
Walk into the long history of civilization丨Read and enjoy the classics

author:Yangpu, Shanghai

Books contain spiritual wealth. Recently, the reading and sharing activity of "Reading and Enjoying the Classics and Opinions" sponsored by the Yangpu District Education Union was held in the Primary School Affiliated to Shanghai Second Normal School, providing a platform for teachers and staff to share their reading experience and show their own style.

Walk into the long history of civilization丨Read and enjoy the classics

The event received a total of grassroots faculty and staff

139 videos were submitted

It is reviewed and scored by a panel of judges

30 finalists were finalists

Everyone revolves around the theme of "Red Chinese Studies, Role Model Salute,

Humanities, New Parents,

Lifelong Growth".

With great presentations and original insights

Take the audience into a new world

After fierce competition

Seven faculty members stood out

Won the first prize

Walk into the long history of civilization丨Read and enjoy the classics

Today, let's enjoy it together

First Prize Winner

from Yangpu District School Accounting and Settlement Center

Xue Xiaoyu

Recommend books for everyone

The Light of Civilization

If I say to you these words: Chinese agricultural civilization and ridge farming, the Renaissance and the Medici family, the Age of Discovery, and spices. You will find that the origin of human civilization and the development and integration of various civilizations contain all aspects of technology and law, art and commerce.

If you ask me, now that we have all kinds of history books and biographies written from different eras and ideas, do we still need to read a history book from the perspective of human civilization? My answer is yes, for two main reasons: First, most of the history books tell the story of the great exploits of princes and generals, and the expansion and rise and fall of empires. But time has passed, and after the cleansing of history, you will find that the stories of princes and generals have left nothing. It is the achievements of those civilizations that really affect us. Second, there seems to be an invisible thread running through different religions, different nationalities, and different cultures, which seem to be unrelated.

Walk into the long history of civilization丨Read and enjoy the classics

Alexander the Great lived a glorious life, conquered the whole world he knew of at that time, and built the largest library of his time for the purpose of collecting all the books and knowledge of men. Years later, a scholar named Euclid wrote the famous Primitives of Geometry after reading a wide range of books in the Library of Alexandria. Two thousand years later, on the other side of the Atlantic, at a fierce meeting in the United States to emancipate slaves, Lincoln held Euclid's "Geometry Primitive" in his hand, and looked at "two equal quantities equal to the same quantity", which made him even more convinced of the Declaration of Independence that "all men are created equal".

The exchanges of human civilization across time, space, fields and regions have created infinite possibilities and hopes. Science and technology, rationality and innovation, "The Light of Civilization" shows us the light point of civilization that shines like a starry sky in the long river of human history. I can't help but think: if we all have an open and inclusive attitude towards the light of other civilizations, when the stars shine, the future will definitely be better.

Introduction to recommended books

Walk into the long history of civilization丨Read and enjoy the classics

The Light of Civilization

Author: Wu Jun

Publisher: People's Posts and Telecommunications Press

Brief introduction: The "Light of Civilization" series roughly tells the various stages of human civilization in the order from the birth of the earth to modern times, and each chapter is relatively independent, but it can be organically combined together to show the diversity of human civilization in the development process. After reading this series, readers and friends can realize that in the long history, although human society has constantly encountered some difficulties and problems, human beings will always have ways to solve them, and we must become a "rational optimist"; The second is to be able to recognize the contribution of ordinary people to the development of civilization, and everyone can be a contributor.

Editor: Wu Baixin

Source: District Education Bureau

*Please indicate that the reprint is from the official WeChat of Shanghai Yangpu

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