
How to get a treasure in Huairou?

author:Huairou blending media

In our daily life, we will produce a lot of domestic garbage, most of which are discarded by us as waste, but in fact, as long as the method is correct, domestic garbage can also be turned into treasure!

In order to promote the concept of garbage classification and environmental protection, the goal of creating a waste-free community and a beautiful community. Recently, the Community Civilization Practice Station of Nanhuayuan District 1 of Longshan Street organized residents in the jurisdiction to carry out handmade activities with the theme of "garbage classification and turning waste into treasure".

How to get a treasure in Huairou?

The science teacher first introduced the concept and specific practice of garbage classification to the residents, and discussed the classification of domestic waste and daily environmental protection practices with the residents through interaction and communication.

How to get a treasure in Huairou?

At the event site, everyone made garbage classification publicity pendants together, with different types of pendant cards such as recyclable trash can patterns and earth protection patterns.

Residents made it by sticking it by hand, deepening the concept of environmental protection in a fun way. Promotional pendants not only have ornamental value, but also convey the concept of environmental protection, so that everyone deeply understands the importance of garbage recycling.

How to get a treasure in Huairou?

The event

It not only enriches the spare time activities of residents in the jurisdiction

It also promotes small pendants through the production of garbage classification

Promote the use of recyclables and the concept of environmental protection


Source: Yongsan Subdistrict

Editor: Nana