
From the Long March to the War of Liberation: Peng Dehuai's Remarkable Military Talent

author:Serena Williams sees the world

Peng Dehuai (1898-1974) was a famous revolutionary and military strategist in modern Chinese history, and was also known as the "founding marshal". He was born in Xiangtan County, Hunan Province, and is the son of an ordinary family. However, with his firm conviction, outstanding military ability, and spirit of selfless dedication, he made outstanding contributions to China's revolutionary struggle and the war of liberation.

From the Long March to the War of Liberation: Peng Dehuai's Remarkable Military Talent

Peng Dehuai actively participated in revolutionary activities in his early years, and he had a strong enthusiasm and pursuit for the revolutionary cause in his youth. He joined the Chinese Communist Party and participated in many major revolutionary movements under the leadership of the Communist Party. In the Northern Expedition, Peng Dehuai served as the commander of the Red First Army, commanded the troops to achieve a series of victories, and made important contributions to the victory of the Chinese Revolution.

From the Long March to the War of Liberation: Peng Dehuai's Remarkable Military Talent

In 1934, Peng Dehuai began the Long March with the Red Army. During the Long March, he persevered in leading the troops forward in the face of difficult circumstances and the pursuit of the enemy. He was good at using strategy and tactics flexibly, effectively protecting the security of the Red Army, and enabling the Red Army to accomplish the feat of the Long March under difficult circumstances. After the end of the Long March, Peng Dehuai continued to play an important role in the War of Resistance Against Japan. He served as director of the General Political Department of the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China and led the anti-Japanese guerrilla war in North China. He adhered to the idea of people's war, organized and commanded a series of successful guerrilla battles, effectively weakened the strength of the Japanese invaders, and made outstanding contributions to the Chinese people's resistance to foreign aggression.

From the Long March to the War of Liberation: Peng Dehuai's Remarkable Military Talent

During the War of Liberation, Peng Dehuai served as vice chairman of the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China and chief of the General Staff, and with his extraordinary military talent and leadership, he organized and commanded a series of major battles, including the Liaoshen Campaign and the Pingjin Campaign, and made important contributions to the liberation of China. In particular, in the Liaoshen Campaign, he adopted a bold strategic layout and flexible tactics, and finally won a brilliant victory, laying a solid foundation for the victory of the Chinese revolution.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, Peng Dehuai was awarded the rank of marshal and became a generation leader of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. He served as director of the General Political Department of the Chinese People's Liberation Army and vice chairman of the Central Military Commission, and made important contributions to the construction and development of the Chinese army. In addition to his military contributions, Peng Dehuai also paid attention to the unity of the military and the people and the interests of the people. He adhered to democratic management within the armed forces, advocated close ties between the military and the people, and made positive contributions to the victory of China's revolutionary cause. He had an in-depth understanding of the needs and difficulties of the soldiers, and was always concerned about their lives and training, thus winning the love and support of the vast number of officers and men.

From the Long March to the War of Liberation: Peng Dehuai's Remarkable Military Talent

However, due to historical reasons, Peng Dehuai was wrongly branded as a "right-leaning opportunist" in 1959 and was wronged and victimized. However, he has always maintained his loyalty to the party and the people and has not been affected by these difficulties and blows. After the Cultural Revolution, Peng Dehuai was flattened and his reputation was restored.

Peng Dehuai died in 1974 at the age of 76. He left behind a valuable spiritual legacy and became a banner in the history of the Chinese revolution. His glorious deeds will forever inspire the Chinese people and become an immortal legend in the history of the Chinese revolution. Marshal Peng Dehuai won the reverence and respect of the people with his firm revolutionary conviction, noble personality and outstanding military ability. His glorious deeds will forever be remembered in the hearts of the Chinese people and become the pride and pride of the Chinese nation