
【Zhixing topic】Deepen reform and stop the spread of corruption

author:China Journal of Discipline Inspection and Supervision

At the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that "it is necessary to deepen reform and stop the breeding and spread of corruption", "improve the allocation of power and operational constraint mechanisms, further plug loopholes in the system, standardize discretionary powers, and reduce rent-seeking opportunities". In this issue, three experts and scholars are invited to talk about their learning experiences from the aspects of great practice, theoretical thinking, and normal mechanism.

【Great Practice】The great practice of deepening reform in the new era and blocking the spread of corruption

Comprehensively deepening reform is one of the most distinctive features of the new era. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the anti-corruption work under the leadership of the CPC Central Committee has firmly grasped the general tone of seeking progress while maintaining stability, played a good "combination punch" in deepening reform, and embarked on an anti-corruption path with Chinese characteristics, demonstrating the remarkable advantages of severely punishing and controlling corruption under the leadership of the Communist Party of China.

Strengthen the reform of the leadership system and work mechanism. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee, the reform of the discipline inspection system has been used to break through the situation and lead the traction, the reform of the national supervision system has created breakthroughs and improved efficiency, and the reform of discipline inspection and supervision institutions has been supported and promoted in a coordinated manner, and the "three reforms" of discipline inspection and supervision have been organically integrated and promoted, and the "four beams and eight pillars" of the system and mechanism have been basically established. Through the in-depth promotion of institutional reforms, the Party has successfully resolved the situation of "Nine Dragons Governing Water" in the fight against corruption, and established a joint office mechanism under the leadership of the Party, so as to better integrate the resources and forces of corruption control and promote the smooth, authoritative and efficient operation of anti-corruption work.

Persist in improving the supervision system of the Party and the state. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has reformed and improved the supervision system, with intra-Party supervision as the leading, promoted the integration and coordination of various types of supervision, and built "four beams and eight pillars", and the socialist supervision system with Chinese characteristics has gradually matured and finalized. In terms of the party, the "six main bodies" supervision system has been constructed; At the national level, we will promote the reform of the supervision system and use the joint office to achieve "four full coverage". On this basis, we have continuously promoted the integration, cohesion, and coordination of intra-party supervision and supervision by state organs, so as to ensure that there are no blind spots and full coverage of power supervision and corruption control.

It innovatively proposes to "use the rule of law thinking and rule of law methods to fight corruption". Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the construction of the party's anti-corruption laws and regulations has been based on the party constitution and supported by a number of laws and regulations, and the requirements and goals of anti-corruption have been determined through rules and regulations, providing theoretical norms and action guidelines for corruption governance. At the national legal level, the Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China was promulgated in 2018, the Law of the People's Republic of China on Governmental Sanctions for Public Employees in 2020, and the Law of the People's Republic of China on Supervision Officials in 2021. In terms of intra-party regulations, the new party constitution adopted by the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China includes "comprehensive and strict governance of the party"; In 2016, the revised regulations on intra-party supervision were reviewed and approved; In 2015, 2018 and 2023, the disciplinary regulations were amended three times; In 2018, the rules for the supervision and enforcement of discipline by discipline inspection organs were issued.

Expand anti-corruption methods and paths with reform and innovation ideas and methods. Efforts should be made to continuously innovate and improve the concepts, ideas, work mechanisms, and methods of anti-corruption, so as to minimize the conditions for the occurrence and spread of corruption. For example, the basic policy of not daring to be corrupt, not being corrupt, and not wanting to be corrupt is innovatively proposed, and the "full-cycle management" is introduced into the field of corruption governance, so as to govern corruption with the concept of systematic governance and both symptoms and root causes; Innovate mechanisms for investigating and handling major cases, forming an operational mechanism for discovering and investigating together, dynamic clearing, and normal punishment; Strengthen the use of cases to promote reform and promote governance, give full play to the comprehensive effectiveness of case handling and investigation, and achieve the good effect of "investigating and handling one case, warning one area, and governing one area"; Innovate the restraint mechanism for key powers, strictly enforce duties and authority, standardize work procedures, and eradicate the breeding ground for corruption; Wait a minute. (Hong Xianghua, Deputy Director and Professor of the Scientific Research Department of the Party School of the Central Committee (National Academy of Administration))

