
Take on a new cultural mission with practical actions

author:China Social Science Net
Take on a new cultural mission with practical actions

  On June 2, 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected the Chinese Academy of History, attended the symposium on cultural inheritance and development and delivered an important speech, issuing a great call to undertake a new cultural mission and strive to build the modern civilization of the Chinese nation. This is a milestone in the history of the development of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and the history of the development of philosophy and social sciences in New China, and fully reflects the special care and ardent expectations of the party leaders for the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and the great importance and deep concern for the cause of philosophy and social sciences.

  Over the past year, the Party Group of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences has always kept in mind the leader's entrustment, thoroughly studied and implemented Xi Jinping's cultural thought, and insisted on taking the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speeches and important instructions as the "first topic" to study, "the first to follow" to implement, and the "first political task" to implement.

  Over the past year, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences has made every effort to strengthen the systematic research and interpretation of the party's innovative theories, and strive to take the lead and set an example in promoting the development of cultural inheritance and serving the overall situation of building the modern civilization of the Chinese nation.

Take on a new cultural mission with practical actions

The in-depth study and implementation of the spirit of the important speech should be regarded as the top

  Over the past year, the Party Group of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences has stood at the political height of the "two safeguards" and organized all cadres and workers of the Academy to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the symposium on cultural inheritance and development, carefully study and deploy, and actively promote the implementation.

  In-depth study and comprehension of the spirit of the important speech——

  On the morning of June 3, 2023, Gao Xiang, President and Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, presided over an enlarged meeting of the Party Group of the Academy for the first time to organize communication and learning. The meeting demanded that studying, publicizing and implementing the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech is the primary political, theoretical and academic task of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences at present and in the future.

  In the afternoon of this day, the national historical circles held a symposium on in-depth study of the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the symposium on cultural inheritance and development. At the meeting, President Gao Xiang emphasized that serving the construction of the modern civilization of the Chinese nation is the most important mission and task of the current historiography.

  Over the past year, driven by the demonstration of the party group of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, all units of the academy have quickly set off an upsurge of learning and publicity, and have conscientiously studied in various forms such as holding party committee (party group) meetings, theoretical study center group study meetings, branch party member conferences, youth theoretical study group study meetings, theme party day activities, theme lectures, etc., so as to convey the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech to every cadre and worker in a timely manner, and guide the whole hospital staff to consciously unify their thoughts and actions to the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech.

  At the "Youth Forum on Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and the Seminar on Learning, Research and Interpretation of the Spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's Important Speech at the Symposium on Cultural Inheritance and Development", the young scholars attending the meeting said that young people are the hope of the country and the future of the nation.

  The more you know, the more you do; The more you do, the better you know.

  In the party day activity with the theme of "Continuing the Historical Context and Writing a Contemporary Chinese Chapter", the General Party Branch of the Party Committee of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences organized all Party members to visit and study the Central General Museum of the Chinese Archaeological Museum and the National Version Museum of China. Through participating in the activities, everyone has a deeper understanding of the great significance of continuing to promote cultural prosperity, building a cultural power, and building the modern civilization of the Chinese nation at a new historical starting point, and more deeply understands the importance of strengthening historical and cultural self-confidence.

  Improve the support and guarantee mechanism for cultural civilization research——

  Over the past year, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences has established systems, institutions, strengthened teams, and opened up channels to provide a solid guarantee for the study, implementation, research and interpretation of the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the symposium on cultural inheritance and development.

  The reform of the management system and mechanism of the Chinese Academy of History has broken down obstacles to development. Focusing on the core task of "running the Chinese Academy of History in accordance with the requirements of General Secretary Xi Jinping", the three-level management system of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the Chinese Academy of History, and the six research institutes has been comprehensively straightened out in the spirit of reform and innovation. Strengthen the party's overall leadership, and establish a system of party committees, standing committee committees, academic affairs committees, and office meetings of the Chinese Academy of History. Breaking down disciplinary barriers, improving comprehensive research capabilities, and strengthening the overall planning and guidance of national historical research functions, the number of member units of the Joint Conference of Major Historical Research and Teaching Institutions in the country has increased to 69.

