
It is no secret that the hidden "pinching of the top admissions" has long been hidden

It is no secret that the hidden "pinching of the top admissions" has long been hidden


2024-05-20 09:00Published in Beijing

It is no secret that the hidden "pinching of the top admissions" has long been hidden

It has been 10 years since the entrance to the nearest entrance examination for the junior high school entrance examination, but after all, there is still no place to shine under the sun.

Recently, "Focus Interview" exposed the "black box operation" and "pinching enrollment" of a private school in Beijing.

Although there was a lot of uproar, it was actually like the emperor's new clothes, and there was nothing new under the sun, which was no secret...


The well-known way of "pinching the tip".

The reporter of "Focus Interview" revealed three hidden methods of pinching the top of the recruitment:

The first is the internal selection test

The selection test is the most common way to "pinch the tip".

The reporter of "Focus Interview" signed up for a school during an unannounced visit, and within a few days, the school notified parents to bring their children to participate in the selection examination organized by the school.

It is no secret that the hidden "pinching of the top admissions" has long been hidden

On the day of the exam on May 5, the children took the exam in the classroom, and the parents were communicating about their children's learning.

In communication with other parents, the reporter found that the school had held joint examinations with a public middle school for the whole city many times.

The second is the Olympiad & English Exam

In addition to exams, participating in cup competitions is also one of the ways to "point to move". Schools and parents such as Huashu, Hope Cup, Major League Soccer and Masters are all familiar with them, but these are all competitions that the Ministry of Education has determined to be in violation.

It is no secret that the hidden "pinching of the top admissions" has long been hidden

Even though they are prohibited, these competitions are still held in the name of summer camps, winter camps, or research institutes.

For example, the research summer camp of the red spirit and a Guangdong camp recently launched by an organization are essentially the Huashu Cup competition.

During the investigation, the reporter also found that black competitions are easy to be reported, so the registration method and examination method are more secretive, either through the institution to register, or you need to go to other places to compete.

As a result, the cost of the competition has risen, because individual schools still use the competition results as the basis for "point moves", and parents have no choice but to "give up their children to trap the wolf".

It is no secret that the hidden "pinching of the top admissions" has long been hidden

In addition to competitions, English grades are also the basis for the assessment of junior high school "pinching the tip". Cambridge Level 5, which was depressed for a period of time in 2021, became popular again last year.

There are also many primary school students who have passed the Level 3 FCE exam, which is equivalent to the domestic high school to university level.

If the fourth and sixth grades of university can be taken at the primary school level, I am afraid that the pass rate is higher than that of ordinary universities.

The third is resume screening

When the reporter visited a school that claimed that it only accepted junior high school graduates, he found that the school had opened a "green road" for primary school students, and in a hidden place, many parents submitted their children's resumes to the staff.

Parents compile their children's grades and honors into resumes and submit them to the school, and the school selects top students through resumes.

It is no secret that the hidden "pinching of the top admissions" has long been hidden

Last year, the media exposed that a middle school in Guangzhou Xiaosheng Junior High School openly accepted resumes on the open day.

There are staff on site to sort out the resumes in three large cardboard boxes, and there are also teachers on site to guide how to write students' resumes.

It is no secret that the hidden "pinching of the top admissions" has long been hidden

Some school open days have long since gone sour, like a blind date market, where students are sold based on their grades.


There are policies above, and there are countermeasures below

It is estimated that the most worried about the parents who have got the admission tickets now, once it is reported, the school will inevitably face an investigation, and I don't know whether the tickets get by the children are counted.

Although it is a private school in Beijing that is exposed, the process of pinching the tip of the small promotion to junior high school is almost the same across the country, and this phenomenon has never stopped.

In some areas, pinching the tip is almost a matter on the table, and in some areas, kindergartens begin to roll up without even waiting for the high school entrance examination to be divided.

It is no secret that the hidden "pinching of the top admissions" has long been hidden

Some local famous schools have cooperated with institutions to form a "pinching" industrial chain, even if the grades are not up to standard, as long as they enter a certain institution for study and training, they can also have priority admission qualifications.

It is no secret that the hidden "pinching of the top admissions" has long been hidden

Recently, parents who have failed to recruit have posted a post bombarding "a certain affiliated middle school colluded with the institution to make money".

The post mentioned that the admissions teacher of an affiliated middle school cooperated with 3 institutions to enroll in the "pit class", and one of the institutions required 16,000 yuan per year for the examination.

Some institutions require parents to report every issue, and almost every parent spends as much as 100,000 yuan, but in May this year, the results of the call came out without the child's name.

It is no secret that the hidden "pinching of the top admissions" has long been hidden

Although it is not yet known whether the admissions teacher of a certain affiliated high school has any interests with the institution, and I don't know if anyone has pretended to be an admissions teacher to defraud.

However, in this way, the way of "famous school + institution = pit" is trusted by parents, which shows that the gray area and black-box operation in enrollment really exist and are tacitly accepted by everyone.

