
Punch in today's Huairou super hot place——

author:Huairou blending media

"520" "I Love You"

"Xiaoman" and "Complete"

When "520" meets "Xiaoman"

On such a day with a beautiful meaning

What do you want to say is hot?

Fresh flowers! Necklace! Chocolate!

are not as good as the marriage registration center of the Civil Affairs Bureau


In recent years, on a special day like May 20, the Civil Affairs Bureau is definitely one of the most popular locations in Huairou. Today, a total of 58 couples received their marriage certificates at the Huairou District Civil Affairs Bureau, congratulations to them

In order to guide the newlyweds to deeply understand the responsibilities and responsibilities of marriage and family, and actively advocate the new style of marriage customs, the Civil Affairs Bureau of Huairou District held a theme education activity of "Love 520, Build a Happy Home Together" today. The content of the event is rich and interesting~ It has left a beautiful and deep memory for the newcomers.

Punch in today's Huairou super hot place——

At 9:00 a.m., at the sign-in office of the Marriage Registration Office of the Huairou District Civil Affairs Bureau, many newlyweds are making sachets here to give to their beloved partners. The Chinese nation is subtle and restrained, and it is difficult for most people to say "I love you". Therefore, in history, the ancients used incense sachets as a token of love and boldly confessed.

Today, the Civil Affairs Bureau has carefully arranged the sachet making link, so that the newlyweds can convey their embarrassed love to each other through exclusive sachets.

Punch in today's Huairou super hot place——

In the Civil Affairs Bureau, there are traditional ways to express love, as well as new civilization and new trends in the new era. Today, the Civil Affairs Bureau specially invited teachers to explain the knowledge of newlyweds to the newlyweds, popularize the excellent traditional Chinese marriage culture and advocate modern civilized and simple wedding ceremonies, and guide the newlyweds to consciously abandon the old customs and bad habits such as extravagance and waste.

At today's memorable moment, the Civil Affairs Bureau also specially arranged a collective oath ceremony for the newlyweds, who read the love vows together, kept in mind their family responsibilities, and wished a better life.

After the collective oath ceremony, in order to test the tacit understanding of the newlyweds, the Civil Affairs Bureau also launched the "glue" of the newlyweds - bubble gum. "Bubble gum!" "Sticky what?" The "sticky left hand" host randomly said to stick to a certain part of the body, and the newcomers immediately followed the instructions hand to hand, back to back.

In the game, everyone had a lot of fun, some tacit understanding was 100%, some occasionally made mistakes and omissions, and the joyful atmosphere of the scene did not know how much happy dopamine was secreted!

Punch in today's Huairou super hot place——

At 9:41 a.m., 10 couples who had booked in advance were making wedding fans, which are an important element in traditional Chinese weddings, symbolizing good luck and happiness. The newlyweds make a wedding fan together, and draw the beautiful moments experienced by the two or the "small code" between the two on the happy fan, which becomes the unique love "seal" of the two.

Punch in today's Huairou super hot place——

In addition~ The Civil Affairs Bureau has also arranged a number of photo check-in points today, including sign-in areas, entrances, oath areas and other areas, where newcomers can take pictures can be said to be quite outstanding!

"A small life is fulfilling"

I wish all the newcomers a happy one!

[Xiaoman] said


Source: District Civil Affairs Bureau

Graphic editor: Yuan Jingming