
Wu Xuezhao: About "Qian Zhongshu Yang Jiang's Relatives and Friends"

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Wu Xuezhao: About "Qian Zhongshu Yang Jiang's Relatives and Friends"

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Those letters that can't bear to be destroyed, those family members outside "us", those precious scholars' past, those friendships that can't be separated, and those memories that can't be taken away...... On the occasion of the eighth anniversary of the death of Mr. Yang Jiang (1911.7.17-2016.5.25), Life, Reading, and Xinzhi Sanlian Bookstore published and distributed "Qian Zhongshu Yang Jiang's Relatives and Friends Book" (edited and translated by Wu Xuezhao), which presents the work, life, mood, communication, and academic situation of Mr. Qian Zhongshu and Yang Jiang through nearly 300 letters, presenting a richer and more three-dimensional world of Qian and Yang for readers.

The following is the "Organizer's Words" written by Wu Xuezhao for this book, please indicate the source for reprinting.

Wu Xuezhao: About "Qian Zhongshu Yang Jiang's Relatives and Friends"

This poem "Partridge Heaven" is written by Mr. Xu Jingyuan, Qian Zhongshu's closest relative and the most exchanged letters. The lyrics were written in the ninth lunar month of 1979

About "Qian Zhongshu Yang Jiang's Relatives and Friends"

One of the last things that Mr. Yang Jiang did in her later years was to destroy the diaries of Mr. Qian Zhongshu and herself, as well as the letters of some relatives and friends. Although I felt that it was a pity and I tried to dissuade her many times, I couldn't make her change her mind.

Soon after, I made an appointment. That day, it happened that the nanny Xiao Wu went home from rest, and it was Mr. Yang who opened the door himself. As she passed the aisle, she pointed to the closet on the left and said, "Some of the retained letters from readers (who have generally been read) are stacked in cardboard boxes and will be handed over to the Tsinghua Archives for preservation, along with the reviews of newspapers and magazines that we have collected in recent years." ”

We were chatting in her bedroom that day, and Mr. Yang wanted to explain the reason why she had destroyed her diary and her friend's letters a few days ago, but I didn't let her go on. After more than a year of fighting side by side with jurists and the strong support of people from all sides, the 2013 lawsuit over the auction of Qian Yang's letters ended happily, but the private letters were traded as commodities, after all, it broke Mr. Yang's heart, and I can understand her helplessness and hidden intentions in doing so. Mr. Yang clasped my hand and said, "Thank you for your understanding!" ”

I believe that Mr. Yang's self-destructive diaries and letters will not be numerous. In fact, after the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the subsequent social turmoil, the average person was rarely able to keep his manuscripts, diaries and letters intact. What's more, during the fall of Shanghai, Qian Yang and his wife, who had been living with their uncle, heard that their uncle had ordered Zhong Shu's brother and daughter-in-law to bring their two children to Shanghai and move into their house, so they had to quickly vacate their room and temporarily move into a friend's empty house. Due to the rush of time, I was unable to take a large suitcase full of manuscripts, notes, letters and other items under the bed with me when I moved. In the summer of the same year, Qian Yang and his wife were recruited by Tsinghua University, that is, they hurriedly went north with their daughter and began to be busy with their new life. Until the early 60s of the 20th century, Mr. Yang's little sister Yang Bi, who was teaching in Fudan, was seriously ill, and she went to Shanghai to visit, visiting her old residence by the way, and wanted to bring the stored suitcase back to Beijing. When she stepped into the familiar little pavilion, she saw that the suitcase was still under the bed, and she was indescribably happy, but when she opened it, the box was empty, and there was not a word of paper. The disappointment and resentment in my heart can be imagined. After the adjustment of the departments of colleges and universities across the country, Qian and Yang left Tsinghua University together and transferred to the newly founded Institute of Literature (first in Peking University under the leadership of the Central Propaganda Department, and later under the Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Sciences). The two also wrote letters mostly to report their living conditions and ask for peace to their relatives, and there were few correspondence between the old Yu friends.

