
Today, Xiaoman

author:Longnan Xi and released



Today, Xiaoman



Starts on May 20, 2024 at 20:59:17


It's like calling the name of nature

Wake up gently between the lips and teeth

So, at the eyes

The mountains and fields are stacked with green waves rippling

小荷初绽 麦粒渐满

The heart is

Unfulfilled longing

Today, Xiaoman

Little Man

Things are so small that they are full

Today, Xiaoman

Today, Xiaoman

Xiaoman has three waitings


Three waiting for the wheat to arrive


A healthy and uplifting state

We should also live according to our means

The diet should be refreshing and light

Exercise gradually

The weather is getting hot and humid

It is also necessary to prepare for "heat and humidity" in advance

Today, Xiaoman


The beginning of all things is not yet full

Green grass and abundant rain

The rivers are gradually full, and all things are gradually ripe

At this moment

Nature is poised to grow

It's getting better

The light summer brings sunshine and rain

Falling into the world, moistening the mountains and rivers

Nature's plants and trees are fresh

Illustrated by Kiyohide Yamakawa

The water of the Bailongjiang River began to fill the shore slightly

Wheat in the field began to fill and panicle

Xiaohe was shy, and just showed her pink spikes

Gardenia is creating its own notes

The pomegranate blossom heralds a full feast

In early summer, Qinghe is always mysterious

Between half-ripe and unripe

When it is full but not in full bloom

The trajectory of life goes in one direction

To meet abundance and ferventness

Today, Xiaoman
Today, Xiaoman


The good is worth the wait

The morning light is just showing its golden color

The earth began to grow hope

Xiaoman's breath softened the wheat field

The overture to the harvest was played

The wind is blowing

Mai Mangji, the sky shakes the green waves

Industrious farmers

Carrying the scythe in his arms, he walked towards the wheat field

The sound of wheat filling rises in the wind

rippling with joy and satisfaction in my heart

Those seeds that were bred in the gentle drizzle

It is being transformed into a small full time

A full-bodied golden declaration

Revel in the growing abundance

The hard sowing always leads to a harvest

In the season worth the wait

In the growing abundance of each day

Today, Xiaoman
Today, Xiaoman


The heart is growing fuller day by day


A philosophical solar term

I can imagine the ancients

The naming of the "Xiaoman" solar term

It contains a deep understanding of nature

How much wisdom and reverence is precipitated in it

Time is long, and the water is long

Those abundant times

All shine in bits and pieces

There is only a small man that slowly precipitates

It is more worthy of taste and treasure

Only the constant pursuit of harvest of the small man

Only then can we have the strength to climb upwards

In the flow of time

Those who are small rich are satisfied

Those who will be full of hopes

They are all marks that guide us to perfection

Today, Xiaoman
Today, Xiaoman

Time is a thing

Every good thing is small

Life is not in full bloom

Every expectation is gradually enriched


Life is small

It's a long time coming

(Source: Longnan release)