
The original intention is not right: the source of pollution and the derivative mechanism

author:China Journal of Discipline Inspection and Supervision

The original aspiration and mission of the Chinese Communists is to seek happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation. However, some people have improper intentions and impure motives from the very beginning of their careers as party members and cadres, and they have planted the first soil and planted the first seeds for their own unhealthy tendencies and even corrupt behaviors. By combing the relevant important expositions of General Secretary Xi Jinping, as well as the warning records and typical case reports of the cases of party members and cadres who have violated discipline and law in recent years, this journal explores the root cause of the unhealthy trend in the original intention, and tries to analyze some of its manifestations and mechanisms, and puts forward corresponding blocking measures to attract everyone's attention, examine, analyze and reflect on ideology and politics, and constantly dig the soil, remove impurities, remove viruses, and prevent pollution.

The original intention is not right: the source of pollution and the derivative mechanism

Look at the phenomenon - there are "official fans" who "just want to climb up"

General Secretary Xi Jinping once said to the cadres in Fujian who assisted Tibet: "Don't take being an official as the goal, but take doing things and doing good things as the direction." "To be a qualified party member, you must abandon the idea of feudal officials and masters, and really do something for the country and the people. However, there are still people who attach great importance to being an official, and the purpose of joining the party and engaging in politics is to be an official and a big official.

The motives of a small number of cadres to join the party are not pure. Some people come to join the party only because they are officials, and they regard joining the party as a stepping stone for their promotion to become leaders, and even unscrupulous means to achieve personal progress, dare to touch any red line, dare to break any forbidden area, and dare to break any bottom line. For example, Du Moumou, the former president of Chongqing Safety Technology Vocational College, applied to join the party in order to have greater development in his career, as for what are the requirements of the party constitution and what obligations party members need to fulfill, she has never seriously understood, and then regarded the college as a "private territory", using money to open the way, climbing up to the leader, and down to the cadres to buy people's hearts.

The other type is that the purpose of doing work is not correct. Some people do not work for the people's livelihood for promotion, and do things regardless of the local reality, only trying to make a name for the time being, and invite their own merits. "These things for people's livelihood have to be done every year, and there is no obvious effect in sight, so it is better to concentrate financial resources to do something 'big things' and do some visible things...... Yuan Moumou, the former secretary of the Jishui County Party Committee of Jiangxi Province, who has been dismissed, ignores the people's livelihood problems such as "large classes" and difficult drafts, and spends hundreds of millions of dollars to build "landmark" buildings in order to highlight his personal achievements.

There is also a type of bad starting point when a leader. Some have just arrived at a post, and their buttocks are not yet hot, and their eyes are staring at a higher position, so they will do whatever it takes to pull relationships, go to the door, and hug their thighs, which can be described as "doing everything". For example, in order to be able to "ascend", a fallen cadre begins to plan his next growth roadmap every time he works in a position, lists the timetable, comes up with a "construction plan", eats and drinks and pulls relationships, ushers in a set of almost, and does everything possible to curry favor with those who can help him and have the right to vote. Going to the project and evaluating the advanced will be linked to canvassing for votes, and the power in the hands will be used as a tool to seek greater power.

There are "money fans" who "only look at the money"

Since ancient times, there have been two ways to make a fortune as an official, and there are also relevant strict requirements in party discipline and regulations. However, some party members and cadres turn a deaf ear to this, and they become officials in order to make a fortune, vainly hoping to gain both "power" and "profit", and coveting "the best of both worlds." The result is often that "both official and financial resources are empty" and fall into the abyss of corruption.

"Thousands of miles for officials and only for money" is the life criterion pursued by a certain type of cadre. For example, Zhao Moumou, former secretary of the Party Committee of the Huilongwei Management District of Yongzhou City, Hunan Province, believed in the "way of being an official" that "being an official is to make money, and only with money can he operate and become a bigger official", and unscrupulously used power to seek profits on "one acre and three points of land". Some of them have a comparison mentality in their dealings with businessmen and bosses, and gradually lose their mentality, and gradually turn serving the people into serving the renminbi. Some people fail to correctly deal with "advances, retreats, stays, and transfers" and vainly hope to compensate for "future setbacks" with "money."