I still remember that Mr. Yang talked a lot that day, and I was afraid that she would be too tired, so I had to get up to say goodbye and ask her to lie down and take oxygen to rest. Mr. Yang said, "Don't worry, I still have something to trust." Then he turned around and took out a large cloth bag from the cupboard, and said faintly: "These are all letters from relatives and friends that I have read and read, and I really can't tear them up by hand." I have been getting weaker and weaker lately, and I know that my days are numbered, and I have no strength to deal with these letters, and I am giving them all to you, and I am sure that you will not let me down. Among the letter writers, many of them are familiar to you, even if it is a souvenir! ......" I was very sad when I heard this, and fearing that she would be grieved, and said, "I will never fail your trust, and as to how to deal with it, let me read all the letters carefully and consult with you before speaking." ”

Wu Xuezhao: About "Qian Zhongshu Yang Jiang's Relatives and Friends"

Mr. Yang Jiang, who was meditating on the scroll, went home with Mr. Yang's big cloth bag in a heavy heart, and it took me almost two or three weeks to sort out the letters in the bag in the chronological order of the first letter written by the writer, and then began to read. There is a long letter from Mr. Yang's twelve-year-old eldest sister Shou Kang telling her sister's unknown family history, and on Mr. Yang's 2014 birthday, two children thousands of miles away sent a childlike painting and letter "Wishing Grandma Yang's birthday". Among them, the largest number are letters from Chinese and foreign scholars of the same generation. From a formal point of view, except for the condolence letters sent by the President of France, the British Secretary of Culture and other foreign dignitaries to Mr. Yang Jiang on the death of Mr. Qian Zhongshu, most of the other letters (including letters from foreign scholars) are handwritten books that have been rare for a long time since the popularity of e-mail, mobile phones, and WeChat, with special warmth and friendship.

Wu Xuezhao: About "Qian Zhongshu Yang Jiang's Relatives and Friends"

Rose postcard sent by Anna Dorezhlova to Yang Jiang (November 5, 1988). Anna likes red roses and knows that Yang Jiang also has the same interests, so every letter is written on the back of the rose postcard. Yang Jiang once told Anna: "I pressed your roses under the glass plate on my desk, day and night, like the ink you are on the book." "In terms of time, the vast majority of the letters were written in the eighties and nineties of the last century. During that time, the Qian Yang couple, who had always been low-key and silent, seemed to have suddenly woken up from years of nightmares and burst out with great creativity. After Yang Jiang's "Six Records of Cadre School" was written, he was afraid of violating the taboo of the times at first, so he did not dare to publish it in the mainland, so he took it to Hong Kong. After reading it, Comrade Hu Qiaomu immediately sent a message to the Institute of Literature and said: This book should also be published in the mainland! At the banquet to welcome Zhao Yuanren in 1983, he told Qian Zhongshu his sixteen-character comment on the book: "Resentment but not anger, sorrow but not sadness, lingering and compassionate, every word is true." After the publication of "Six Records of the Cadre School", it received rave reviews, and English, French, Russian, and Japanese translations were published one after another. J. F. Chenner's review called the book "the most prominent work of twentieth-century English translation of Chinese literature." Yang Jiang wrote a lot of essays one after another, collected as "Will Drink Tea", "Miscellaneous Memories and Miscellaneous Writings", etc., and wrote the novel "Bath". Qian Zhongshu published his imperial masterpiece "Pipe Cone Weaving", which is like an encyclopedia of life. Although the book is long and written in Chinese, it is not much for ordinary readers, but it is very popular with liberal arts and scholars at home and abroad. Mr. Achilles Fang, a senior lecturer in the Department of East Asian Studies at Harvard University, immediately opened a special course on "Pipe Cone Weaving" to guide students in reading, and his disciple Ronald C. Egan later selected and translated "Pipe Cone Weaving" into English and recommended it to Western readers. Most of the foreign scholars and translators who corresponded with Qian and Yang met during the 26th Conference of the Chinese Association for European Studies held in the mountain town of Ortisei in northern Italy in September 1978. Qian Chunshu walked out of the country after being closed for ten years, vividly reviewed the history of Sino-Italian cultural exchanges and introduced the general situation of mainland literature at the meeting, and finally shouted: "China no longer keeps aloof from Europe!" The audience cheered and screamed, and the applause was thunderous. Since then, curious foreign writers and scholars have frequently visited China to exchange and interact, and Qian and Yang have also become busy people in receiving such foreign guests.