Theoretical Reflections: Improve the supervision system of the Party and the state, standardize and restrict the operation of power

Under the condition that the party has been in power for a long time, strengthening the restraint and supervision over the exercise of power has always been a major topic in party building. The only way to solve this problem is to continuously improve the supervision system of the party and the state, effectively solve the problem of self-supervision, and ensure that power is rationally operated on the track of the rule of law.

Politically, strengthen the party's leadership. As far as improving the supervision system and enhancing the effectiveness of supervision are concerned, the party's leadership is comprehensive, systematic, and integral, which is embodied not only in the leadership of the top-level design and strategic planning of the party and state supervision system, but also in the leadership of the establishment of supervision organs, the innovation of systems and mechanisms, and the performance of duties by discipline inspection and supervision organs, and even more in the leadership of the supervision activities of various types of supervision bodies at all levels. From the perspective of the reality of political life, as the political designer, organizer, ideological guide, and action driver of the Party and state supervision system, the Party is the greatest political resource for improving the Party and state supervision system. Therefore, to improve the supervision system and enhance the effectiveness of supervision, it is necessary to firmly grasp the program of strengthening the party's leadership, profoundly grasp the political connotation of the party Central Committee's meticulous design of self-supervision as the main body, continuously strengthen the party's centralized and unified leadership in terms of decision-making, deployment and command, integration of resources and forces, and use of measures and means, and earnestly permeate the party's political propositions in the all-round and entire process of improving the party and state supervision system.

In terms of measures, efforts are made to integrate and coordinate. In the supervision system of the party and the state, there is a clear division of labor among various forms of supervision, but it is not Kowloon to control the water, go its own way, and fight alone, but coordinate the pace, share information, complement each other's advantages, and form a joint force. Therefore, it is the proper meaning of improving the supervision system and enhancing the effectiveness of supervision to lead supervision outside the party with intra-party supervision, and to cooperate with intra-party supervision with intra-party supervision, so that various forms of supervision within and outside the party can be integrated and coordinated. Among them, intra-party supervision is fundamental. The main body of responsibility for comprehensively and strictly administering the Party is an organic whole composed of Party committees (Party groups), discipline inspection commissions, Party work departments, Party grassroots organizations, and Party members, and jointly bears the political responsibility of managing the Party and governing the Party. It is necessary to combine and integrate the overall supervision of party committees (party groups), the special supervision of discipline inspection commissions, the functional supervision of party work departments, the daily supervision of party grassroots organizations, and the democratic supervision of party members, clarify the responsibility and positioning of each subject in the party and state supervision system, and form an operational mechanism for managing the party and governing the party that performs its own duties, assumes its own responsibilities, cooperates with each other, and operates effectively.

In terms of means, we pay attention to technological innovation. The use of modern information technology online operation, synchronous transmission, full trace, real-time monitoring and other functions, and the integration of them into the whole process of power operation, can realize the whole process of power operation, objective and accurate monitoring, real-time synchronous monitoring, to ensure that the power operation is honest, clean and clean. For example, the use of information technology to standardize power procedures, to achieve online approval, online bidding, online procurement, online transactions, so that business operations in the sun, capital supervision in the network, risk control in the process, resources in the market allocation. Use information technology to establish the boundaries of power, form a feedback mechanism for power operation through e-government, grasp information such as violations of laws and regulations, complaints and reports in real time, identify targets in advance, and discover hidden dangers in a timely manner. Use information technology to disclose power information and build a unified e-government platform, so as to eliminate the black-box operation of power operation. The use of information technology to clarify power and responsibility, while objectively reflecting the operation of power, amplify the effect of responsibility constraints. (Wang Shoulin, Researcher, School of Marxism, Tianjin University)

