
Outburst! The helicopter of the President of Iran was discovered! No survivors!

author:Civil Aviation Resource Network
Outburst! The helicopter of the President of Iran was discovered! No survivors!

Iranian media: In the area of the Iranian helicopter accident, there is no sign of survivorship

According to a report by Iranian state television on the 20th, the wreckage of the helicopter in which Iranian President Raisi was traveling has been found, and no signs of life have been found so far.

On the 20th local time, Iran's Fars News Agency disclosed a video of rescuers using drones to view the latest video of the accident scene of the helicopter in which President Raisi was riding.

Rescuers said the images in the video were footage of the helicopter crash, taken by a drone, and showed the current state of the accident helicopter.

Outburst! The helicopter of the President of Iran was discovered! No survivors!

According to Xinhua News Agency, according to Iranian state media reports on the 20th, the helicopter in which the Iranian president was traveling has been found, and rescuers have approached the scene. Iranian state television recently reported that a search of the area of the helicopter accident with Iranian President Raisi showed that "there is currently no sign of survival."

Outburst! The helicopter of the President of Iran was discovered! No survivors!

Iranian rescue teams used drones to detect the scene of an accident in the helicopter in which President Raisi was travelling. In the video, rescuers say that "the propellers of the helicopter, as well as the cockpit, were burned and the temperature could not be detected by thermal imaging".

Outburst! The helicopter of the President of Iran was discovered! No survivors!

Images released by Iran's Fars news agency show that the helicopter in which President Raisi was traveling in the accident has been found.

Outburst! The helicopter of the President of Iran was discovered! No survivors!

Rescuers said the propeller and cockpit of the helicopter in which the Iranian president was traveling were burned

On the 20th local time, the Iranian rescue team used drones to detect the helicopter accident site. Rescuers said that the propellers of the helicopter, as well as the cockpit, were burned out, and the temperature could not be detected by rescuers through thermal imaging.

Iranian media said that the search and rescue team arrived at the site of the helicopter accident of the Iranian president

According to the latest report by Iranian state television, the search and rescue team has arrived at the site of the accident with the helicopter carrying Iranian President Raisi. The head of the Iranian Red Crescent Society told Iranian state television that "the situation is not very good".

According to Iranian media reports on the 19th, a helicopter carrying Iranian President Raisi and senior officials had an accident on the 19th and made an emergency landing in East Azerbaijan Province in northwestern Iran. At present, the situation of the people on board is unknown, and the search and rescue work is in full swing.

Iranian Interior Minister Vahidi confirmed in an interview with Iranian state television on the 19th that a helicopter in President Raisi's helicopter fleet had an accident and made an emergency landing in East Azerbaijan Province. Unfavorable weather conditions led to an emergency landing of the helicopter.

The president's helicopter fleet, consisting of three helicopters, was travelling from Khoda Afalin County to Tabriz at the time of the incident to attend the inauguration of a petrochemical complex, Iranian state television reported. Earlier in the day, Raisi joined Azerbaijani President Aliyev in the inauguration of the reservoir dam in Khoda Afarin County. The flotilla also carried a number of senior officials, including Foreign Minister Abdollahian.

Turkish drones found the exact location of a suspected Iranian accident helicopter

Turkey's Anadolu News Agency reported on the 20th local time that the "Ranger" drone sent by Turkey to Iran identified the heat source, which was likely to be the location of the helicopter accident, and provided the exact coordinates to the Iranian side.

Outburst! The helicopter of the President of Iran was discovered! No survivors!

The coordinates of the heat source were published by Iran's official news agency, and the area is located in a mountainous area, about 3 kilometers from a village called Tavil.

Video: The drone detects a heat source in the area of the accident, suspected to be the site of the helicopter crash

Iranian media: The list of people on board the helicopter carrying the Iranian president was announced, carrying a total of 9 people According to CNN on the 20th, citing Iran's Tasnim News Agency, a total of 9 people were on board the helicopter that crashed in northwest Iran the day before. In addition to Iranian President Raisi, Iranian Foreign Minister Abdollahian and East Azerbaijan Governor Malik Rahmati are two officials. In addition, there is an imam, as well as 5 crew members and security personnel. In addition, CNN also reported that Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) reported on its news website Sepah that the nine are: Iranian President Raisi, Iranian Foreign Minister Abdollahian, East Azerbaijan Governor Malik Rahmati, Imam Mohammad Ali Alhashem, as well as a pilot, a co-pilot, a crew commander, a security chief and a bodyguard.

Earlier, Iranian state television reported that the accident could have occurred in Varzagan County, about 670 kilometers from the capital Tehran, and the exact location of the accident helicopter remains unknown. The TV reporter reported at the scene that the weather was foggy and cold, making the rescue work very difficult. Adverse weather conditions made it impossible to conduct an aerial search by helicopter, and rescue work is being carried out on the ground.