Wu Xuezhao: About "Qian Zhongshu Yang Jiang's Relatives and Friends"

After reading the letter, Mr. Qian Zhongshu, who was smiling, should say that Mr. Qian's visit went smoothly, he was able to deal with unfamiliar overseas academic circles, and the works of Qian and Yang were successfully promoted to the world, and Mr. Song Qi (Yi Fen), a confidant and friend who Qian Zhongshu called "the flesh and blood of words", made great contributions. The letter from Song Qi collected in this book provides us with a lot of details.

Wu Xuezhao: About "Qian Zhongshu Yang Jiang's Relatives and Friends"

Mr. Song Qi's handwriting on November 19, 1983 Song Qi is the philosopher of Mr. Song Chunfang, a famous book collector in the mainland, born in Yanjing and Guanghua, and had a close relationship with Mr. Qian during the fall of Shanghai. According to Song Qi's recollections: In those years, I felt that there were few people who benefited from formal education, but benefited from the influence of Qian Zhongshu the most, and I never dared to forget Mr. Qian's teachings when I was doing knowledge and writing articles. On the eve of the founding of the People's Republic of China, Song Qi had to move to Hong Kong because he was suffering from a chronic illness and could not maintain his life without taking imported medicines. At that time, Hong Kong was still under British rule and could not travel freely with the mainland, but he always cherished the motherland. During his tenure at the Centre for Translation Studies at the University of Chinese Hong Kong, he founded the journal Renditions, a journal and book series specializing in the English translation of Chinese poetics, lexicology, historiography and modern literature. The Translation Series has been praised by scholars from Europe, the United States, and Japan for its accurate translations, detailed annotations, and fair commentary. As early as the early 70s, Song Qi began to plan and promote the publication of the English translation of "The Siege" in the United States, and personally reviewed and revised the translation. After 1979, Qian and Song resumed contact, and the fish and geese continued to go and go, talking freely, exchanging information, commenting on stories, and making witty remarks.

Monika Motsch, a German scholar who is regarded as the "daughter of literature" by Mr. Qian, writes frequently, talks about her studies, is vivid and humorous, and full of fun, which brings a lot of joy to Mr. Qian's family.

Wu Xuezhao: About "Qian Zhongshu Yang Jiang's Relatives and Friends"

In addition to Qian Zhongshu and Mo Zhiyijia on the balcony of Qian Yang's residence, it is worth mentioning that in these letters, there are also "Thoughts" written by Comrade Qiao Mu when he was 70 years old, "Happy Snow in the New Year" written by Mr. Lao She, a short brief by Ms. Bingxin, and a letter from the elderly Ms. Su Xuelin inquiring about the whereabouts of her close friend Yang Shoukang. The letters of condolence from many friends to Yang Jiang for the loss of her beloved daughter and husband are even more sincere and touching. After reading all the letters, I connected with some of the fragments I had known before, and I suddenly felt that many things were suddenly connected. The more I read, the more I devoted, the more I read, the more moved I became, and I understood better why Mr. Yang Jiang couldn't bear to destroy them. What kind of letters are these? They carry cultural information, historical evidence and human feelings, and are extremely precious cultural and historical materials!

Wu Xuezhao: About "Qian Zhongshu Yang Jiang's Relatives and Friends"

Qian Zhongshu, Yang Jiang and his wife, Hu Qiaomu, Gu Yu and his wife (photo by Hu Muying)

How to deal with these letters has become a difficult problem for me, and it has also become a problem for me, so I can only consult with Mr. Yang.

