
Eat mutton and pork in summer, it is better to eat this meat~~ delicious and nourishing without fire, stew it is particularly fragrant, eat it 2 times a week

author:Longnan Liangdang released

After May, the weather becomes hot, and our body is easy to follow the "fire", do you often feel dry mouth and upset? That's right, in summer health, our focus is to "clear away heat and relieve heat, moisten the lungs and remove dryness".

When it comes to food, the first thing that may come to mind is the frequent guest at our table - pork. However, did you know that pork is warm and tends to get damp heat if you eat too much, which is not a good idea in the already hot summer? Xiaobian recommends a good thing that is both affordable and nourishing to you today - duck meat!

Eat mutton and pork in summer, it is better to eat this meat~~ delicious and nourishing without fire, stew it is particularly fragrant, eat it 2 times a week

Eating duck meat in summer has many benefits

The "Compendium of Materia Medica" has a record that "duck meat can disinfect heat, facilitate urination, remove edema, and reduce swelling and ......", pointing out that duck meat can be used for dietary therapy to dispel dampness and improve water.

Traditional Chinese medicine also believes that duck meat is sweet and salty, which can replenish the deficiency of the spleen, lungs and kidneys. Especially in high temperature and humidity days, eating some duck meat can help the body get rid of dampness.

Eat mutton and pork in summer, it is better to eat this meat~~ delicious and nourishing without fire, stew it is particularly fragrant, eat it 2 times a week


Protects the heart

Duck meat is high in potassium, about 300 mg of potassium per 100g of duck meat, potassium deficiency will increase myocardial stress and arrhythmia. In addition, increasing potassium intake is beneficial for sodium excretion, which can prevent the increase in blood pressure caused by high salt.


Boosts immunity

Duck meat contains protein, fat, a variety of vitamins thiamine, niacin and rich trace elements, and more duck soup can help enhance the body's immunity.


Prevention and treatment of beriberi

Duck meat contains more vitamins B1, B2 and vitamin E than regular meat, which can help prevent beriberi, neuritis and other inflammation.


Make up for the lack of work

The protein content of duck meat is much higher than that of animal meat, containing about 17g of protein per 100g, and the fat of duck meat is evenly distributed, and the ratio of saturated fatty acids and unsaturated fatty acids is close to the ideal value, which is easy to absorb. Malnutrition, weakness, and weakness of the physique, eating more duck meat not only nourishes the body, but also does not lead to fire.


Clears away heat and strengthens the spleen

Duck meat is cold, eating duck meat can get rid of internal fire, and at the same time can nourish yin and strengthen the spleen, people with yin deficiency and spleen deficiency often eat duck meat can not only supplement nutrition but also nourish the spleen and stomach, which is very good for the human body.

Duck meat is eaten like this, and the taste is more nutritious

Barley and winter melon and duck soup

Eat mutton and pork in summer, it is better to eat this meat~~ delicious and nourishing without fire, stew it is particularly fragrant, eat it 2 times a week

Ingredients: duck meat, winter melon, barley, lean meat, ginger, red dates, salt, coriander


1. Chop the duck meat into small pieces, rinse it several times, cut the lean meat into small pieces, and remove the core of the red dates;

2. Put the other raw materials except winter melon and coriander in the pot, pour enough water, and bring to a boil over high heat; After the water boils, skim off the foam, turn to low heat and cover and cook for an hour and a half;

3. Add the winter melon and continue to simmer for half an hour;

4. Finally, add an appropriate amount of salt to taste, and add coriander and chopped green onion as you like.

Pay attention to these things

These three types of people should not eat more duck meat

1. Three-high people

Because duck meat is a high-fat and high-cholesterol meat food, the group with three highs will further increase the heart rate and blood sugar after eating duck meat, and will increase the incidence of myocardial infarction, which will endanger people's cardiovascular health, and will continue to cause stroke, which will make everyone lose the ability to work independently in daily life.

Eat mutton and pork in summer, it is better to eat this meat~~ delicious and nourishing without fire, stew it is particularly fragrant, eat it 2 times a week

2. Spleen and stomach deficiency and cold

People with spleen and stomach deficiency and poor digestion or chronic gastrointestinal diseases should not eat duck meat, because they will increase the gastrointestinal pressure after eating duck meat, duck meat is a greasy and indigestible and indigestible food, it is very easy for people to aggravate the symptoms of poor digestion, and is not conducive to the repair of chronic gastrointestinal diseases.

3. People with chronic diseases

Because duck meat is a kind of hair food, people who suffer from skin sores, dermatitis, eczema and itchy skin are very likely to aggravate the disease after eating duck meat, which is not good for physical and mental health, and these people who are allergic will continue to have allergic symptoms after eating duck meat.

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