
Is there a horror story that I thought was a funny joke, but it turned out to be a scary story? Netizen comments

author:Twilight is blank

I've seen a lot of horror and funny stories, all of which are terrifying first and finally have a funny reversal, so is there a reverse? Start with a regular funny joke and end with a horror reversal?

Is there a horror story that I thought was a funny joke, but it turned out to be a scary story? Netizen comments

Netizen: Random on the weekend! It's been a pretty chic day

Is there a horror story that I thought was a funny joke, but it turned out to be a scary story? Netizen comments

Netizen: Maybe you wore it in a dream I have been in this situation, I dreamed that I got up, my clothes were all dressed, and then I woke up after a while and found that I was still in bed many times

Is there a horror story that I thought was a funny joke, but it turned out to be a scary story? Netizen comments

Netizen: I understand, but I will take the initiative to think in that direction. How can anyone immediately think of eating bananas when they hear about it? I even lost my temper. A girl who is not very open will not be like this at all, let alone such an extremely conservative girl who is embarrassed to change her coat in front of her fiancé.

Is there a horror story that I thought was a funny joke, but it turned out to be a scary story? Netizen comments

Netizen: If the person on the other side is really staring at that hole, wouldn't it be pitch black。。。。。。 Blocked where you could see the light. Could it be that the man's eyes could glow on their own???

Is there a horror story that I thought was a funny joke, but it turned out to be a scary story? Netizen comments

Netizen: Mom, I was smoking on the balcony of the dormitory in the middle of the night, and I got goosebumps all over my body when I saw this.

Is there a horror story that I thought was a funny joke, but it turned out to be a scary story? Netizen comments

The girl who slept on my top bunk used to do the same, but the corpse was back to back with her, which was like face to face with me, and as soon as she said that, she put her hair down and reached out to touch me, and I cried

Is there a horror story that I thought was a funny joke, but it turned out to be a scary story? Netizen comments

This reminds me of an answer I have read, I forgot whether it was news or a joke, there was a man who had three, and then sold one and made 400,000 yuan

Is there a horror story that I thought was a funny joke, but it turned out to be a scary story? Netizen comments

Netizen: Do you think people are pretending to have a girlfriend, but in fact, there is really someone talking on the other side of the phone

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