
[Cold Rabbit • Groove] Daily Cold NO.4069

author:Cold Rabbit Mobilization
[Cold Rabbit • Groove] Daily Cold NO.4069

Cold rabbit trough, the posthumous photo is actually a graduation photo of life!

Weibo @ handicapped bar official micro

In ancient times, people handed over grain to resist forced labor, whether it was a kind of McDonald's# To get through the relationship, it had to be a golden arch#

Saw the obituary of a tree, a moment of silence

[Cold Rabbit • Groove] Daily Cold NO.4069
[Cold Rabbit • Groove] Daily Cold NO.4069

What you mean by investing in yourself is eating yourself fat, right? #真别说了! #

Even if you squeeze in, it's an orange outsider

[Cold Rabbit • Groove] Daily Cold NO.4069

Some people fish on Monday, but they still pretend to be afraid of Monday! #因为知道还要接着摸5天#

Merit -1

[Cold Rabbit • Groove] Daily Cold NO.4069

I have a suggestion about 520, couples may wish to call me 520 yuan as your love insurance, if you break up in the future, the insurance will be invalid, this money is frozen in me, if you have been together, this money can be used as a witness to your love, has been treasured by me. #要不你们来试试? #

520 happy.

[Cold Rabbit • Groove] Daily Cold NO.4069
[Cold Rabbit • Groove] Daily Cold NO.4069
[Cold Rabbit • Groove] Daily Cold NO.4069
[Cold Rabbit • Groove] Daily Cold NO.4069
[Cold Rabbit • Groove] Daily Cold NO.4069
[Cold Rabbit • Groove] Daily Cold NO.4069

I played Didi, and described my outfit to the driver for a minute, and the driver picked up an old woman in front of me#The driver is still weird! #

A horse with a heavy sense of stealing.

[Cold Rabbit • Groove] Daily Cold NO.4069

Halfway to work, I went to the toilet for a while, a whole out-of-body state, every time I want to be a person like this, swinging around in the woods #Why go to work #

The simple reasons for the resignation of the people of Hainan

[Cold Rabbit • Groove] Daily Cold NO.4069
[Cold Rabbit • Groove] Daily Cold NO.4069

Every time I open the balance after the end of the month, I deliberately guess very low, but I didn't expect that after opening the wallet, it was lower than I guessed# It was very true#

Give me a rub

[Cold Rabbit • Groove] Daily Cold NO.4069

Weibo @ chasing the wind boy Liu Quanyou

Friend, I have been observing you for a long time, every year at 214, 520, and Qixi Festival, you are not a one, and you have not lived a single one. #管好你自己#

Hahaha laughed to death

[Cold Rabbit • Groove] Daily Cold NO.4069

That's all for today's cold rabbit trough! Today we will talk about the most satisfying tourist destination you have ever visited. Recommend it!

[Cold Rabbit • Groove] Daily Cold NO.4069