There are also cadres who become officials for pleasure. Some advocate the so-called "high-quality life", drink only vintage wine, smoke high-end cigarettes, eat delicacies from the mountains and seas when eating, and do not refuse to drink and wealth, thinking that "wealth does not return to the hometown, just like a night trip in brocade". For example, a certain deputy mayor once gave him the nickname "Lafesu", who had a soft spot for red wine, not only had hundreds of bottles of wine stored at home, but also boasted that he "could taste the vintage in one bite", and not only dared to accept expensive watches, but also "dared to change the style to wear them", which caused the cadres and the masses to discuss one after another, and finally reaped the consequences and became a slave of the corrupt chain of interests. With the promotion of their positions, some have the idea of "compensating" for their hard work with a luxurious life. For example, a fallen cadre once wrote in his confession, "After becoming the number one, I mistakenly think that my life trajectory and political future have been seen very clearly, why not seize the time to live a chic life, enjoy it when it should be enjoyed, eat and drink when it should be, eat and drink when it is a small thing, a little problem, everyone has it, why be so serious." Others feel that "the ship arrives at the dock and the car arrives at the station", relaxes their self-ideological transformation, plans their retirement life in advance, and cultivates the thoughts of greedy for pleasure and arrogance and lasciviousness.

There are "power fans" who "engage in special activities at every opportunity"

The power in the hands of leading cadres is given by the party and the people, and must and can only be used to seek the interests of the people, and must not be used as a tool for favoritism and irregularities. However, there are still a small number of people who enter politics not to do practical things for the common people, but to pursue special treatment, satisfy their personal desires, and turn power into a tool for exchanging resources or trading power for money.

Some people become cadres only for special treatment, believing that they have the right not to use them and to be invalid when they expire. Some can't control their mouths and engage in "extravagance and waste" on the tip of their tongues. For example, Zou Moumou, former deputy director of the Environmental Engineering Assessment Center of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, has repeatedly accepted banquets arranged in high-end hotels, and the relevant expenses are borne by the staff of lower-level departments and private business owners. Some can't open their legs, regard the bus as a symbol of status, pursue a good car, take a luxury car, and equip the bus beyond the specifications. Others can't control their hearts, and when they encounter problems, they look for relationships, take shortcuts, and go through the back door, thinking that they are a leader anyway, and if they say hello, they can completely ignore the rules and regulations of the system.

Some people are leaders for their special powers, believing in self-esteem and self-reliance. Some of them are condescending to the masses, and not only do they care little about the well-being interests of the masses, but they are also rude and rude, cold-hearted, and sideways, and do not take the masses seriously at all. Some of them dictate to their subordinates, regard the power given by the party and the state as their "killing stick," and demand that their subordinates be loyal to their individuals. Some engage in "Yiyantang" and become "mountain kings", and regard the "squad leader" of the leadership group as a "parent". For example, Li Moumou, former director of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Baishan City, Jilin Province, regarded the rules as a "scarecrow", and did not even know what the content of the "three major and one large" deliberative decision-making system was.

In addition, there are some people who work for special care, believing that one person attains the Tao and the chicken and dog ascend to heaven. Some practice "one family, two systems" and "become an official at the front door and open a shop at the back door" to help relatives gain a special "competitive advantage" in doing business and running enterprises. Some engage in "inbreeding" and "first-come-first-served first-come" recruitment, and the recruitment requirements are "tailor-made" according to the personal resumes of relatives, resulting in undesirable phenomena such as "children inheriting their father's business" and "three generations in the same factory". Others engage in "sealing their wives and children" and conniving at their relatives to use their status to seek benefits. For example, Guo, the former chairman of Sichuan Tietou, took his younger brother and son to be corrupt together, and "supported" his son to accept "sponsorship fees" from business owners in the name of opening a gym and a company, and finally "one person became an official, and many people in the whole family were involved in the case".

