
Wonderful! The campus ethnic culture festival is coming

author:Zero distance from Aksu City

In order to carry forward the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation and enrich the cultural life of the campus, on May 17, the 18th Middle School of Aksu City launched the national cultural festival of "Gathering National Feelings and Building the Chinese Dream Together".

Wonderful! The campus ethnic culture festival is coming

During the activity, the children wore the traditional costumes of 56 ethnic groups in China, showed the charm and style of the national culture with beautiful dancing, and demonstrated the unique charm and profound heritage of the traditional Chinese national culture.

Wonderful! The campus ethnic culture festival is coming

Zhang Yuxuan, a student, said: "Today, my parents and I wore traditional Daur costumes and performed a catwalk together, and my classmates liked it very much, and I am very happy. ”

Wonderful! The campus ethnic culture festival is coming

This national cultural festival not only allowed students to feel the charm of the traditional culture of the Chinese nation from different angles and levels, but also expanded the knowledge of traditional culture, enhanced the cultural self-confidence of the students, and deeply rooted the national soul and patriotism in the hearts of the teachers and students of the school, and further forged the sense of community of the Chinese nation.

Wang Qingle, a teacher at Aksu No. 18 Middle School, said: "May this year is the 42nd National Unity and Progress Education Month in the autonomous region, and the school took this opportunity to hold an ethnic cultural festival, which further deepened the mutual understanding and deep feelings between teachers and students, promoted the integration of ethnic cultures, and enriched the cultural life of the campus." ”

Reporter: Zhang Guangcheng

Correspondent: Wu Yanyuan

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