
【Health Knowledge】What preparations should be made before planning to conceive?

author:Healthy Shenyang
【Health Knowledge】What preparations should be made before planning to conceive?
【Health Knowledge】What preparations should be made before planning to conceive?
【Health Knowledge】What preparations should be made before planning to conceive?

As we all know, preconception examination is an important preventive means to avoid birth defects caused by physical diseases of husband and wife, and it is the first pass to reduce defects, avoid bad pregnancy and childbirth, and ensure eugenics.

【Health Knowledge】What preparations should be made before planning to conceive?

1. The choice of the timing of conception

The marriage law of the mainland stipulates that the age of marriage shall not be earlier than 22 years for the man and 20 years for the woman. The best age for childbearing is generally considered to be 24-29 years for women and 25-35 years for men. If the child is born too early, there is a high probability that the female reproductive organs and pelvis are not fully developed, and the additional burden of pregnancy and childbirth has a detrimental effect on maternal and infant health, as well as an increased risk of dystocia. However, it is also necessary to avoid giving birth too late, as the older you are, the greater the likelihood of various complications during pregnancy and childbirth, such as uterine atony, postpartum hemorrhage and other complications that seriously endanger the mother and the fetus. Especially after the age of 37, the ovarian function gradually tends to regress, and the chance of chromosomal aberration in the egg increases, which is easy to cause miscarriage, stillbirth or fetal malformation. 24~30 years old is the most fertile time for women, and it is relatively easier to succeed in planning to conceive, which is more conducive to improving the physical fitness of the next generation.

【Health Knowledge】What preparations should be made before planning to conceive?

2. Preparation of the health conditions of the intended parents

The health of the parents is the basis of eugenics. For some chronic diseases, a specialist should be consulted before planning to conceive, as the disease itself may adversely affect pregnancy and fetal development, and certain drugs for maternal diseases can also affect the embryo

Fetus and fetus, pregnancy may also aggravate maternal diseases. When either parent suffers from a contagious disease, it is not advisable to conceive during the infectious period. If either spouse has a family history of genetic diseases, or either spouse has a genetic disease or is a carrier, or the woman is too old, or has a history of recurrent miscarriage, stillbirth, stillbirth, malformation, mental retardation and other adverse births, genetic counseling should be carried out to professionally assess whether the pregnancy can be carried out and prenatal diagnosis after pregnancy.

【Health Knowledge】What preparations should be made before planning to conceive?

3. Establish a healthy lifestyle before pregnancy

Before planning to conceive, we should try our best to eliminate undesirable stimuli in the external environment to avoid affecting the quality of sperm and eggs, and create a good atmosphere for conception.

1. Healthy eating habits Correct bad habits such as picky eating, patients with excess weight and obesity should actively control their weight and reasonably supplement multivitamins, trace elements and folic acid.

2. Quit smoking and alcohol Both active smoking and passive smoking can affect the growth and development of the fetus. Alcohol can enter the fetus through the placenta and cause chromosomal aberrations, resulting in fetal malformations and intellectual development. Both spouses should abstain from tobacco and alcohol before conceiving.

【Health Knowledge】What preparations should be made before planning to conceive?

3. Avoid contact with harmful factors in the environment In work and life, you should avoid contact with heavy metals such as lead and mercury, as well as some toxic and harmful organic solvents and polymer compounds. These toxic and harmful substances can directly damage the quality of sperm and eggs, causing fertility decline and even infertility or miscarriage. Workers in related industries should be transferred out of the work they have direct contact with before conception, and they should be tested accordingly before planning to conceive.

4. Build a good psychological state The psychological environment can directly affect the pregnancy plan, and building a good psychological state is conducive to pregnancy.

Here, I wish all mothers in the world can have a healthy baby, and we will also work with you to take care of your baby's health.

Author: Wang Bin

Source: Shenyang Maternal and Child Health Hospital

Editor: Zhou Changlin

Proofreader: He Yiming, Chen Zeming

First trial: Jia Shujuan

Review: Xu Jiang