[Normal Mechanism] Strengthen the use of cases to promote reform and promote corruption at the source

Using cases to promote reform is a major theoretical innovation in comprehensively and strictly administering the party. It uses the cases that have already been investigated and handled to carry out warning education, investigate the causes of the cases, discover and rectify the "shortcomings" and weaknesses of the system and mechanism that dare not be corrupted, cannot be corrupted, and do not want to be corrupted, promptly plug the loopholes in the system, strengthen ideological education, and strengthen the restraint and supervision of power. Using cases to promote reform is a major measure to eradicate the soil and conditions for corruption to breed at the source.

Using cases to promote reform has strengthened the "dare not be corrupt". It is better to mobilize a thousand times than to be held accountable once. Investigation and prosecution of cases is the most effective deterrent to corrupt elements. Using cases to promote reform can continue to amplify the deterrent function of investigating and handling cases. This deterrent effect comes not only from the decision to open a case for investigation, but also from the process of investigating and handling the case, and also from the openness of the results of the investigation and handling of the case. Using cases to promote reform is to use typical cases that have already been reviewed and investigated as a mirror, and require the unit where the case occurred to convene a warning education conference, and read out on the spot important documents and materials such as disciplinary punishment decisions and judicial judgments against the parties to the case, so as to further amplify and strengthen the deterrent effect of investigating and handling the case, so that this deterrent effect will act not only on the parties to the case, but also on the people around the parties to the case.

Using cases to promote reform has strengthened the "can't be corrupted". Corruption is essentially the abuse of power, and standardizing the operation of power is the key to preventing and controlling corruption, and a perfect system for managing the party and governing the party is an important guarantee for preventing and controlling corruption. The occurrence of corruption cases has exposed the weak links and even blank spots in the system of managing the party and governing the party. Discipline inspection and supervision organs and judicial organs are to issue a recommendation to promote reform through the use of cases, to promote the Party organizations of the units where the cases occurred to use the cases as a reference, conduct in-depth analysis, investigate the loopholes in the system of Party governance, promptly improve the governance systems of departments, industries, and regions, and promote the scientific allocation of power and the standardization of operations at a higher level.

Using cases to promote reform has strengthened the "don't want to be corrupt". The key to effectively preventing and controlling corruption lies in solving the problem of the "master switch." This is to start from strengthening the ideals and beliefs of party members and cadres, strengthen loyalty and responsibility, and be pragmatic and honest for the people. Using cases to promote reform is to comprehensively use all kinds of documents and materials for investigating and handling cases, and to use the fresh cases of people around them to carry out in-depth use of cases to clarify discipline, explain the law with cases, and explain responsibilities with cases, and carry out in-depth education on the four "enough self-confidence", so as to guide the majority of party members and cadres to be virtuous, abide by public morality, and strict private morality, adhere to the bottom line of honest use of power, consolidate the ideological foundation of "not wanting to be corrupt", and strengthen the confidence of the whole party to take the road of anti-corruption with Chinese characteristics.

Use cases to promote reform and strengthen the integrity of not daring to be corrupt, not being able to be corrupt, and not wanting to be corrupt. The complexity of the causes of corruption determines the diversity and comprehensiveness of the means of controlling corruption. On the premise of maintaining the high-pressure posture of punishing corruption, we should do a good job in promoting the root cause of corruption by treating the symptoms, not only strengthening the restraint and supervision of power, but also educating and guiding the vast number of cadres to cultivate themselves with a righteous mind and keep the foundation of the government. Do a good job of the connection, penetration and coordination of not daring to be corrupt, not being corrupt, and not wanting to be corrupt, and fuse the deterrent force of not daring to be corrupt, the binding force of not being corrupt, and the appeal of not wanting to be corrupt into an overall joint force for effective governance of corruption. (Bu Wanhong, Associate Professor, School of Marxism, Henan University)

(This article was published in the 10th issue of China Discipline Inspection and Supervision magazine in 2024)