
Putin was relieved and let go of the fight next month

author:Yan Shujun

Recently, AFP reported that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said in an interview that the Ukrainian army is at a disadvantage in terms of equipment and armed forces, and admitted that Ukraine is in urgent need of reserve troops because many brigades have been exhausted. This is very contradictory to his previous statement, in February this year, Zelensky also said that the two-year war led to the death of 31,000 Ukrainian soldiers. When he said this figure, it caused a lot of controversy, because looking at the strength of the Ukrainian conscription and mobilization, you know that it is impossible. Even though it was very unfavorable on the battlefield, Zelensky made a rebellious decision.

Putin was relieved and let go of the fight next month

In an interview with AFP, he publicly rejected France's call for a truce during the Paris Olympics. He told Macron that "do not believe this, the truce will only help Russia mobilize its troops and heavy equipment". Regarding the truce of the Paris Olympics, international public opinion has also been very concerned recently, and Russia, which is stepping up its offensive, is facing tremendous pressure. Originally, the truce of the Olympic Games was an important issue for France to turn to China, and they hoped that China could discuss it with Putin, while France persuaded NATO and Ukraine. Therefore, for Ukraine, the best solution is to wait for Putin to express his refusal first, and put the fault of refusing the Olympic truce on Russia, which could have been an opportunity to put Putin on the fire, but Zelensky refused first, which is simply a solution for Russia.

Putin was relieved and let go of the fight next month

Zelensky knows that Ukraine's reserve forces and weapons cannot keep up, and if a short-term negotiated truce is reached at this time, it is in his best interest, why does Zelensky refuse a truce? It's definitely not because he wants to help Russia get out of his way, but because his term as president will end after May 20, and the general election will be reelected under normal circumstances, but Zelensky has repeatedly postponed the election on the grounds of "wartime status", and if this time there is a truce because of the Olympics, then Ukrainians should think about the election, so it is more about this consideration.

Putin was relieved and let go of the fight next month

But on the other hand, Ukraine's operation is confusing, and CNN reported that Zelensky wants China to participate in next month's peace talks because of the "influence" it can exert on Russia. The "peace talks" he was referring to were a peace summit in Switzerland next month aimed at paving the way for peace in Ukraine, but ironically without Russia. Peace negotiations require the participation of both warring parties, and if Russia is not allowed to participate, how can peace be discussed? It is enough to see that this is a politically symbolic meeting, not a real peace talk, and it is also ill-intentioned to bring China in.

Now that Zelensky has refused to cease fire at the Olympics, Putin is also relieved. On the same day, Putin also said that Moscow does not support a truce during the Paris Olympics, and also announced the goals of the operation. Recently, the Russian army began to open a new "front" in the north, launching an offensive in the Kharkiv region, which currently controls 12 settlements with the goal of opening up a safe zone. The geographical situation determines that Ukraine must not lose Kharkov, and NATO should think the same way, because it was from here that the Soviet Union tore a big hole and smashed Kyiv. So at this time, Kyiv should most want a truce, but the approach is the opposite. Because the most important reason is for Biden's votes, Ukraine must not negotiate an armistice, and how many people in Ukraine will die as a result is not in the consideration of American politicians and arms dealers.