
The God particle is making waves again, and the microscopic world in the eyes of physicists may usher in a breakthrough

author:Sweet love science


"God gives mass to all things, and Higgs gives mass to particles."

Known as the "God particle", the Higgs particle is a hypothetical particle in modern particle physics and the basis for the existence of the universe.

However, since the discovery of the "God particle", particle physicists have continued to question it, because the Higgs particle contradicts some standards of the existing body of knowledge, and even suggests that it may hide some "secrets".

So, how did the sudden "decay" of the Higgs particle be discovered by closely watching physicists in an instant, and what unknown "secrets" are hidden in it?

Does this mean that the microcosm is about to usher in the next breakthrough?

The God particle is making waves again, and the microscopic world in the eyes of physicists may usher in a breakthrough

1. The mutation of the God particle.

In 2012, CERN announced that they had discovered the Higgs boson.

However, the discovery stunned the world.

Because the Higgs boson, also known as the "God particle", is a hypothetical elementary particle in the universe that can give mass to other elementary particles, and is also seen as a "sign that God wants to create a colorful world" and "leave indications".

The discovery of the God particle has filled the gap in our knowledge of the basic composition of matter, and has also laid the foundation for modern particle physics.

However, while the God particle has also made physicists continue to pursue, there are also some hidden "mysteries".

The mass of the God particle is very heavy, about 127 times that of a proton, which also supports a large part of the existence of the microscopic world to this day.

However, the mass of the God particle is in conflict with the high temperature and high density of the surrounding environment, so it is nicknamed "born unsocial".

At the same time, the God particle also has the property that it can give mass to other elementary particles, so that they can form "matter", making the universe more diverse.

The God particle is making waves again, and the microscopic world in the eyes of physicists may usher in a breakthrough

So how does the God particle bestow this diversity on other particles?

Around it, a "Higgs field" will be formed, and the Higgs field will be like a big snowflake wool, and different particles will have different relationships in this "Higgs field", some will ski, some will skate.

It is this distinction that allows God particles to give mass to different particles.

Therefore, the particles of God have built a rich and colorful material world.

The discovery of the God particle has aroused the curiosity of many physicists, who believe that the God particle can not only make up for the existing knowledge of physics, but also study the emergence of new knowledge that has not been covered by the existing knowledge system, so there is an interest in the formation and decay of the God particle, and their research on the God particle has never stopped.

The decay of the God particle is due to the fact that it has a large mass, and at the same time, the mass does not correspond to the surrounding environment, so after it collides with a certain particle, it will stimulate it to release energy to make up for the lack of quality of the surrounding environment.

Therefore, the decay behavior of the God particle is so rapid that people cannot capture the dazzling "bright light", and can only see the rest of the "traces".

However, "traces" of God particles are not uncommon, because the decay rate of God particles is very staggering.

In an instant, the God particle decays into four pairs of bottom quarks, which in turn contain two b quarks, so the decay of the God particle is equivalent to displacing the "fragmentation" of the "molecule" in particle physics, and shifting people's attention from the "God particle" to the "decay".

The God particle is making waves again, and the microscopic world in the eyes of physicists may usher in a breakthrough

In 2018, physicists at CERN in Paris used the "Large Hadron Collider" to discover the strange "decay behavior" of God particles in trillions of collisions, thus proposing a new physical problem of the "decay rate" of God particles.

Physicists believe that the decay rate of God particles does not conform to the standard model of particle physics, because according to the current theory, the decay rate of God particles should be so slow that it is impossible to find a "trace" of decay in trillions of collisions.

The God particle is making waves again, and the microscopic world in the eyes of physicists may usher in a breakthrough

However, people saw the moment of the "decay" of the God particle in the impact, which is very interesting, and also suggests that the God particle may hide some "secrets", which also make physicists very curious.

Academician Zhao Yi was also curious about the "decay rate" of God particles, and he believed: "The 'decay rate' of God particles is just a new physical phenomenon, which does not mean that the Standard Model is 'problematic'."