  Prepare for the establishment of the Institute of Chinese Modernization, and further promote organized scientific research and multidisciplinary collaborative innovation around the biggest politics of Chinese modernization. The Institute of Chinese Modernization and the Academy of Chinese History are regarded as the experimental sites for scientific research and innovation of the whole academy, explore a new mechanism for scientific research organization and management in line with the laws of scientific research in the new era, and build an entrepreneurial platform for leading scientific research talents who want to and can do things with the best conditions, the strongest allocation, the highest standards and the most active mechanism.

  The Xi Jinping Cultural Thought Research Office was established as the "First Research Office" of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences to give key support. Prepare to build a research base for Xi Jinping culture and thought, integrate forces inside and outside the institute, and build an important research center for Xi Jinping culture and thought.

  Improve the protection and management mechanism of cultural relics resources, introduce the "Measures for the Management of Revolutionary Cultural Relics" and "Regulations on the Management of Ancient Books" and other systems, optimize the cultural relics information management system and data resource database, establish a remote monitoring system for cultural relics unearthed at archaeological sites, and realize the dynamic management of cultural relics resources throughout the process.

Take on a new cultural mission with practical actions

Comprehensively implement the project of research and interpretation of the modern civilization of the Chinese nation

  In order to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech, the Party Group of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences decided to organize and implement the research and interpretation project of the modern civilization of the Chinese nation.

  In the process of implementation, the party group of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences takes serving General Secretary Xi Jinping and the Party Central Committee as the first work requirement, and strives to make the achievements of the project meet the development needs of the party and the country, stand the test of practice and history, and reflect the characteristics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and the level of the national team.

  Scientific planning and deployment of research and interpretation work——

  On June 15, 2023, the Party Group of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences deliberated and approved the "Work Plan of the Party Group of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences of the Communist Party of China on Studying and Implementing the Important Instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping's Important Speech at the Symposium on the Inspection of the Chinese Academy of History and Cultural Inheritance and Development", making overall planning and systematic arrangements for the whole academy to study and implement the spirit of the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech.

  The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Leading Group for the Research and Interpretation of the Modern Civilization of the Chinese Nation was established, with President Gao Xiang as the leader. An advisory committee composed of well-known experts inside and outside the hospital was established to study and formulate the project implementation plan, and organize the implementation of the research and interpretation project of the modern civilization of the Chinese nation.

  Since then, at the meeting of the leading group of the research and interpretation project of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, President Gao Xiang requested the establishment of a normalized working mechanism, the overall coordination of discipline layout, research planning, project setting, academic activities, use of funds, talent training, platform construction and other links, and strive to build the research and interpretation project into a high-quality project that satisfies General Secretary Xi Jinping and the Party Central Committee. Each research unit shall prepare its own specific implementation plan based on the characteristics of its own discipline, clarify the work tasks, refine the implementation measures, and consolidate the work responsibilities.

  Taking system chemistry and physics as the main direction of research and interpretation——

  In order to guide the smooth development of research and interpretation, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences has issued 35 key measures, issued a guide to the selection of research topics, and guided all research units under the academy to set up institute-level innovation projects in combination with actual conditions, coordinate resources and strength, and carry out multidisciplinary, multi-angle and multi-level academic research.

  Focusing on the major views of Xi Jinping's cultural thought, especially the theoretical achievements, the party group of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences has listed a number of key topics, organized experts and scholars to carry out targeted academic research, implemented the "double major" (Marxist theoretical research and construction project, and the National Social Science Fund) project of Xi Jinping's cultural thought, carried out in-depth research on the important concepts, categories and academic frameworks of Xi Jinping's cultural thought, and strived to innovate and make breakthroughs in the research of important concepts and the construction of academic frameworks.

  In order to play a leading role in the demonstration of college-level projects, 24 major innovation projects to study and interpret the modern civilization of the Chinese nation have been established. The project is an important part of the research and interpretation project of the modern civilization of the Chinese nation of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. The application and project approval work is not based on the job title as the priority, not the age as the consideration, only the quality and level. Driven by the policy of "unveiling the leader", the chief experts of the project cover all levels of professional titles of faculty members, researchers and associate researchers, including three generations of scholars from the "post-50s" to the "post-80s". For this batch of projects, the Scientific Research Bureau will be responsible for the whole process of project management according to the new relevant project management measures, and further improve the major innovative project management model of the Institute.

  A number of landmark research results have been launched one after another——

  As of April 2024, the affiliated units of the institute have published more than 300 academic papers related to the study and interpretation of the modern civilization of the Chinese nation (including nearly 50 papers in top or authoritative journals) and more than 20 monographs.

