
How to lose fat on both sides of the waist and abdomen quickly? Several methods are simple and efficient

author:Gain muscle and lose fat

Nowadays, with the development of the times, we have begun to have the problem of excess calories, and the body has begun to gain weight, and waist and abdominal fat can easily appear.

How to lose fat on both sides of the waist and abdomen quickly? Several methods are simple and efficient

Why does belly fat accumulate so easily?

The formation of abdominal fat is mainly the result of excessive subcutaneous fat and visceral fat, and excessive fat will affect the operation of the lung and internal organs, which is easy to induce various health diseases, and excessive subcutaneous fat will also affect the core strength, and it is easy to have backache and muscle strain.

Today's food can be seen everywhere, all kinds of fried chicken, pizza, spicy hot, barbecue, milk tea, etc. are high-calorie and easy to gain weight, once you overeat, usually lack of exercise, used to sedentary lifestyle, then, excess calories will be converted into fat accumulation, and fat will be preferentially accumulated in the abdomen.

How to lose fat on both sides of the waist and abdomen quickly? Several methods are simple and efficient

How can I lose fat on both sides of my waist and abdomen and restore a flat lower abdomen?

If we want to eliminate excess fat on our body, we need to increase our calorie deficit, start from both diet and exercise, and develop self-disciplined living habits in order to slowly lose weight.

How to lose fat on both sides of the waist and abdomen quickly? Several methods are simple and efficient

In terms of diet, do these 3 points to make your waistline smaller day by day:

1. Stay away from high-calorie foods such as high-fat, high-sugar, and over-processed, replace take-out and dinner parties with self-cooking, and stick to a light diet to control calorie intake.

2. Maintain a moderate hunger pang, rather than over-dieting. During weight loss, record daily calorie intake greater than the basal metabolic value and less than the body's total metabolism of about 400-500 kcal.

3. Eat three meals regularly, do not have a single diet, eat more vegetables (broccoli, carrots, lettuce, tomatoes, etc.), control the intake of staple foods (coarse grains and fine grains are combined to eat, and the feeling of satiety is stronger), and supplement an appropriate amount of high-quality protein (chicken breast, fish, shrimp, etc.). Drink plenty of water and cucumber after three meals to avoid excess calorie intake.

How to lose fat on both sides of the waist and abdomen quickly? Several methods are simple and efficient

In terms of exercise, do 2 o'clock, and the abdominal line becomes more and more obvious!

1. Arrange 40-60 minutes of aerobic exercise every day, such as: aerobics, running, brisk walking, cycling, swimming and other sports, you can use 20 minutes of early getting up for jumping jacks, 15 minutes of commuting for brisk walking exercise, and 20 minutes of running training at night, which can make you burn fat all day long, and waist and abdominal fat will slowly disappear.

2. A group of abdominal muscle training every other day, and the abdominal muscles are composed of transverse abdominis muscles, rectus abdominis muscles, external oblique muscles, internal oblique muscles and other small muscle groups, we can choose abdominal curls, Russian turns, supine bicycles, supine leg raises and other actions for all-round exercise, 15-20 minutes each time, which can strengthen the abdominal muscle lines and inhibit fat accumulation.

How to lose fat on both sides of the waist and abdomen quickly? Several methods are simple and efficient


If you want to lose belly fat, you need to be patient enough, quit the vice of gluttony and immobility, learn to eat healthily, and develop the habit of exercising, so as to slowly reduce your waist circumference, improve your health index, have a firm abdominal line, and improve your charm index.