There are "theater fans" who "blindly cherish feathers"

It is understandable for leading cadres to pursue a good reputation, but some cadres use the wrong scheming and put the cart before the horse, leaving a name for the sake of keeping a name, the starting point is not right, and they are eventually burdened by the "name" and lose themselves.

Some cadres are keen to create characters in an attempt to go down in history, but in fact they are not worthy of the name. Some people are accustomed to performing and putting on a show, and they are good at self-pasting, but they have not achieved any results in their actual work, but they can always "stretch, blow up, and raise up" when they publicize their achievements. Some "painstaking and lonely people" create topics and pretend to be "public servants" who serve the people and are deeply loved by the people, but in fact they are sanctimonious and full of evil deeds. For example, when a certain cadre who had fallen from power left office, he organized thousands of people to bid farewell at public expense, and directed a drama to send "Wanmin Umbrella".

Some cadres love vassal elegance and vain pursuit of fame and fortune, and eventually become infamous. It is a good thing for party members and cadres to have hobbies, but once any noble hobbies are mixed and fermented with bad purposes, they will lose their original value and even become worthless. In the eyes of some leading cadres, for the first term of office is to leave a voice and name, and the inscription is the best choice, regardless of whether the calligraphy attainments are profound or not, but when inspecting and researching, they can not help but splash ink, immersed in the praise of onlookers, and feel complacent about this. In addition, some "talented" cadres play with their hobbies, use their "talents" to accumulate wealth, and openly accept pen fees to engage in "elegant bribery."

There are also cadres who pay attention to pomp and circumstance, and they are famous for a while, but in fact, they are famous and sharp. This kind of person feels that he is an "official" in size, stresses the accompaniment of layers of accompaniment, pomp and circumstance, travels to carry bags, and some people hold umbrellas in the rain, showing a "different" posture, fluttering in the front and back hugs, and producing their own "illusory" of calling for wind and rain and omnipotence in the pursuit of only others. For example, Luo Moumou, the former secretary of the Yuxi Municipal Party Committee in Yunnan Province, likes to "oil" his personal image, goes down to the grassroots level to investigate and talk about pomp, and conducts police car guidance nearly 100 times, treating officialdom as a show, and is nicknamed "President Luo", "Luo Communication" and "Luo Research" by the cadres and the masses, and finally drank the self-brewed bitter wine, and was punished by party discipline and state law.

The original intention is not right: the source of pollution and the derivative mechanism

Investigate the root cause - a weak foundation and the erosion of unhealthy tendencies will inevitably lead to the loss of thinking

Looking at the essence through the phenomenon and examining the various phenomena of "improper intentions", in the final analysis, it is affected by the decadent culture, and the ideals and beliefs have gone wrong from the beginning. Once the opening of the mind is opened, it will inevitably be flooded in the face of the test of reality and the temptation of interests, and it is inevitable that the law will be broken.

The essence of "official fans", "power fans" and "drama fans" is the remnants of feudal thinking, and the root cause is the serious idea of official standards and the distorted concept of power. Lu Moumou, the former director of the Political Department of the Ministry of Justice, who has become a prisoner, was originally a well-known private entrepreneur, but he believed that "everything is inferior, and only when he is an official is high-level" and "he feels that he has no status as an official in doing anything", he did not hesitate to falsify his age, academic qualifications, party membership materials, work experience, and family situation to become an official, and became a "five-fake cadre". The essence of "money obsession" is a reflection of the ideology and decadent way of life of the exploiting class, and its root cause is ideological degeneration and inflated material desires. For example, Wang, a former cashier in a certain place in the north, made a large number of "generous" friends in work, life, and online games, and developed a deformed concept of consumption; after working for less than a month, he began to try every means to embezzle and defraud public property to satisfy his desire for consumption, and in just over a year, he embezzled and defrauded more than 7 million yuan of public funds. These "myths" are also related to the permeation of the principle of commodity exchange. The basic principle of commodity exchange is to exchange at an equivalent price and pursue the maximization of profits, and all kinds of power transactions and power and money transactions are to trade with principles, and regard the power in their hands as a commodity, which makes power stained with copper.