In order to let their children enter prestigious schools, many parents do not hesitate to spend a lot of money and run around, just for that "pinching" admission ticket.

To a certain extent, this has exacerbated the commercialization and utilitarianization of education.

And those families who are less financially disadvantaged find it difficult to provide better after-school tutoring resources for their children.

The "relatively fair" education that these children should have enjoyed is squeezed out, and they may begin to fall behind others from the beginning of junior high school.


Who benefits the most from "pinching the top admissions"?

The phenomenon of pinching the tip and repeatedly prohibiting the tricks is actually the pull of the school, the management department, and even the family for their own interests.

From the school's point of view, pinching the tip in advance can lock in students in advance and ensure the source of students. If you enter the school according to the junior high school, it is difficult to ensure the quality of students for prestigious schools.

These students who pinch the tip in advance can go directly to the "Primary 5 class" to learn the knowledge of junior high school, so that they can be one step ahead in learning.

Three years later, these outstanding students can ensure the school's admission rate, and then keep the school's golden signboard.

But the pinching of the school muddies the water in the pool, directly undermining the procedural fairness of education.

It is no secret that the hidden "pinching of the top admissions" has long been hidden

But the more critical question is, why should schools care about the admission rate and the rate of elite schools? Why do you still have to secretly "pinch the tip" at the risk of violating the law?

Professor Bu Yuhua of the Institute of Basic Education Reform and Development of East China Normal University believes that many local education administrative departments still focus on the assessment and evaluation of schools only on scores and promotions.

In the face of KPI assessment, in the comparison between schools and between regions, it is inevitable that there will be a chaotic enrollment of students and top students.

Contradictory statements that want the school to go on to a good school and not allow pinching are also in a dilemma.

For students and parents, they may not be able to enter the school they want to go to, so they are willing to "be pinched".

It is no secret that the hidden "pinching of the top admissions" has long been hidden

Even in Beijing, which is extremely rich in educational resources, the economic development of each district is different, the school resources are different, and the teaching staff is also different.

If there is a strong school near your home, then everyone is naturally happy, in case it is a low-end school, asking parents to provide good education for their children without doing anything, which is also another kind of strong man's difficulty.

Judging from the comments of netizens, many of them support the school "pinching", they believe that children who love learning and have resources should be "pinched" into good schools.

Vested interests don't care about floods, and that's why policy regulation is needed.

The problem lies in the imbalance of educational resources, if every school has comparable educational resources and equal teachers, who doesn't want to go to school at home?


Who are the victims?

The "pinching of the tip" of the junior high school has intensified, and parents and students have been sinking in the involution.

Can you sit back and relax if you succeed?

On the contrary, the school also has a variety of different levels of fast classes, slow classes, and children who enter the fast lane can only continue to roll, roll into the fast class, and then roll into the top few in the fast class.

It is no secret that the hidden "pinching of the top admissions" has long been hidden

Although class placement is also one of the seven illegal enrollment behaviors that the Sunshine Admissions Special Action will resolutely correct, it is still prevalent in all schools.

In order to get into a good school, parents are willing to spend a lot of money to send their children to various training classes and tutoring institutions.

The relationship between the school and parents is one that is willing to fight and suffer, and no one has ever cared about what the child really thinks.

The pressure of children being shunted is prefronted, and even children in the fourth and fifth grades have begun to have learning pressure.

Under the pressure of going to school, they can only squeeze their rest time to brush up on competition questions and participate in various summer camps.

It is no secret that the hidden "pinching of the top admissions" has long been hidden

Young minds learn ahead of time and bear the mental pressure that they should not bear, which seriously affects the healthy growth of children.

In the "pinching enrollment", both schools and parents care too much about the results of education, but forget that education is more of a process.

We are accustomed to using the traditional "fractionalism" thinking to plan the path for children, but we have forgotten the core of education.

"Pinching" and "pointing" are enveloping schools, parents and children, but the biggest victims are always children.

  • It is no secret that the hidden "pinching of the top admissions" has long been hidden
  • It is no secret that the hidden "pinching of the top admissions" has long been hidden
  • It is no secret that the hidden "pinching of the top admissions" has long been hidden
  • It is no secret that the hidden "pinching of the top admissions" has long been hidden
  • It is no secret that the hidden "pinching of the top admissions" has long been hidden
  • It is no secret that the hidden "pinching of the top admissions" has long been hidden
  • It is no secret that the hidden "pinching of the top admissions" has long been hidden
  • It is no secret that the hidden "pinching of the top admissions" has long been hidden
  • It is no secret that the hidden "pinching of the top admissions" has long been hidden
  • It is no secret that the hidden "pinching of the top admissions" has long been hidden
  • It is no secret that the hidden "pinching of the top admissions" has long been hidden
  • It is no secret that the hidden "pinching of the top admissions" has long been hidden
  • It is no secret that the hidden "pinching of the top admissions" has long been hidden

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