
Embarrassed! Inter Milan has come to this point, not only Oaktree Capital, but even Zhang Kangyang did not expect it

author:Ball ball Lee

On the green field, every goal symbolizes glory and glory, but behind this glory, there is often a hidden capital war. When the debt turmoil between Zhang Kangyang, the helmsman of Inter Milan (Inter), and financial giants such as Oaktree Capital and PIMCO, intensified, we not only saw the money game in the football world, but also got a glimpse of the huge power behind this game that could change the fate of football.

Embarrassed! Inter Milan has come to this point, not only Oaktree Capital, but even Zhang Kangyang did not expect it

Zhang Kangyang, a young business elite, has left a strong mark in the world of football. Now he is struggling with a debt of 380 million euros. This is not only his personal financial crisis, but also the battle for the survival of Inter, a century-old giant. In the world of football, money is power, and Zhang Kangyang is standing on the cusp of this power.

Oaktree Capital, a financial giant known for its ruthlessness, reached out when Zhang Kangyang needed help the most. However, this "helping hand" is a double-edged sword. Not only are they demanding high interest rates, but they are also trying to get a piece of the pie when Inter sells in the future through the terms of profit sharing. This naked plundering of capital put Zhang Kangyang in a dilemma.

Embarrassed! Inter Milan has come to this point, not only Oaktree Capital, but even Zhang Kangyang did not expect it

It was at this time that the emergence of PIMCO brought new hope to Zhang Kangyang. The financial giant is willing to work with Zhang Kangyang to deal with this debt crisis. Oaktree Capital was unwilling to let go easily, and they took out the supplementary clauses in the contract as a threat to try to get Zhang Kangyang to comply. For a while, the debt turmoil became even more confusing.

Embarrassed! Inter Milan has come to this point, not only Oaktree Capital, but even Zhang Kangyang did not expect it

In this capital game, we can't help but ask: who is actually controlling the fate of football? Is it the financial giants with huge sums of money, or the players and coaches who are fighting for their dreams? When we see Inter's collapse in the Champions League, we can't help but sigh: is this a football game or a battle of capital?

From a professional point of view, Inter's record and profits are undoubtedly an important measure of the value of this team. Behind this, there is a more complex logic of capital. Financial giants such as Oaktree Capital are willing to lend to Inter because of the team's huge commercial value. They want to get more profit by investing in Inter. However, when Inter's results are poor and profits are declining, these financial giants will not hesitate to tighten their purse strings and even use legal means to protect their interests.

Embarrassed! Inter Milan has come to this point, not only Oaktree Capital, but even Zhang Kangyang did not expect it

In this debt turmoil, we have seen the delicate relationship between football and capital. As a global sport, football has great commercial value. This commercial value is often exploited and manipulated by capital. When football meets capital, a series of issues and controversies often arise. For example, the transfer fee of players is getting higher and higher, and the team's record is being interfered with by capital, etc. These issues not only affect the nature and fairness of the game, but also cause frustration and anger among fans.

So, can we find a balance in this capital game? Perhaps we can start from the following aspects: strengthen the supervision and management of football to ensure the fairness and impartiality of football matches; Encourage more capital to enter the football industry, but at the same time strengthen the supervision and management of this capital; Improve the quality and ability of players and coaches so that they can focus more on the game itself rather than being used and manipulated by capital.

Embarrassed! Inter Milan has come to this point, not only Oaktree Capital, but even Zhang Kangyang did not expect it

Returning to Zhang Kangyang's debt turmoil, we can't predict what the final outcome of this turmoil will be. But one thing we know for sure: in this capital game, the fate of football will be hugely affected. Both Zhang Kangyang and Inter Milan need to find their way to survive in this game. And for us as fans, we would rather see a pure football game than a game full of money and benefits.

Embarrassed! Inter Milan has come to this point, not only Oaktree Capital, but even Zhang Kangyang did not expect it

Zhang Kangyang's debt turmoil is not only a capital game, but also a profound reflection on the fate of football. Let us hope that this turmoil can be calmed down as soon as possible and football can return to its essence and original intention.

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