
Tang Jinda|The interest is strong and the summer touches the sea oysters

author:Heart-to-heart culture

Tang Jinda was born in June 1949. Member of the Communist Party of China, college degree, agronomist. He is a member of the Modern Chinese Writers Association, a member of the Shanghai Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Association, a member of the Shanghai Yanhuang Culture Research Association, and a member of the Chongming Literature and History Research Association. He used to be the vice president of the People's Commune, a member of the organization committee of the township party committee, a deputy mayor and a deputy department-level researcher. He is the author of four biographical novels, which have been published by Shanghai People's Publishing House and Xuelin Publishing House. He has published more than 300,000 words in newspapers and magazines such as "People's Writers", "Descendants of Yan and Huang", "North and South of the Great River", "Chongming Daily", "Chongming Archives" and "Chongming Wenbo". © This article is published with authorization, please contact this official account for reprinting, submission and consultation.

The second in the series of running beaches

The interest is strong and the summer touches the sea

When it comes to the beginning of summer. The hard-working and intelligent Chongming farmers welcome the arrival of summer in a local way. Such as Lixia scales, eggs, tasting "eight new and nine meat", eating wheat silkworms, eating grass head baked cakes, etc...... Among them, eating sea oysters is indispensable in tasting "eight new and nine meats".

Sea snails, also known as snails. The sea mussel meat is plump and delicate, and the taste is delicious, known as the "pearl of the plate". The sea mussel is generally 2~3 cm long, the shell and flesh are blue-brown, and the growth lines are particularly obvious. Chongming people eat sea mussels, and are accustomed to adding fennel, cinnamon, salt, monosodium glutamate and other condiments to the sea oysters and eating them as leisure snacks after cooking. When eating, the tail of the sea lion is embedded in the small square hole of Luohan money, and after being gently twisted and broken, as long as you suck a little harder, you can suck out the meat of the sea lion. In the era of material scarcity, the delicacies prepared for the Lixia Festival are eggs laid by chickens and ducks, home-made wheat silkworms, and grass baked cakes...... Only meat dishes such as sea lions have to be bought at the market. In the past, farmers have always lived in poverty, so how can they buy money? Fortunately, Chongming North Beach is rich in sea lions, so before the Lixia Festival, islanders go to North Beach to touch sea lions. Touching sea lions has become a beach running business suitable for all ages, full of fun and a relatively easy sense of gain, and has become a beautiful scenery in North Beach before the Lixia Festival.

Tang Jinda|The interest is strong and the summer touches the sea oysters

Before the Lixia Festival that year, I made an appointment with a group of Fa Xiao, who were in elementary school and junior high school, to go to Qibei Beach to touch the sea lions and have a self-reliant Lixia Festival. With the support of parents, in the early morning of May Day, "the east is red, the sun rises ......" As soon as the opening song of the commune's radio station was sung, the eight people who had gone north to touch the sea lions set off with joy and excitement.

People say that "the most beautiful Mayday in the world". We enjoyed the spring breeze in the countryside, the clear and fresh air, the gentle and bright sunshine and the wildflowers that bloomed one after another, which made us feel relaxed and happy, forgetting the distance of the road and forgetting the fatigue. Before we knew it, we had covered the 10 km journey with ease. After we crossed the Qibei reclamation area, we finally climbed the majestic Yangtze River embankment.

On the embankment, we cheered, and our friends saw the real Yangtze River. Looking into the distance, the continuous river is rushing, the river and the sky are the same, she is lying in front of us, like a naughty child shouting and playing. Gazing, I understood the vastness of the Yangtze River, the magnificence of the mother river, and the wisdom of the great river. It is home to an abundance of exotic marine creatures, and nature has created this natural creature, which has brought endless treasures and wealth to mankind. Look closely, the endless green river beach, the reeds rise and fall in the wind, full of green, beautiful as a picture! It shows people the poetry of "spring breeze and the south bank of the green river".

At this time, the morning dew still shrouded the river beach, and the air was fresh and quiet. The usually quiet beach began to be noisy, and a group of people gathered from all directions to the river beach, and people rushed to this early morning just to go on a beautiful date: to search for the traces of the sea worms. "Everyone, touch the sea!" At the command of my cousin, we were barefoot, rolled up our trousers, bent our waists, and scattered on the beach to fight separately, and began an adventure close to nature - touching the sea.

The bright sun shines on the river beach, like a gold shop on the ground. The tidal flats are full of life. Look at that: the schools of mudskippers (Tian Wulang) in the bank ditch pit are lively and lovely, shuttling freely in the water, dancing, its dark and smooth body intoxicates me, its boom and boom...... The cheerful bouncing sound uplifts me, and its friendly and innocent eyes are full of tenderness and sweetness that I will never forget. In the reeds, the cockroaches and cockroaches, known as the rampant generals, raised their big pincers, stared at their round eyes, and were violent, but they immediately retreated after seeing people, and they looked like they were strong on the outside and dry in the middle, which made people laugh. Shellfish such as clams and clams on the mudflats open their shells and lie on their backs, quietly breathing in the fresh air and sucking sweet nectar, and plowing the smooth and soft sand. At the root of the water weed, a meaty ball-like chicken (stone cockroach) is enjoying the shade, black and shiny, with a pair of black, watery eyes embedded in the face, flickering, very cute, disturbed, shrunk into a ball, deducing the story of the ostrich burying the sand.

What excites me the most is that there are so many endless sea mussels on the river beach, smooth, round, sparkling, scattered all over the river beach. The inch-long cone-shaped conchs with their colorful shells really dizzy me. They lie in the reeds or gather in the roots of aquatic plants to bask in the sun, telling the story of the great river and the sea. A sea lion, a bay of affection, how many people's attachments are hidden? Everyone reveled in the embrace of the sea and fell deeply in love with this little sea lion.

Tang Jinda|The interest is strong and the summer touches the sea oysters

The sea lions all over the tidal flats attracted everyone tightly, and I, like the rest of my friends, singled out the stout sea lions and put them in the basket. Suddenly, cousin Xiaoying shouted not far away: "Brother Xinxin, come and see, the sea lions here are trustworthy, and you can't catch them all." "I ran over to see that what Xiaoying said was true, there were three or five sea lions in a bunch, six or seven in a cluster, which was really a lot. After putting them away, he could grab a dozen of them when he touched them, and carefully put them into Xiaoying's bamboo basket. By noon, each little friend had a lot of harvest, and the sea lion touched the least four or five catties. Looking at the full harvest, everyone was very happy. "It's good to have the Lixia Festival this time, not only to get over the addiction of eating sea lions, but also to sell the excess to the market, and this semester's books and stationery fees have been solved." The youngest Dongdong said proudly.

Good times are always fleeting. Just when everyone was enjoying themselves, someone on the beach shouted: "It's time to go, it's time to go, it's time to go." So he began to count his loot and prepare to go home. At this time, the silvery waves rushed towards the shore one after another. From time to time, the waves burst into the sand, chasing each other, playing with each other, and making a cheerful "whoosh" sound, as if to say, "You are welcome to come back next time!" ”

Time flies, and the light is fleeting. I still remember the dreamlike touching of the sea back then. This is a sweet memory, the emerald green beach, the lovely sea creatures such as the sea moysters are still clear. The sound of the river waves resounded in my ears for a long time.

(To be continued)

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Tang Jinda|The interest is strong and the summer touches the sea oysters

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