The report quoted the head of the Iranian Red Crescent Society, Pilhousin Kolivand, as saying that 40 rapid response teams had been sent to the area to carry out a search. The region is mountainous and about a two-hour drive from Tabriz, the capital of East Azerbaijan Province. Search and rescue teams are using drones to conduct searches.

Outburst! The helicopter of the President of Iran was discovered! No survivors!

On the 19th local time, Iranian Vice President Mansoori said that he had previously established contact with the people on the accident helicopter, but the signal was subsequently interrupted. Rescuers are currently searching within a two-kilometre radius of the accident site. The commander of the Revolutionary Guard Corps in Iran's East Azerbaijan province said that the helicopter signal of the accident, as well as the mobile phone signal of one of the crew members, were received, and search and rescue personnel were heading to the area where the signal was given.

Rescue assistance was provided in many countries

After the accident, Turkey, Russia, Azerbaijan, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Lebanon and other countries have expressed their willingness to help, and some of them have sent search and rescue forces to Iran.

The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement on the "hard landing" of Iranian President Raisi in a helicopter

The Chinese side is deeply concerned about the "hard landing" incident of President Raisi flying by helicopter and wishes President Raisi and his crew safe and sound. China is closely following the situation and will provide all necessary support and assistance to Iran's relief efforts.

The first Russian rescue aircraft has taken off for Tabriz

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zakharova said on the 19th that the Russian side paid close attention to the relevant information about the helicopter on which Iranian President Raisi was traveling, and sincerely hoped that the lives and health of the passengers on board were not threatened. Russia is ready to provide all necessary assistance in the search for helicopters and in the investigation of the causes of the accident.

The Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations released a message on the 20th local time saying that according to the order issued by Russian President Putin to the Minister of Emergency Situations Kulenkov, at the request of the Iranian side, the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations will send rescuers to assist in the search and rescue of the helicopter carrying Iranian President Raisi.

According to the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, at the moment specialized equipment is being loaded at Zhukovsky Airport, and a team of 47 rescuers will go to Iran with the necessary equipment and vehicles, as well as a BO-105 helicopter.

According to Iran's Tasnim news agency, the first Russian rescue plane with rescuers has already taken off for Tabriz.

Iraqi Prime Minister's instructions: to assist Iran in the search

On the 19th local time, Iraqi government spokesman Basim Awadi issued a statement saying that Iraqi Prime Minister Al-Sudani had instructed the Iraqi Ministry of the Interior, the Iraqi Red Crescent Society and other relevant agencies to assist Iran in searching for a helicopter carrying the Iranian president and his team.

President of Azerbaijan: Ready to assist Iran in the search and rescue and provide any assistance

Azerbaijani President Aliyev said on social media on the 19th that Azerbaijan is willing to assist Iranian search and rescue helicopters and is ready to provide any assistance needed.

Saudi Arabia, Lebanon and other countries expressed their willingness to help, and the European Union launched satellite mapping services

In addition, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon and other countries said on the 19th that they are closely monitoring the progress of the search for helicopters and provide any necessary assistance for search and rescue operations.

The European Commission said on the same day that it had launched a satellite mapping service following Iran's request for assistance.

The Iranian Foreign Ministry issued a statement on the accident with the presidential helicopter

In the early morning of the 20th local time, the Iranian Foreign Ministry issued a statement on the accident of the helicopter in which President Raisi was traveling.

The statement said that on the afternoon of the 19th local time, a helicopter carrying the Iranian president, foreign minister and other entourages had an accident in the Varzagan region of East Azerbaijan Province. Despite the bad weather and environment, the rescue team continued to actively search the area of the accident with great hope.

Iran is grateful to the Government and international organizations for their humanitarian sentiment and solidarity with the Government and people of Iran, as well as for their help and assistance in the search and rescue operations.

The UN Secretary-General is concerned about reports of the accident involving the Iranian president's helicopter

On the afternoon of the 19th local time, UN Secretary-General Guterres issued a statement through his spokesperson, saying that he was paying attention to reports about the hard landing of a helicopter carrying the Iranian president.

Guterres wished Iranian President Raisi and his entourage safe and sound.

According to Iran's official news agency, Iranian Interior Minister Wahidi said on the 19th local time that when the Iranian presidential team was on a helicopter, one of the helicopters had a hard landing accident due to heavy fog.

Iran's Supreme Leader: I hope Raisi and his entourage will return home safely, and the work of the country and the government will not be affected

On May 19, local time, Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said that he hoped that Iranian President Raisi and his entourage could return home safely, and everyone should pray for them, and the Iranian people do not need to worry, and the work of the country and the government will not be affected. (Comprehensive CCTV News, CCTV International News, etc.)

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