Unfortunately, Mr. Yeung's health was deteriorating by this time, and he was in and out of the hospital from time to time. Early one morning, I rushed to Union Hospital and sat in front of her bed waiting for her to wake up. She woke up in good spirits and was very happy to see me, so we solved the problem together. She asked me what I thought, and I said, "The letters you left me are so precious that you can't tear them up, and I don't dare or give them away." These treasures of academic value and historical significance should not be kept by me personally. My idea is to try to organize and translate them and publish them in my lifetime, leave them to the society for the study and reference of the majority of readers, and then donate all the original documents to the National Museum. Mr. Yang listened, patted the back of my hand, and said with a smile: "What you see is the same!" It can be described as a spiritual connection. "I know that Mr. Qian has always opposed the publication of his letters, but if Mr. Song Qi comes to inquire about the book every time he publishes a collection of letters, Mr. Qian has no answers, which seems inappropriate, so I would like to excerpt part of Mr. Qian's reply to Song Qi's letters. Mr. Yang nodded in agreement with this idea, saying that it was because she had taken this into account at that time, and had attached Mr. Qian's reply to Song Qi's book for my selection. He also said: "As our copyright owner, you have the right to use Qian Xin, don't worry about it. ”

I was relieved to solve the problem, and I felt that I was really stupid - it turned out that Mr. Yang had already had an idea about it, but I thought about it for a long time. Because I had an appointment in advance, it was not until I had finished, translated, and annotated the "Notes of Wu Mi's Mentors and Friends" and compiled the "Annals of Wu Mi" that I began to sort, translate, edit, and annotate the "Notes of Yang Jiang's Relatives and Friends of Qian Zhongshu", and contacted many of the letter writers (including the family members of the deceased author) to obtain authorization and consent. After more than two years of hard work, we finally lived up to Mr. Yang's trust and completed this work. If there are individual letter writers or family members who cannot be contacted through many searches, please contact us to send a sample book, and I would like to express my gratitude.

There will inevitably be inaccuracies in the editing, translation, and annotation of this book, and I hope that readers will not hesitate to give advice.

Wu Xue-sho

Fall 2022

Recommended Reading:

Wu Xuezhao: About "Qian Zhongshu Yang Jiang's Relatives and Friends"

Qian Zhongshu and Yang Jiang's relatives and friends

Wu Xuezhao collated and translated annotations

Life, Reading, New Knowledge Joint Bookstore 2024-5

ISBN:9787108077127 定价:86.00元

The book contains 277 letters to Mr. Qian Zhongshu and Mr. Yang Jiang, as well as a number of replies from Mr. Qian and Mr. Yang. These letters began in 1946 and ended in 2014, mostly in the eighties and nineties of the twentieth century.

The authors of the letter include close friends of the two gentlemen, scholars, fellow scholars, translators and readers, and more than 90 people. Some of the contents of the letter can not only make up for the loss of the chronology and other biographies, but also provide valuable first-hand materials for readers to understand the various life directions of Mr. Qian and Mr. Yang.

The letters received in this book present some of the work, life, mood, communication, and academic status of Mr. Qian Zhongshu and Mr. Yang Jiang, which is not only a record of the times, but also witnesses the friendship and ideological resonance between scholars, and should have a certain historical value in academic history.

Wu Xuezhao, the compiler, added detailed notes, introduced relevant characters, explained relevant events, and translated the letters in English and French one by one, so that readers often gain new knowledge beyond the letters.

Wu Xuezhao: About "Qian Zhongshu Yang Jiang's Relatives and Friends"

We (20th Anniversary Edition) by Yang Jiang

Life, Reading, and New Knowledge Joint Bookstore 2023-6

ISBN:9787108076427 Price:68.00 yuan (hardcover)

ISBN: 9787108076434 Price: 39.00 yuan (paperback)

In 1998, the death of Mr. Chin Chung Shu was deeply saddened by the cultural community. But what is less known is that he and Mr. Yang's only daughter, Qian Yuan, had left them before (1997). His lifelong partner and only daughter have left one after another, and the scene of Mr. Yang Jiang's later years is very understandable. Four years after the departure of his life partner, the 92-year-old Mr. Yang carefully recounted the ups and downs of their special family for 63 years, and formed a memoir "We Together".

