
The better a woman is, the less she is cherished?

author:Zhou woodcutter

When you're single.

Girls have a cautious attitude and interact with the opposite sex around them.

In the face of suitors, everyone did not dare to let go of their defense.

I'm afraid I'll meet a man with ulterior motives.

If one day, the girl is completely moved by the man.

Then they will lower their psychological defenses and entrust the rest of their lives to the hands of a man.

As the saying goes:

"Women are not afraid of giving, and what they are most afraid of is being let down by their loved ones."

But in fact, the more many women pay for love, what they gain is not the protection of men, but the betrayal of men.

The better a woman is, the less she is cherished? Why is this happening?

From a psychological point of view, love is accompanied by an invisible game. If a woman can't grasp the balance, it is easy to usher in the result of unbalanced love, and she will put herself in a predicament.

The better a woman is, the less she is cherished?


Over-giving, not being valued

Xiaoli is a gentle girl.

Her meticulous dedication to her boyfriend made him gradually get used to her goodness.

As time passed, her boyfriend turned a blind eye to Xiaoli's efforts and even began to dislike her.

Xiaoli's excessive dedication made her boyfriend feel:

Her goodness is taken for granted, and she is no longer worth cherishing.

For love.

Many girls are willing to give everything, even sacrificing their own interests.

However, the more people give, the more disappointed they will be.

As writer Oscar Wilde said:

"Excessive love only makes people weak."

When a woman gives too much, she can lose herself.

Let the other party feel that her contribution is taken for granted, so that she no longer cherishes it.

The better a woman is, the less she is cherished?


Over-dependence, loss of self

Psychologist Maslow said:

"A lack of self-worth can make a person lose their charm."

From this point of view.

Many girls are overly dependent on each other in love and deliberately please their boyfriends.

As a result, they lose their self-worth.

Obviously, such a woman's charm is gradually concealed and cannot win the respect of men.

Here's an example.

Xiaofang is introverted and lacks self-confidence.

She is always in a passive position in her relationship.

At first, her boyfriend treats her well, but as time goes on, she feels that she lacks personality.

Gradually, her boyfriend no longer cherishes Xiaofang, and finally betrays her.

It is undeniable that girls who have a dependency psychology are often very dedicated to love.

However, if everyone loses their self and relies too much on each other, they will only be underestimated by the other party, and in the end they will not be able to keep their love.

The better a woman is, the less she is cherished?


When you meet someone who is not ladylike, you make the wrong choice

Good women are not cherished?

There is another important reason:

That is, everyone meets the wrong people, and meets people who don't know how to cherish.

Love itself is a trial and error.

In this process, even if the girl has the idea of entrusting the rest of her life.

Everyone should also maintain a certain degree of caution, see the true face of men, and when necessary, stop losses in time.

For example, Xiaohong is looking forward to true love.

But she met a boyfriend who could only talk flatteringly and lacked a sense of responsibility.

Although Xiaohong has paid a lot for him, the other party has never cherished her, but just used her.

After knowing the truth, Xiaohong decisively chose to break up even if she was reluctant.

In a compatible love, cherish each other and protect love together.

If a woman is good and a man turns a blind eye, it can only show the fact that this man doesn't actually love her.

The better a woman is, the less she is cherished?

In the process of falling in love.

Both men and women often face invisible games.

Only couples who fit each other will achieve a win-win situation in this game. If a woman's contribution can't receive a man's sincerity, then everyone must see the reality clearly and change or withdraw in time.