  On February 2, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences held a press conference on the major achievements of the Chinese National Modern Civilization Research and Interpretation Project, "Report on the Development of Chinese Culture in the New Era: Towards a Comprehensive and Prosperous Modern Civilization of the Chinese Nation" (hereinafter referred to as the "Report") to meet the readers.

  "The Party Group of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences has brought together an excellent scientific research team composed of key experts and scholars from all walks of life, adhered to the principle of 'summarizing China's experience with Chinese principles and upgrading China's experience to Chinese theory', adhered to the concept of history and culture, adhered to the people-centered research direction, conducted multiple rounds of discussions and collective research on relevant important issues, and launched the "Report". At the press conference, the relevant responsible comrades of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences introduced the creative purpose, principles and content innovations of the report.

  The report is the first major scientific research project organized and implemented by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences since the launch of the research and interpretation project. The project brought together more than 80 experts and scholars from inside and outside the institute to carry out comprehensive research from a multidisciplinary perspective, and specially organized a questionnaire survey of 35,000 urban and rural ordinary people and 3,000 urban and rural cultural practitioners in 31 provinces (municipalities and districts) across the country. The report intuitively shows the cultural participation, sense of acquisition, identity and satisfaction of the majority of Chinese residents, and presents the great achievements of the party and the country in cultural development in the new era in a panoramic and popular way.

  Xinhua News Agency, Guangming Daily, China Discipline Inspection and Supervision Daily, as well as more than 20 central media such as Xueqiangguo and Toutiao, reported on the report, and nearly 200 reprinted reports were generated on the whole network, with a total of 7.9 million views within a week, and good social results were achieved.

  On the occasion of the fifth anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Academy of History, the Chinese Academy of History held a conference on major achievements and launched 12 major achievements, covering the history of the Communist Party of China, Chinese history, world history, archaeology, special history and other academic fields.

  On the occasion of the first anniversary of General Secretary Xi Jinping's attendance at the symposium on cultural inheritance and development and his important speech, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences planned to launch the "Research on the Construction of Modern Civilization of the Chinese Nation" series, organized academic backbones, and carried out systematic research and academic physical and chemical interpretation around the outstanding characteristics of Chinese civilization and the important ideological research of "two combinations".

  Over the past year, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences has held seven conferences on major achievements on the theme of cultural civilization, and selected and released a number of representative academic monographs, academic papers and theoretical articles, such as "Deeply Grasping the Historical Significance and Value of the Times of the Outstanding Characteristics of Chinese Civilization", "Deeply Understanding the Pioneering Significance of the "Second Combination", "History of National Unification in the Qing Dynasty", "Medieval Literature and Philology (Expanded Edition)", "Research on the Governance System of Chinese Dynasties", "History of Chinese Aesthetics in the 20th Century", "Research on the Language Identity of the Chinese Nation", etc. He handed over the "answer sheet" of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences to study and implement Xi Jinping's cultural thought and study and interpret the modern civilization of the Chinese nation.

  Steadily implement major projects for the development of cultural inheritance——

  The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences has actively promoted major academic classic research projects, and organized the compilation of a number of basic, authoritative, and original contemporary academic classics in a systematic and large-scale manner.

  As of April 2024, the Chinese Academy of History has completed the first phase of review and the first draft of more than 1,000,000 words, launched important academic works such as the Outline of the General History of China and the Concise Reader of the History of Chinese Civilization, and published 45 monographs and more than 200 papers in combination with research topics.

  The Institute of Archaeology adheres to the equal emphasis on archaeological excavation and research and interpretation, and continues to promote major projects such as "Comprehensive Research on the Origin and Early Development of Chinese Civilization" (i.e., "Chinese Civilization Exploration Project") and "Archaeological China", discovers a number of archaeological relics in the Yangshao, Longshan and Xinqi periods, and organizes the compilation of a number of archaeological research results such as "Civilized China: Archaeological Interpretation of the Outstanding Characteristics of Chinese Civilization", which fully demonstrates the archaeological basis of "Chinese culture has a long history and Chinese civilization is broad and profound".

  The research project of "General History of Chinese Thought" has completed the publication of the electronic version, the first batch of "Encyclopedia of Chinese and Foreign Philosophical Classics" has been published, and the "Research Series on the History and Culture of China's Frontiers", which is both academic and readable, is being compiled......