The original intention is not correct and the mind is lost, which is also directly or indirectly related to the environment and social atmosphere. Some are cultivated through improper family style and family education, and when teaching their children, they are not "teaching them sentiments" but "giving them money". For example, Liu Moumou, the former deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission, himself wanted to climb up and become a big official, and he also "infected" this distorted value to his son, telling him that "to be a man, you must learn to take shortcuts, and to be a good person, so that you can live well and be respected", so that her son learned to use the influence of his father's position and the power in his hands to grab money from an early age, and went astray without knowing it, and finally got out of control. A cadre in a certain place in the eastern part of the country told this reporter that a local cadre was originally enthusiastic and ambitious when he first stepped into his post, but he was affected by the bad idea that his father "has food and take, which means that he is strong in business, good in mixing, and can eat openly", resulting in a crooked upper beam and a crooked lower beam. Some of them are induced by unladylike peer interactions, and some fallen officials hinder friendship and engage in favoritism, resulting in being "hunted" and captured by the affection of friends, classmates, and fellow villagers, and eventually going astray. Others are affected by the bad social atmosphere, "Seeing the people next to me sitting in high-end cars and living in villas, the psychology is unbalanced, I work so hard and my ability is not bad, why do I not make as much money as others?" Under the influence of unhealthy practices such as extravagance and waste, comparing with each other, and asking for gifts, some cadres gradually lost themselves and were "kidnapped" by people with ulterior motives with money, and the more tightly tied up.

The original intention is not right: the source of pollution and the derivative mechanism

Seeking countermeasures -- to eradicate the soil of unhealthy winds, we must clear the "fog" of thought

Thought is the precursor of action, and what kind of thought there is will be what kind of behavior. In order to eradicate the stubborn disease of "improper intentions" and eradicate the soil and conditions for the breeding of unhealthy tendencies, we must start from the depths of the minds of party members and cadres, use the party's innovative theories to forge their souls, educate and guide party members and cadres to always strengthen their ideals and beliefs, build a strong ideological line of defense, and set up spiritual pillars.

Select "good seedlings" and make the first pass for joining the party. First of all, it is necessary to control the source and select high-quality "seedlings". Party organizations at all levels must take the initiative to shoulder their responsibilities, strictly control the entry of party members, resolutely put an end to speculators with impure motives, select cadres who really want to do things for the people, and reserve seats for young cadres who have passion, feelings, and ideals. With the "seedlings", it is necessary to intensively irrigate and raise the "seedlings". As far as young cadres are concerned, it is inevitable that they will have high ambitions, low vision, and only a half-understood situation, and only by allowing young cadres to temper themselves in the front line and temper them in multiple posts can they discover their shortcomings, make up for their shortcomings, and earnestly enhance their sense of political responsibility and mission. In addition, it is necessary to prune and prune the leaves to get rid of the "diseased seedlings". Good "seedlings" in a complex environment, there are also some will be polluted, so it is necessary to find out the "symptoms" of seedlings in advance through the combination of early physical examination and regular physical examination, routine inspection and special inspection, timely treatment of "seedlings", and strive to maintain the advanced nature and purity of the party members.

