
Pioneer of entrepreneurship, brave and good at fighting: Liu Bocheng's revolutionary process

author:Serena Williams sees the world

Liu Bocheng, formerly known as Liu Mingzhao, a native of Kaixian County, Sichuan (now Kaizhou District, Chongqing), was one of the founding marshals of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, and was known as a famous general who was "intelligent in ice and snow, both civil and military, strategic, and brave and good at fighting". He made extremely important contributions to the Chinese Revolution and the War of Liberation, and laid a solid foundation for China's independence, freedom, and dignity.

Pioneer of entrepreneurship, brave and good at fighting: Liu Bocheng's revolutionary process

In 1925, Liu Bocheng joined the Communist Party of China. After that, he actively participated in the Northern Expedition and the War of Resistance Against Japan, and became one of the outstanding commanders of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. After the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, Liu Bocheng was appointed chief of the general staff of the People's Liberation Army and became one of the core leaders of the nascent Chinese army.

Pioneer of entrepreneurship, brave and good at fighting: Liu Bocheng's revolutionary process

In 1950, after the outbreak of the Korean War, Liu Bocheng led the Chinese army into the battlefield and won many important victories. He excelled in the war and was known as the "Commander of the Iron Army" and "Commander of the Korean War". In this war, Liu Bocheng led the Chinese army through several hard battles, and finally succeeded in repelling the attack of the American army and defending the freedom and independence of Korea.

Pioneer of entrepreneurship, brave and good at fighting: Liu Bocheng's revolutionary process

In 1955, Liu Bocheng was appointed Minister of National Defense and became one of the supreme commanders of the Chinese army. In this position, he devoted himself to promoting the modernization of the Chinese armed forces and put forward many important military theories and strategic ideas. Liu Bo admitted that the victory of the army depends not only on the advanced degree of weaponry but also on the wisdom and courage of the commanders. His research and exploration of military strategy not only made a major contribution to the development of China's armed forces, but also provided new ideas and methods for the study of world military theory.

In 1966, after the outbreak of the Cultural Revolution, Liu Bo suffered great blows and difficulties. He was branded as a "Z-walker" and was forced to work in the countryside. However, he always adhered to his beliefs and principles, did not bow to power, and did not succumb to wrong currents of thought. With his strong and unwavering support, many comrades have returned to the right direction from the wrong path.

In 1971, Liu Bocheng died of illness at the age of 74. His departure has left a huge regret for the Chinese army and the people of the whole country. However, his thoughts and spirit are forever engraved in the hearts of the Chinese people. His glorious deeds will forever be engraved in the pages of Chinese history and have become the spiritual wealth and treasure house of the Chinese army and the people of the whole country