Take on a new cultural mission with practical actions

Efforts should be made to enhance the communication power and influence of Chinese culture

  Over the past year, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences has given full play to the exemplary and leading role of the "national team" of philosophy and social sciences, strengthened the theoretical interpretation and publicity of Xi Jinping's cultural thought and the construction of the modern civilization of the Chinese nation, strengthened the promotion and transformation of cultural civilization research results, and strived to create an important position and academic highland for theoretical propaganda and cultural dissemination.

  Strong responsibility in leading academic research——

  Over the past year, the leading party group of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences has taken the lead in publishing theoretical articles such as "Action Guide for Building the Modern Civilization of the Chinese Nation" and "Deeply Grasping the Historical Significance and Values of the Times of the Outstanding Characteristics of Chinese Civilization" in the People's Daily and Qiushi, which have aroused positive repercussions.

  Over the past year, under the demonstration and guidance of the party group of the academy, all the scholars of the academy have deeply studied and understood Xi Jinping's cultural thoughts, and actively wrote articles to talk about their learning experiences. As of April 2024, experts and scholars of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences have published more than 50 theoretical articles in the "Three Newspapers and One Journal" (People's Daily, Guangming Daily, Economic Daily and Qiushi Magazine), conducting in-depth study and research on Xi Jinping Cultural Thought, the outstanding characteristics of Chinese civilization, the ideological connotation of "two combinations", cultural inheritance and development, and the construction of modern civilization of the Chinese nation.

  Over the past year, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences has planned and created a number of high-quality conference forums and high-quality special columns based on academic platforms such as journals, publishing houses, associations, and non-entity centers, and planned to launch a number of high-quality research and interpretation results, explaining the great significance, clarifying the profound connotation, explaining the practical requirements, and building academic consensus.

  Organize journals affiliated to the Academy such as "Chinese Social Sciences", "Marxist Studies", "Philosophical Studies", and "Historical Research" to open special columns or organize written articles, and invite well-known experts and scholars to study and discuss major issues related to Xi Jinping's cultural thought and the construction of the modern civilization of the Chinese nation from multiple disciplines and perspectives. The Chinese Social Sciences Journal has published 128 related research and interpretation articles.

  Relying on national academic societies, research centers and other platforms, all research units organize and hold a series of special seminars to guide the academic and theoretical circles to conduct in-depth exchanges and discussions on the construction of the modern civilization of the Chinese nation. As of April 2024, nearly 200 academic conferences, thematic forums and reports have been organized by all units of the institute.

  Set a benchmark in enhancing the influence of cultural communication——

  "Sinology is the study of historical China, and it is also the study of contemporary China."

  On November 24, 2023, President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory letter to the World Conference on Chinese Studies Shanghai Forum, pointing out the connotation and extension of Chinese studies and profoundly expounding the importance of Chinese studies. More than 400 experts and scholars from nearly 60 countries and regions gathered on the banks of the Huangpu River to discuss "Chinese Civilization and China's Path from a Global Perspective".

  International Symposium on "China and the World: Working Together to Build a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind", the 2nd International Forum on "Democracy: Common Values for All Mankind", the 5th World Archaeological Forum Shanghai, the 13th World Socialist Forum, the 9th China-CEEC High-Level Think Tank Symposium, the International Symposium on "China and Russia: The Road to Modernization", and the 6th China-CEC Forum on Dialogue among Civilizations...... In the past year, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences has given full play to the role of philosophy and social sciences in exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations, actively built a high-level academic exchange platform, hosted or co-organized a series of international academic conferences, and continued to strengthen its academic communication capabilities and let the world understand China.

  In order to promote Chinese culture to the world, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences has also further promoted the "Telling China Project", concentrated on compiling the "Understanding China" series, and strengthened the translation and publication of excellent traditional Chinese cultural classics and excellent philosophical and social science achievements, so as to provide academic support for strengthening international communication capabilities. Jointly with the Information Office of the State Council, a theme event for Chinese and foreign media reporters to visit the Chinese Academy of History. The event attracted 46 Chinese and foreign journalists, including 33 journalists from 25 foreign media outlets from 16 countries. Many foreign media reporters said that through participating in the event, they intuitively understood the long history of Chinese civilization, perceived the rich connotation of Chinese culture, and had a deeper understanding of the historical context of the origin, formation and development of Chinese civilization.

