the world of words, you and I will reap happiness.

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