
A thunderstorm is coming! There will be a big reversal in the weather in Sihong!

author:Wei Sihong

A thunderstorm is coming! There will be a big reversal in the weather in Sihong!
A thunderstorm is coming! There will be a big reversal in the weather in Sihong!


来源 | 泗洪气象微信公众号编辑 | 戚珍妮 审核 | 张希刚

Weekly weather outlook

There was a thunderstorm process over the weekend

- ONE -

Last week's weather recap

Last Wednesday, there were 7~8 gusts in some parts of our county, and the rest of the time was mainly sunny or cloudy. No precipitation. The weekly high was 34.1°C (18 May) and the low was 14.8°C (15 May).

- TWO -

Weather forecast for the week

This Monday to Friday will be mainly sunny or cloudy, with a thundershower process late Saturday and Sunday. From Friday to Saturday, the wind has increased, with gusts of 5~6. Temperatures have been stable this week, with highs of 33°C on Thursday and Friday. Specific forecast:

A thunderstorm is coming! There will be a big reversal in the weather in Sihong!


Weather impact advisory

1. The weather is gradually getting hotter, and the temperature difference between morning and evening is large, so please increase or decrease clothes in time according to the temperature change.

2. This week's temperature is high, the relative humidity is low in the afternoon, the wind is maintained above level 3, and the risk of dry and hot wind weather is high, which is easy to lead to the termination of grouting and the decline of grain weight, please pay attention to precautions.

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A thunderstorm is coming! There will be a big reversal in the weather in Sihong!

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A thunderstorm is coming! There will be a big reversal in the weather in Sihong!

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