  To set an example in promoting cultural dissemination

  In order to promote the popularization of academic work, on the one hand, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences has actively promoted the popularization of academic research results, and has launched a number of achievements for the society, such as "Decoding the "Chinese-style Modernization"", "China's Creation and World Significance in the New Form of Human Civilization", and "Questions and Answers on the Modern Civilization of the Chinese Nation", which have better met the spiritual and cultural needs of the people.

  On the other hand, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences actively innovates academic communication methods, integrates and optimizes the existing communication platforms such as websites, journals, newspapers, databases, and publishing houses, and strengthens the all-media dissemination of the origins of Chinese civilization, archaeological research results, and Chinese cultural classics.

  Participated in the production or filming of CCTV special programs such as "Archaeology in Progress", "Archaeology Open Class", "China Archaeology Conference", etc., to explore and construct the discourse expression that the people like to see.

  A special aggregation page of "Building the Modern Civilization of the Chinese Nation" was set up on the China Social Science Network, and a series of financial media works such as "Social Science Youth Lectures: Decoding Cultural Inheritance and Development" and "A New Journey of 'Words': Continuing the Historical Context and Writing a Contemporary Chinese Chapter" were released, and many of the works were pushed by the whole network, reprinted by nearly 1,000 websites, and read more than 600 million times on the whole network.

  In order to meet the needs of the audience, the China Archaeological Museum has planned and launched a number of original theme exhibitions such as "Qinghai Dulan Hot Water Tomb Group Fine Cultural Relics Exhibition" and "Dragon - Totem of the Chinese Nation - Chinese 8,000-year-old Dragon Culture Fine Cultural Relics Exhibition". As of May 2024, the Archaeological Museum of China has received about 380,000 visitors, creating a national cultural living room and a new cultural landmark showcasing Chinese civilization.

Take on a new cultural mission with practical actions

Efforts should be made to build China's independent knowledge system

  The construction of China's independent knowledge system is the fundamental path to accelerate the construction of philosophy and social sciences with Chinese characteristics, and it is also General Secretary Xi Jinping's ardent expectation for the philosophical and social science community.

  The Party Group of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences regards the construction of the modern civilization of the Chinese nation as an important direction and content of the construction of China's independent knowledge system, and strives to promote the acceleration and upgrading of the construction of the "three systems" by inheriting the Chinese culture and building the Chinese school, and strives to form an independent knowledge system paradigm that can reflect the spiritual characteristics, cultural character and value pursuit of the Chinese civilization, so as to promote the in-depth development of the research on the modern civilization of the Chinese nation.

  Consolidating the Academic Foundation of Cultural Civilization Studies——

  Disciplines are the foundation of philosophical and social science research. Only when the roots are deep can the leaves be thick, and only when the roots are solid can the branches be glorious.

  Under the deployment of the party group of the academy, the research unit fully explores and absorbs the ideological value and academic nutrition of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the symposium on cultural inheritance and development, and guides and leads the direction of discipline development and research focus.

  In the past year, with the funding of the second round of discipline construction "Peak Strategy", the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences has made great progress in the study of culture and civilization:

  A total of 120 advantageous disciplines, special disciplines, key disciplines, and emerging interdisciplinary disciplines have been funded by the school, and a mechanism for open competition, dynamic evaluation and updating of funded disciplines has been established, and key support has been given to the construction of disciplines in the fields of Chinese studies in the new era and Chinese-style modernization studies.

  Increase support for basic disciplines and basic research, innovate the organizational form of basic research, and guide outstanding talents and teams to invest more in basic research.

  A number of key laboratories and database construction projects, such as the "Science and Technology Archaeology Laboratory" and the "Chinese Bone Archaeology Database", have been funded to promote the joint research and integrated development of history, humanities and natural sciences.

  Strengthen the collection, collation and research of ancient books, historical documents, and rare documents at home and abroad, organize and implement a number of basic projects such as "Collection, Collation and Research of Overseas Rare Modern Chinese Documents", "Audio, Audio, Graphic and Textual Archives of Oral Traditions of Chinese Ethnic Minorities", "Collation and Research of Ancient Tibetan Texts", "Scanning and Research of Oracle Bone Inscriptions, Inscriptions, and Inscriptions", organize and publish the "Grain Price List from the Qing Daoguang to Xuantong Period" and other achievements, and purchase 116 databases such as gold, stone, oracle bones, and ancient books. A number of specialized data databases, such as the Anglo-Tibetan Dunhuang Social and Historical Literature Interpretation Database and the Bibliography Database of Historical Collections, have been built and launched, providing important research materials for the national academic circles.