At the beginning of the book, Mr. Yang, with his consistent wisdom and unique brushwork, uses the form of dreams to tell the emotional experience of a family of three who depended on each other in the last few years. The second part records the little-known ups and downs of the family in the 63 years from 1935, when the couple went to study in England and fell in love with their daughter in Oxford, to the death of Mr. Qian in 1998. Their footprints have crossed half the world, through the turbulent half century: war, disease, political storms, life and death...... Regardless of the storm, they have been close to each other, and the beautiful family has become the safest shelter for Mr. Yang's family. The third part is the notes, letterheads, pictures, etc., which record the life of the family, all of which are written and explained by Mr. Yang himself.

Mr. Yang's writing is subtle and restrained, and the indescribable family affection and sorrow permeate the lines, which makes the reader moved. The meaning of life will not change because of the birth and death of the body, and the warm family affection that is settled on the impermanence of the world has bound them together forever, and the meaning of home has been fully explained in Mr. 's book.

2023 marks the 20th anniversary of the publication of "We Three". On the basis of the first edition, we have added precious materials such as photos, family letters, codexes, diaries, etc., and launched the "20th Anniversary Edition", inviting readers to relive our time together.

Wu Xuezhao: About "Qian Zhongshu Yang Jiang's Relatives and Friends"

Listen to Yang Jiang talk about the past (Supplemental Edition)

Written by Wu Xuezhao

Life, Reading, New Knowledge Joint Bookstore 2023-5

ISBN:9787108059338 定价:45.00元

"Listening to Yang Jiang Talk about the Past" was first published in 2008, on the 10th anniversary of Mr. Qian Zhongshu's death, and the owner of Mr. Yang Jiang was 98 years old. Mr. Yang Jiang wrote in the preface of his handwritten book: "There are not a few biographies written for me, and I may add a few after my death, but this is the only one that I wrote with my consent. ”

The author of this biography, Wu Xuezhao, is a good friend of Qian Zhongshu and Yang Jiang, and his father, Mr. Wu Mi, a famous scholar and educator, was a teacher of Mr. Qian Zhongshu and Mr. Yang Jiang in the days of Tsinghua University. Because there were many opportunities to communicate with Mr. Yang Jiang face-to-face, between "talking about the past" and "talking about homely things", the author felt more and more deeply the charm of Mr. Yang's personality, and felt that he should share these precious historical materials and moving stories he heard with all readers who loved Yang Jiang's works, so he spent nearly three years talking with Mr. Yang Jiang, and recorded in detail the life experience from Mr. Yang's birth to the age of 98. Mr. Yang Jiang once said that this book is "to relive the past with a close friend, to appreciate the old feelings, so there are questions to answer", in the course of the conversation, the author asked thoroughly, and Mr. Yang answered carefully and carefully, tirelessly. In addition to a large number of oral first-hand sources, the book also synthesizes the relevant historical materials collected by the author and what he has seen and heard, supplemented by nearly 100 precious photos. After the book was launched, it was warmly welcomed and widely concerned by readers—this kind of welcome and attention was not about the private life of a family, but about the admiration for the profound and profound human affection and honest and upright conduct of Chinese readers, and the attention to the living conditions and living space of intellectuals of an era.

In the early morning of May 25, 2016, Mr. Yang Jiang drove to the west. Joint Publishing released a hardcover edition of "Listening to Yang Jiang Talk about the Past" to commemorate the occasion, and released an updated edition on the first anniversary of Mr. Yang Jiang's death. During his lifetime, Mr. Yang re-read and revised this book, and the updated version has been revised accordingly.

The first two articles were reviewed by Mr. Yang Jiang during his lifetime, and the last three articles were completed after Mr. Yang's death. Seven years have passed since her death, but her life will continue in her writings, and her kindness, wisdom and righteousness will forever enlighten and nourish posterity.

