
When buying asparagus, choose white, purple or green? Remember 5 details to make sure you're right

author:Seek good food

What is Asparagus? It is an edible vegetable, and you must have felt that I was asking as if I was having a speech problem, but asparagus is actually a sprout of a reed.

Reeds are commonly found in rivers, lakes, ponds and ditches, and can grow in all kinds of open areas with water sources, and their reproductive ability is rapid, forming continuous reed communities.

Didn't you think that the expensive asparagus in the vegetable market is actually the sprout of "reed", in addition, when you choose asparagus in the vegetable market, have you seen white asparagus and purple asparagus?

The most common asparagus in wet markets is green.

Asparagus is a low-calorie, high-fiber, vitamin-mineral vegetable, rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, folic acid, calcium, iron and potassium and other elements, as well as rich in protein, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, which can help digestion and promote intestinal health.

The harvest season for asparagus is from March to June every year, with April and May being the best time to eat asparagus.

Asparagus is not a bamboo shoot, it is a young shoot of a reed, but the shape is similar to a bamboo shoot, the root of asparagus is generally not eaten, because the root of asparagus is highly acidic, and cleaning the root of asparagus is also a troublesome thing, before eating asparagus, everyone should remember to cut off the root of asparagus.

The main edible part is the young stem of the asparagus, but what I want to talk to you today is the color of the young stem of the asparagus.

There are many varieties of asparagus, which are distinguished by the color of the young stems, including green asparagus, white asparagus and purple asparagus, green asparagus is a more common variety, and the taste is between white asparagus and purple asparagus.

White asparagus is formed by covering and covering the soil during the planting process, so that it cannot synthesize chlorophyll, so as to form white asparagus, and the rarer purple asparagus is native to Italy, it is a foreign product, rich in anthocyanins, and the most tender taste.

Green asparagus and white asparagus are actually the same variety, but they are planted and harvested differently, resulting in different colors, just like leeks and leeks are the same.

Due to the lack of light, the taste of white asparagus is not fresh and tender, and the taste of green asparagus will be relatively more tender. When buying asparagus in the vegetable market, the reason why white asparagus is rare, in terms of edible taste, green asparagus will be more tender, but when it comes to the most tender asparagus or purple asparagus, it is also the only asparagus that can be eaten raw, it is a precious vegetable, the price is much more expensive than white asparagus and green asparagus, purple asparagus is also called fruit-type sweet purple asparagus.

Suppose you can buy purple asparagus, white asparagus and green asparagus at the market at the same time, regardless of the price, would you choose asparagus?

Nutritionally, purple asparagus is the most nutritious, followed by white asparagus, and in terms of taste, purple asparagus is the most tender, followed by green asparagus.

In terms of price, green asparagus is the most affordable, but it is also much more expensive than other vegetables, and the price of better quality green asparagus is almost comparable to the price of pork. The price of green asparagus is actually more expensive, and if it is purple asparagus with better nutrition, then the price is even more expensive, so green asparagus can be bought in the vegetable market, while white asparagus and purple asparagus are less common, which is the reason for this.

After introducing some differences between green asparagus, white asparagus, and purple asparagus, the following will tell you about some tips for selecting asparagus and some details that you need to pay attention to during the cooking process of asparagus?

When buying asparagus, choose white, purple or green? Remember 5 details to make sure you're right

1. When buying asparagus, choose white, purple or green?

The above gives you a brief introduction to some differences between white asparagus, purple asparagus, and green asparagus, when you understand the difference between them, you will definitely have some doubts, when buying asparagus, choose white, purple or green?

1. Let me tell you my own opinion, asparagus in addition to the price, but also more delicate, easy to deteriorate, when you buy asparagus in the vegetable market, try to eat as much as you want, you must not buy more, it is more delicate and has a short shelf life, which is also one of the reasons why it is expensive, it is easy to deteriorate, for the vendors in the vegetable market, the discount rate is too high, and the price is naturally not cheap.

2. The reason why asparagus is loved by everyone is that it is nutritious, containing protein but not fat, minerals and vitamins are very rich, and there are different varieties for everyone to choose from, white asparagus, green asparagus and purple asparagus.

3. Purple asparagus is also called fruit-type sweet purple asparagus, so it has high sugar content, the taste is the most tender, and the taste is good, it is the kind of faint sweetness, and the content of dietary fiber is also small, if the dietary fiber content is high, the taste will be a little rough, green asparagus is like this, and purple asparagus does not have this problem, and its nutrition is also the most abundant variety, containing anthocyanins that the other two varieties of asparagus do not contain.

In terms of nutrition and taste, purple asparagus is the most worthy of everyone's choice, but its price is really expensive, for some elderly people, they will stubbornly think that spending so much money to buy purple asparagus, eating vegetables or vegetables, it is really better to buy some ribs to eat, buy some hairtail fish, peeled fish and other seafood to improve some life.

When buying asparagus, choose white, purple or green? Remember 5 details to make sure you're right

4. Green asparagus is a more common variety in the vegetable market, if you just try it, green asparagus is already very good, for ordinary people, with green asparagus with fresh Jiwei shrimp and shrimp, it is also a pretty good dish.

Talking about white asparagus alone, because its planting method is more special, it needs to be covered and covered with soil, so the planting of white asparagus is much more troublesome than green asparagus, so its yield is much lower than that of green asparagus, and it is not advantageous in terms of taste and price, in the vegetable market, white asparagus is naturally relatively rare, because its price is more expensive than green asparagus, but the taste is not as good as green asparagus, expensive and not delicious, naturally there are fewer people to eat, and fewer people to buy.