Carry forward the "good tradition" and lead the struggle to be the inheritor. Inherit the glorious tradition and stimulate inexhaustible motivation. We should vigorously carry out investigations and studies, go to places and units where there are many difficulties, where the opinions of the masses are concentrated, and where the situation cannot be opened up in the work, and carry forward the fine work style of integrating theory with practice and maintaining close ties with the masses. We should conscientiously hold democratic life meetings and organizational life meetings, take the initiative to find out and have the courage to correct our own shortcomings and deficiencies, and carry forward the fine work style of criticism and self-criticism. Continue the red blood and strengthen ideals and beliefs. Make full use of red resources, and further strengthen the belief in communism from the touching stories of the revolutionary ancestors by visiting revolutionary memorial sites, re-walking the road of struggle of revolutionary ancestors, reading red classics, and creating red historical and cultural melodramas. Carry forward the traditional culture and draw spiritual strength. Fully explore the political and moral education resources carried by cultural classics, historical relics, and cultural relics and monuments, and let cadres return to the origin of excellent traditional culture to draw strength and improve their ability through on-site explanations, experiential teaching, and watching films.

Build a "good fashion" and cultivate more "believers". Positive leadership to consolidate the fundamentals, grasp the leading cadres as a "key minority", the leadership group to carry out the study and discussion of the culture of integrity as the annual key task, with the leadership group to take the lead in learning to lead the party organizations at all levels to study in depth, and strive to enhance the effectiveness of ideological leadership and theoretical arming, and at the same time excavate and publicize a number of advanced and exemplary typical deeds, and vigorously promote the upward and benevolent style of integrity. Negative warnings are a strong deterrent, combined with typical cases to carry out warning education in a hierarchical and categorical manner, through watching warning education films, holding warning education meetings, watching court trial videos, etc., to educate people around them with things around them, and educate and guide party members and cadres to abide by rules and regulations, abide by laws and regulations, and use power honestly and standardly. A good family style cultivates righteousness, carries out clean government home visits, issues integrity proposals, signs a commitment letter of "family help integrity", guides party members and cadres to strictly restrain themselves, strictly educate and manage their families, and cultivate a good family style of communists in the new era.

Use enough "good results" to sing the "love of honesty" and greed. Make full use of the results of the investigation and handling of cases, conduct analysis and reverse investigation of typical cases, find common laws around positions where unhealthy trends are prone to occur frequently, dig deep into problems and loopholes, extend the search for key areas and relevant departments' implementation of the responsibility for governing the Party, and promote relevant responsible entities to carry out rectification based on the case, and calibrate the weather vane of political ecological construction. Make full use of institutional achievements, strictly enforce the system and norms for the construction of work style, and promote the effective implementation of the work mechanism for the simultaneous investigation and treatment of corruption in all localities, so as to "investigate corruption by the wind" and "rectify the work style by corruption", and improve the work style and punish corruption with strict discipline. Make full use of the results of supervision and accountability, consolidate the main responsibility of party organizations at all levels, especially the responsibility of the first responsible person of the "number one", urge functional departments to perform their regulatory duties, and at the same time make good use of the "sharp weapon" of accountability, and investigate the problem of leading cadres not taking responsibility and inaction in promoting the construction of work style, so as to grasp the "key minority" to drive the change of the style of party members and cadres.

The original intention is not right: the source of pollution and the derivative mechanism

It is often said that the buttons of life must be buttoned from the beginning. For party members and cadres, the first step to buckle the first button in politics and join the party organization is to strengthen ideals and beliefs, and constantly strive to keep up with the standards of party members, not only to join the party organizationally, but also to join the party ideologically, always firm the correct political direction, maintain political determination, and earnestly take the great historical mission of building a strong country and national rejuvenation, and truly take the realization of the lofty ideal of communism as a lifelong goal, and concentrate and make unremitting efforts!

(This article was published in the 10th issue of China Discipline Inspection and Supervision magazine in 2024; Author: Hou Yining; In the process of writing this manuscript, discipline inspection and supervision cadres from Taicang City, Jiangsu Province, Shishi City, Siming District, Xiamen City, Luojiang District, Licheng District, Quanzhou City, Dezhou City, Shandong Province, Xiangtan City, Hunan Province and other places have given support and help.