Wu Xuezhao: About "Qian Zhongshu Yang Jiang's Relatives and Friends"

Yang Jiang has translated seven kinds

Life, Reading, New Knowledge, 2015

Yang Jiang (1911-2016), formerly known as Yang Jikang, was a famous writer, translator and scholar from Wuxi, Jiangsu. He graduated from Soochow University and graduated from Tsinghua University. In 1935, he married Qian Zhongshu and went to England and France to study. She returned to China in the autumn of 1938 and served as a professor at Aurora Women's College of Arts and Sciences in Shanghai and the Department of Foreign Languages of Tsinghua University. After 1952, he was a researcher at the Institute of Foreign Literature of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. His main works include the plays "Satisfactory", "Making the Truth False", the novel "Bath", the collection of essays and essays "Six Notes on the Dry School", "Will Drink Tea", "Miscellaneous Memories and Miscellaneous Writings", "We Three", "Walking on the Edge of Life - Self-Questioning and Answering", etc., translated as "Don Quixote", "Jill Blas", "Little Leper", "Phaedo", etc.

This series includes Yang Jiang's "Six Notes on Cadre School", "Will Drink Tea", "Miscellaneous Memories and Miscellaneous Writings: 1933-1991", "Miscellaneous Memories and Miscellaneous Writings: 1992-2013", "Invisible" Visits: Yang Jiang's Reading Essays, "We", and "Phaedo: Plato's Dialogues I".

Wu Xuezhao: About "Qian Zhongshu Yang Jiang's Relatives and Friends"

Qian Chung Book Collection

Life, Reading, New Knowledge, 2001

Mr. Qian Zhongshu (1910-1998) was a well-known scholar and writer in contemporary China. His works, such as the widely disseminated "Tan Yilu", "Guan Cone Editing", "The Siege of the City", etc., have become important academic and literary classics of the 20th century. In order to present Mr. Qian Zhongshu's academic thoughts and literary achievements in a more comprehensive way, and to facilitate readers' research and study, with the author's authorization, Joint Publishing organized forces to edit this set of "Qian Zhongshu Collection".

The Collection of Qian Zhongshu includes the following ten types: "Tan Yilu", "Guan Cone Edition", "Selected Notes on Song Poems", "Seven Decorations", "Siege of the City", "Man, Beast and Ghost", "Written on the Edge of Life", "Written on the Edge of Life", "Stone Language", and "Huaiju Poems".

"Qian Zhongshu Collection" is provided by Mr. Qian Zhongshu and Mr. Yang Jiang as sample books and manuscripts; Mr. Lu Gusun, Luo Xinzhang, Dong Hengxun, Xue Hongshi and Zhang Peifen served as foreign language editors; Mr. Lu Wenhu and Ms. Ma Rong served as the editors of "Tan Yilu" and "Pipe Cone Edition" respectively.

Wu Xuezhao: About "Qian Zhongshu Yang Jiang's Relatives and Friends"

Seven sets of embellishments

Written by Qian Zhongshu

Life, Reading, New Knowledge Joint Bookstore 2019-1

ISBN:9787108063700 定价:62.00元

Mr. Qian Zhongshu talks about the masterpieces of literature and art, especially good at comparing Chinese and Western poems and paintings, and is considerate of the infinite charm behind poetry and words. "Chinese Poetry and Chinese Painting", "Poetry Can Be Complained", "Synaesthesia" and so on are all masterpieces in the history of modern Chinese literary criticism. The Seven Fixes Collection is the author's "merger of all the Four Old Texts and half of the Collected Works". The first edition was published in 1985 by Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House. The author said: "This book is a patchwork and patchwork, and the content contains seven articles, old and new. In ancient times, there were names such as "five embellished clothes" and "seven embellished bowls", so it was named "Seven Embellishment Collection". On the basis of the revised edition of Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House in 1994, with the consent of Mr. Yang Jiang, the triptych edition has added some content that appears in other editions, so as to preserve the content of Mr. Qian Zhongshu's work as much as possible.

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Wu Xuezhao: About "Qian Zhongshu Yang Jiang's Relatives and Friends"


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Wu Xuezhao: About "Qian Zhongshu Yang Jiang's Relatives and Friends"

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Wu Xuezhao: About "Qian Zhongshu Yang Jiang's Relatives and Friends"