  Through unremitting efforts, the academic foundation of cultural civilization research of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences has been effectively consolidated, and a cluster of high-quality disciplines for cultural inheritance and development with the characteristics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences has been initially formed.

  Supporting "unlearned" and unpopular disciplines

  Oracle Bone Studies, Silk Simplified Writing, Paleography, Textile Archaeology, Sanskrit, Tocharian ...... Although these "unlearned" and unpopular disciplines seem to be far away from reality, they have an important position and unique value in inheriting the excellent traditional Chinese culture and promoting the construction of philosophy and social sciences with Chinese characteristics.

  In April 2024, the "Opinions of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences on Supporting the Development of "Absolute Studies" and Unpopular Disciplines (Trial) (hereinafter referred to as the "Opinions") was officially promulgated. The "Opinions" put forward that the approach of "one person, one policy" and "one discipline, one policy" should be adopted to give special support and inclined protection to relevant disciplines to ensure that there are people to do and inheritance.

  The "Opinions" reflect the great importance that the party group of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences attaches to "unlearned" and unpopular disciplines. Under the guidance of the Opinions, a series of specific measures have been launched:

  The Institute of Foreign Literature established the Classics Research Office, and the only classical studies journal in the country, Classical Studies, was officially launched.

  The University of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences has launched special work on Manchu language teaching and research, discipline construction and talent training, and strengthened the cultivation of young and middle-aged talents in "unlearned" and unpopular disciplines.

  The "Chinese Academy of Social Sciences' Absolute and Unpopular Scientific Research Camp - Manchu Special Class" was held to cultivate reserve talents for related disciplines.

  With the vigorous support of the party group of the academy and the joint promotion of a number of measures, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences has continued to learn from the "unpopular". These disciplines, which embody important cultural values and inheritance significance, are radiating new vitality and vitality.

  Cultivating and Expanding the Team of Cultural and Civilization Research Talents——

  The key to promoting the study of the modern civilization of the Chinese nation lies in talent.

  Over the past year, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences has focused on improving the training mechanism and creating a good environment, and has made great efforts to cultivate and expand the contingent of cultural and civilization research talents.

  For example, the academy has implemented a mentorship system for young scholars, strengthened the academic history training for young scholars, especially the academic history of Chinese Marxism since the May Fourth Movement, to help them understand why contemporary Chinese scholarship came from and where it came from, so as to consolidate the academic foundation.

  Another example is the establishment of a talent training system that connects echelons and completely covers all ages, and has successively introduced institutional documents such as the management measures of the "Faculty Committee Studio", the management measures of the "Great Wall Scholars Program", the implementation plan of the "Peiyuan Plan" for young talents, and the management measures of the "Qingqi Plan", so as to tailor funding conditions for different scholar groups and provide long-term and stable support.

  In the past year, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences has funded a total of 16 second-level researchers, 52 outstanding young and middle-aged scientific research backbones, and 193 newly admitted young personnel. In a relaxed and friendly scientific research environment, researchers can concentrate on learning, lay a solid foundation and accumulate potential energy for the study of modern civilization of the Chinese nation with high-quality academic achievements.

  All the way through the ups and downs, and then look back at the thousands of rivers and mountains.

  Over the past year, under the guidance of the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech, the "Three Consensuses" of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences have been cohesive, major projects have been further promoted, the climate of cultural civilization research has gradually formed, and the cultural heritage of the school is expected to ......

  If you are familiar with things, you will be meritorious. In the next step, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences will continue to adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Cultural Thought, thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the Symposium on Cultural Inheritance and Development, keep in mind the leader's entrustment and bravely undertake the historical mission, further strengthen the systematic chemical, physical and chemical research and interpretation of Xi Jinping's cultural thought, continuously strengthen the construction of the discipline of modern civilization of the Chinese nation, continue to deepen cultural dissemination and exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations, and make new and greater contributions to promoting cultural prosperity, building a cultural power, and building the modern civilization of the Chinese nation.

  Reporter Zhu Gaolei, Wang Chunyan, Gao Ying

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