This has also sparked discussions among other physicists, who also hope to discover some "secrets" in the God particle, thus advancing the further development of existing knowledge of physics.

2. The breakthrough of the God particle.

However, physicists still wanted to have the opportunity to understand the "secrets" of the God particle, so they began a series of "explorations".

In order to better study God particles, physicists have even built the "Super Hadron Collider" at CERN, which is used to observe the mutation of God particles in the impact, and can find the "beat" of God particles in these variations.

However, the impact energy that the Super Hadron Collider can provide is at most 14 megaelectron volts, and this energy density is still far from the 21 megaelectron volts that God particles can provide.

When the Super Hadron Collider is making an impact, only "subtleties" can be observed.

Therefore, physicists want to build a "larger" "Super Hadron Collider" to provide greater impact energy to observe the variation of God particles in the impact, so as to be able to observe the "beat" of God particles.

In 2020, physicists at CERN began to study the construction of the "larger" "Super Hadron Collider" and conducted a comprehensive evaluation of its technical solutions.

However, in the process of evaluation, many questions stopped physicists from moving forward.

According to CERN's physicists, "the money and team needed to build a 'bigger Super Hadron Collider' is far greater than people would expect," and that the "bigger" Super Hadron Collider would need to be "re-arranged" in the underground tunnels in which it is located, which is also a significant expense.

According to their estimates, CERN may need to invest $7.25 billion in the construction of the "larger" "Super Hadron Collider", which would be an "astronomical amount".

The God particle is making waves again, and the microscopic world in the eyes of physicists may usher in a breakthrough

Therefore, the "funding shortage" that physicists are experiencing in building the "larger" "Super Hadron Collider" is a major problem.

At the same time, along with the financial constraints, there are also "technical difficulties", physicists have found that "building a 'bigger Super Hadron Collider'" can provide us with more "information", but they may also find more "new particles" in the "information", and in the face of these "new particles", people will "feel the limitations of the existing knowledge system again", so they also regard this as the "significance" of building a "larger Super Hadron Collider".

The God particle is making waves again, and the microscopic world in the eyes of physicists may usher in a breakthrough

In the process of in-depth research, physicists have discovered that the information that can be found by the "new particles" is not only limited to this, but they can even study "more complex" "physical phenomena" through the "new particles", so in the eyes of physicists, the construction of the "larger Super Hadron Collider" is not only "studying the 'God particles'", but also finding more "meaning" and "value" "information" from it.

The God particle is making waves again, and the microscopic world in the eyes of physicists may usher in a breakthrough

3. The mystery of the God particle.

The discovery of God particles has revealed the existence of all things in the universe, but there are also some new "unknown" particles that are in the process of being "studied" and "discovered" by people.

In the view of physicists, the existing knowledge of particle physics is still "imperfect", and "in the future" will "discover more new particles", and "new particles" will bring new "perspectives" and "ideas" to the study of physics, thereby promoting the further development of the existing knowledge system.

At the same time, the "secrets" hidden in the "God particle" also require us to constantly "explore" and "discover".

Academician Zhao Yi also said: "In CERN's research, China will undertake part of the research and development work of building the 'Large Hadron Collider'", and "the Large Hadron Collider will provide us with a "way to discover" new particles, and will also reveal the "mystery" of the existence of "God particles" for us.

In the eyes of physicists, they liken the "Large Hadron Collider" to "a window that opens the knowledge system", which will bring us a broader "unknown field of physics", thus pushing "science and technology" forward by a big step.

The God particle is making waves again, and the microscopic world in the eyes of physicists may usher in a breakthrough


In the "microscopic world", the types of particles that exist are far above our cognitive system, for these unknown substances, physicists still need to conduct in-depth research, from a deeper level to reveal the "mystery" of the existence of these particles, and the research work of physicists also needs our strong support, so that more people can understand their work, and at the same time, we can also understand the current situation and future of scientific and technological development.

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