
Marriage registrations in more than 520 places are booming

author:Longnan Xi and released

Today is May 20, 2024, because of the homonym of "520" and "I love you", the past two years have gradually become a kind of Valentine's Day with the same name as "February 14" and "Qixi Festival", which is very popular among young people.

May 20 and May 21 this year correspond to the 13th and 14th of the lunar calendar, which together are 5201314. The 520 and 521 of the Gregorian calendar and the "1314" of the lunar calendar collide with each other, which is both meaningful and romantic.

Marriage registrations in more than 520 places are booming

Source: Chongqing Daily

Today, WeChat has raised the upper limit of a single red envelope, and the upper limit of a single amount of ordinary WeChat red envelopes has been raised from 200 yuan to 520 yuan. This is also the traditional practice of WeChat over the years, in addition to May 20 every year, there will also be "limited red envelopes" on the "February 14th" and "Qixi Festival" two days.

In addition, WeChat has also launched two festival-limited statuses, namely "Sprinkle Dog Food" and "Eat Dog Food".

Marriage registrations in more than 520 places are booming

Source: WeChat screenshot

In addition to giving red envelopes, couples also express their hearts by exchanging gifts. However, when preparing gifts, it is important to note that "RMB bouquets" cannot be made casually. Mainland law clearly stipulates that intentional damage to the renminbi is prohibited. All units and individuals should take good care of the renminbi. It is forbidden to damage the renminbi and hinder the circulation of the renminbi. In reality, the use of RMB to make bouquets not only damages the image of RMB, but also easily causes damage to RMB in the process of tying flowers and dismantling, hindering the circulation of RMB, which has been suspected of violating the law.

520 registered marriage on the same day

May 20 is the peak day for Chinese to choose marriage registration, and this year's May 20 falls on a working day on Monday, but its appointment registration is still very popular. According to a previous report by Jiupai News, on May 7, appointments for May 20 and May 21 at several marriage registration offices in Wuhan were full.

In order to meet the marriage registration needs of citizens on the day of "5.20", the marriage registration offices in various districts of Shenzhen will handle marriage registration for citizens according to the on-site situation on the day. This means that the marriage registration on the same day is not restricted by online appointments, and couples who have not made an appointment online can also go to the site to apply for it.

The marriage registration affairs center in various districts of Beijing ushered in the peak of marriage registration in 2024, and a reporter from Beijing Radio and Television Station learned from the Civil Affairs Bureau that the number of newlyweds who have made appointments to register in Beijing today and tomorrow has exceeded 3,000 couples. The Marriage Registration Center in Dongcheng District, Beijing, also set up a check-in point for obtaining a marriage certificate, which is very ceremonial.

Marriage registrations in more than 520 places are booming

Source: Beijing News

Today, are you "sprinkling dog food" or "eating dog food"?

Source: Jiupai News WeChat public account

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