5. The way to eat green asparagus is more homely, stir-fried in the pot, with sliced meat and shrimp is also quite good, and it is okay to cook soup. White asparagus is relatively rare and more common in Western restaurants, but it can only be seen in some higher-grade Western restaurants, and some white asparagus will be made into canned asparagus.

Purple asparagus is a high-end product, which is a precious vegetable, and it is better to buy green asparagus than to fry it in a pot.

When buying asparagus, choose white, purple or green? Remember 5 details to make sure you're right

Summary: After the above analysis, if you don't care about the price, purple asparagus is naturally the best choice, and if you care about the price, green asparagus is also a good choice.

For example, you can understand that the price of high-quality kiwifruit is very expensive, 5 are almost more than 100, and the ordinary kiwifruit in the vegetable market has to buy several for 10 yuan, but the price is a penny, and there is indeed a reason why it is expensive, and the same is true for purple asparagus, and the quality and taste are indeed very good.

When buying asparagus, choose white, purple or green? Remember 5 details to make sure you're right

2. Some tips for choosing asparagus?

The above has introduced you to some differences between green asparagus, white asparagus, and purple asparagus from the aspects of taste, nutrition, and price, and at the same time, I have also introduced my personal choice.

Based on this, I would like to introduce you to some tips for selecting asparagus, which are based on selecting green asparagus, which is more suitable for selecting green asparagus.

1. The price of asparagus is not cheap, when choosing, you still need to observe the overall condition of asparagus, try to buy straighter green asparagus, the color should be green and bright, and the length should be controlled at about 20 cm.

2. Choose coarse or fine asparagus? It refers to the rhizome in the middle of the asparagus, too thick and too thin are not worth picking, too thick asparagus has a high degree of maturity, may be old, and the taste is not fresh and tender; When choosing asparagus, try to buy the kind that is fine at the top and coarse at the bottom, so that the asparagus tastes better and the moisture will be more sufficient from the perspective of natural growth.

3. The root at the bottom of the asparagus is not recommended to be eaten, the flower buds at the top are edible, and this part is also rich in nutrition.

4. Although the roots are not edible, when choosing asparagus, you should still check the roots, do not buy asparagus with whitish roots, if you want the taste of asparagus to be fresh and tender, it is best to pinch the roots when buying, and it is worth buying if there is juice.

The above 4 points introduce you to the 4 details when buying asparagus, and the following point 5 summarizes the several situations in which asparagus is not worth buying.

5. Buy green asparagus, don't buy the ones that don't look too fresh as a whole, the ones that feel firm are relatively fresh, don't buy the soft asparagus, don't buy the thin and flat asparagus, don't buy the top buds that start to sprout, and don't buy the ones with white roots.

When buying asparagus, choose white, purple or green? Remember 5 details to make sure you're right

3. Some tips for stir-frying asparagus?

The price of asparagus is not cheap, plus the taste is crisp and tender, fried with shrimp, it is a dish that makes the family can't stop chopsticks, the most direct way to fry asparagus is to fry it in the pot, and the following will tell you some tips for frying asparagus?

1. Fresh Jiwei shrimp directly take shrimp or more delicious than the frozen shrimp in the supermarket freezer, whether it is price or taste, buying fresh Jiwei shrimp to take shrimp is more cost-effective than buying bagged frozen shrimp, but there are also disadvantages, the process of fresh Jiwei shrimp to take shrimp is more troublesome, you need to go to the shrimp line, peel the shell and remove the fish.

2. The process of picking and washing asparagus should be discarded, although its price is expensive, but some parts that are not crisp and tender still have to be cut off, and it will only affect the taste of the finished dish after retention.

3. Asparagus needs to be blanched before frying in the pot, put a little salt and cooking oil in the state of boiling water, blanch the asparagus in the pot for 1 minute and then take it out, it is best to be cold after taking it out, and it is better to have ice cubes in the cold water, so as to make the blanched asparagus taste more crisp and tender.

When buying asparagus, choose white, purple or green? Remember 5 details to make sure you're right

4. The shrimp will be fried too old directly into the pot, and the taste is not good, it is best to marinate it in advance with salt, starch, egg white, cooking wine, and water, stir evenly and put it in the refrigerator for 20 minutes, and then fry it in the pot, the taste of the shrimp can also be fresh and tender.

5. In addition to blanching asparagus, you can also take the method of steaming, steaming is relative to blanching, which can reduce the loss of nutrients, steaming in a pot of boiling water for 2 minutes is enough, after steaming, it also needs to be cooled.

6. Steamed asparagus or blanched asparagus should be fried quickly on high heat when stir-fried in the pot to avoid frying for too long and the taste of asparagus will become old.

When buying asparagus, choose white, purple or green? Remember 5 details to make sure you're right

Writing this, I still want to say a few words, when buying asparagus, choose white, purple or green? Vegetable farmer: Remember 5 o'clock, yes.

If you don't care about the price, purple asparagus is naturally the best choice, and if you're concerned about the price, green asparagus is also a good choice.

For example, you can understand that the price of high-quality kiwifruit is very expensive, 5 are almost more than 100, and the ordinary kiwifruit in the vegetable market has to buy several for 10 yuan, but the price is a penny, and there is indeed a reason why it is expensive, and the same is true for purple asparagus, and the quality and taste are indeed very good.

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