
The United States intercepted a toxic package sent to Trump, what is ricin? How terrifying it is

author:A fish on the island


"Ricin" is a substance that many people may not be familiar with, and as the name suggests, it is a very dangerous toxin.

This year, the United States also intercepted a package sent to Trump that contained ricin, a toxin that can kill people with only a small amount and is thousands of times more powerful than arsenic toxin.

1. Ricin.

Ricin originally came from ancient Egypt, where it was used to burn mosquitoes to death, and there are historical records of ricin being used to kill enemies.

Ricin is mainly found in the seeds of castor beans, but the castor plant itself does not appear to be a threat to humans.

Castor is a woody plant with a large plant, a thick trunk, the same leaves, and purple-red flowers, which are not dangerous to humans, while in the seeds of castor beans can be harmful to human health.

7mg of ricin can kill an adult, while ricin is 2,000 times more toxic than arsenic, and if it is taken orally, then the person will die after 3-5 days.

When ricin comes into contact with the skin and does not wash hands in time, it will lead to body poisoning, and contact with powder or ricin gas can lead to poisoning reactions.

The United States intercepted a toxic package sent to Trump, what is ricin? How terrifying it is

Ricin is a colorless and transparent liquid that can be dangerous if inhaled.

A body weight of 1 mg/kg is very dangerous to ingest a certain amount, and when the body weight reaches 0.5 mg/kg, it will cause abnormalities in the kidneys and an ominous atmosphere will appear around it.

And ricin's best weapon is that its smell is colorless and transparent, which makes people undetectable, so it is very harmful, and when people ignore it, it will lead to Resident Evil.

2. After ricin enters the body.

When ricin enters the body, it will cause poisoning, and the three major systems of the respirator, digestive system, and nervous system, mainly these three major systems, lead to the death of life.

First of all, the respiratory system, the lungs or respiratory tract will feel a tingling sensation, and it will feel very difficult to breathe, and if there is a digestive reaction, it will feel very painful, and there will be severe diarrhea and vomiting.

When these symptoms occur, people will have adverse psychological reactions, resulting in hallucinations, manic behavior, gradual blurring of brain consciousness, and headaches.

Then there will be problems with the nervous system: convulsions, nerve rigidity, and finally abnormalities in the central nervous system, complete failure of the respiratory system, kidney failure, and finally death.

The United States intercepted a toxic package sent to Trump, what is ricin? How terrifying it is

The castor plant is not poisonous, the toxin is derived from its seeds, and then the toxin is extracted, which can be made into a weapon of gaseous warfare.

Castor is a plant planted in the glazed tower area, so with the continuous blow of the anti-yellow storm, the planting land of this plant is gradually decreasing.

The United States intercepted a toxic package sent to Trump, what is ricin? How terrifying it is

Although the plant is not as serious as cannabis cultivation, it still needs attention, and South America is also a type of plantation, with castor production sites in the United States.

When there are more and more castor production bases, its output will also increase, so ricin will enter people's bodies through logistics and other ways.

At present, there is a situation where an elderly man ate the seeds of castor beans in the process of tasting dishes, and died 3 hours later, and his body showed symptoms of poisoning before his death.

At this moment, the old man's son was very worried, for fear that the old man had been assassinated, so he went to the police station and asked for an investigation into the restaurant.

The United States intercepted a toxic package sent to Trump, what is ricin? How terrifying it is

When I arrived at the restaurant, I could see that the waiter at the restaurant was at a loss, and the chef of the dish said that he didn't know how it happened.

It wasn't until the police investigated and asked the chef to inspect that they found out that the chef had not washed his hands, which led to the castor seeds remaining on his hands and then falling into the dishes while cooking.

Finally, the unfortunate death of the old man, and then the police were still not at ease, so they conducted spot checks on the environment of the restaurant and the logistics staff, and checked the toxins of castor beans.

The police also found relevant medical experts to conduct an autopsy on the old lady, and found that the old man had ricin in his body, which proved that the old man was poisoned by castor and not by others.

3. Extraction and boiling of castor beans.

People should be very careful when squeezing castor oil, the moment people squeeze castor oil, the castor seeds are very easy to break, so it will make the pulp barrel jump all at once.

People should be very careful in the process of squeezing such as oil, they should put the castor seeds in the jar for a few days, and put the jar by the fire to heat it, so that the castor seeds will soon be squeezed like oil.

At this time, people should be very careful, the muzzle of the oil extraction is removed, to gradually sit away, if the muzzle of the oil extraction is close or far away, it will lead to the result of oil extraction is not very ideal.

People soak castor oil seeds in hot water to extract the oil, but people have to be very careful when soaking because castor oil seeds have a slightly sweet taste.

The United States intercepted a toxic package sent to Trump, what is ricin? How terrifying it is

People put the soaked water together to make castor oil, but the water is more soaked and it is left for a while to remove the toxins from the castor seeds.

Although people use castor seeds to extract oil, the castor oil is non-toxin, although castor seeds are poisonous, but castor oil is non-toxin.

The United States intercepted a toxic package sent to Trump, what is ricin? How terrifying it is

As long as the seeds are cooked for a longer period of time, the toxins will be removed from the seeds, and the boiling water will be shorter, and then the water will be re-drained, and the seeds can be placed in oil drums to heat and extract oil.

But there is another way, that is, the castor seeds are boiled directly, and the boiling water is long in the boiling water, but during the boiling process, the castor seeds will become very tender.

At this time, the boiled castor seeds are put into the meal, and the elderly eat the castor seeds in the process of tasting, and after 3 hours, the body will be poisoned.

When people are boiling, they should be careful, pour the boiled purified water into the pot, and then put the castor seeds into the pot, so as to soak for two hours, you can remove the toxins on the castor seeds.

The United States intercepted a toxic package sent to Trump, what is ricin? How terrifying it is


One of the deadly poisonous packages seized by law enforcement in the United States was the private belongings of former President Donald Trump, which contained ricin.

The United States is very strong in law enforcement, and was able to intercept this package incident early, but fortunately, it did not cause a big danger, and intervened in time to avoid a potentially dangerous situation.

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