
Ge You's hardcore old Land Rover, a car has been driven for more than ten years, and he saw the license plate: "Ninety-Five Honor"

author:Xiao Wu talks about gossip 6

On the stage of life, everyone has something they cherish, and for star Ge You, his Land Rover Defender 110 is such a special existence.

An ordinary car review made netizens have a special discovery - Ge You's Land Rover Defender 110.

Ge You's hardcore old Land Rover, a car has been driven for more than ten years, and he saw the license plate: "Ninety-Five Honor"

This car is no ordinary car, it has been with Ge You for more than 13 years.

Ge You was born into an artistic family, but his family was once poor, which hindered his dream.

In order to make a living, he took care of his younger sister, and after graduating from junior high school, he chose to join the team to raise pigs.

This early experience shaped his tenacious and unpretentious character.

Ge You's hardcore old Land Rover, a car has been driven for more than ten years, and he saw the license plate: "Ninety-Five Honor"

In terms of acting career, Ge You's start was not smooth sailing.

He started from an inconspicuous small role, worked silently, and continued to accumulate.

It wasn't until with the work "The Stubborn Master" that he began to emerge and gradually became more well-known.

Since then, he has participated in many classic films, gradually becoming famous and becoming a household name.

Ge You's hardcore old Land Rover, a car has been driven for more than ten years, and he saw the license plate: "Ninety-Five Honor"

In 2009, when the Land Rover Defender 110 had just landed on the domestic market, Ge You did not hesitate to buy it.

Since then, the car has been inseparable from him.

It also has a unique number plate, moving from the rear windshield to the bumper, and it is also a four-number number plate, which is quite highly valued.

This is not only a car, but also a symbol of Ge You's identity and taste.

Ge You's hardcore old Land Rover, a car has been driven for more than ten years, and he saw the license plate: "Ninety-Five Honor"

Unlike many stars in the entertainment industry, Ge You has a different kind of intimacy with his car.

He is not the kind of person who leaves the car to an assistant to take care of, but is personally involved in the maintenance of the car.

This kind of hands-on work reflects the importance and cherishing he attaches to this car.

Ge You has a special penchant for vintage cars, and although his former Mercedes-Benz S280 "Butterfly Ben" has changed hands, the Land Rover Defender has always been by his side.

Ge You's hardcore old Land Rover, a car has been driven for more than ten years, and he saw the license plate: "Ninety-Five Honor"

This kind of persistence and nostalgia is not only a love for a car, but also a deep fascination with the charm of old cars.

In this fast-paced era, many things are being updated rapidly, and new models are emerging one after another.

Ge You, however, clings to his Land Rover Defender 110, as if guarding a precious memory.

This car has witnessed the bits and pieces of his life, witnessed his laughter and tears, and witnessed his ups and downs on the road of acting.

Ge You's hardcore old Land Rover, a car has been driven for more than ten years, and he saw the license plate: "Ninety-Five Honor"

It is like a faithful companion, silently accompanying him, giving him support and comfort.

For Ge You, the Land Rover Defender 110 is not just a means of transportation, but also an emotional sustenance.

It carries his nostalgia for a bygone time, a tribute to the classics.

Whenever he drives this car on the road, he may think of those old days, those stories related to cars.

Some people may say, isn't it just a car, what's the big deal?

Ge You's hardcore old Land Rover, a car has been driven for more than ten years, and he saw the license plate: "Ninety-Five Honor"

But for Ge You, the significance of this car is far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

It was a part of his life, a reflection of his personality and style.

In this complicated world, he sticks to the persistence and love in his heart in his own way.

Ge You in life is deeply loved by the audience for his unique performance style and humorous image.

And in the world of cars, he also showed his different side.

His choice and persistence let us see a more real and flesh-and-blood Ge You.

In terms of feelings, Ge You and his wife He Cong can be described as love at first sight.

Ge You's hardcore old Land Rover, a car has been driven for more than ten years, and he saw the license plate: "Ninety-Five Honor"

They met and fell in love, and finally entered the palace of marriage.

Although the outside world has also questioned their feelings, their feelings have always been firm.

They chose "Dink", although the world of the two is not as noisy as children, but it also has a different kind of tranquility and warmth.

Life is always full of regrets.

Ge You's parents died one after another, which made him feel painful.

Ge You's hardcore old Land Rover, a car has been driven for more than ten years, and he saw the license plate: "Ninety-Five Honor"

His father Ge Cunzhuang died of cerebral infarction, and Ge You felt deep self-blame and pain for failing to fulfill more filial piety in his father's last days.

After that, his mother also left him, and this double blow plunged him into deep grief.

He knows very well that no matter how much he has achieved in his acting career, he will not be able to make up for the loss of his parents.

With no children at home and their parents gone, Ge You and He Cong's home sometimes seems particularly deserted.

Ge You's hardcore old Land Rover, a car has been driven for more than ten years, and he saw the license plate: "Ninety-Five Honor"

But they relied on each other to spend those ordinary and precious days together.

Their relationship has become stronger and stronger over the years, and has become the most important support in each other's lives.

13 years is enough time for a child to grow from ignorance to a vigorous teenager, enough to turn a city upside down, and Ge You's Land Rover Defender 110 is still quietly parked there, waiting for its owner to start again.

It has witnessed too many stories and has become an indispensable part of Ge You's life.

Ge You's hardcore old Land Rover, a car has been driven for more than ten years, and he saw the license plate: "Ninety-Five Honor"

In the days to come, maybe the Land Rover Defender 110 will continue to accompany Ge You, maybe it will grow old, but the feelings and memories it carries will always remain in Ge You's heart.

It is a testimony of a period of time and a precious gift.

When we see Ge You on the streets again driving his Land Rover Defender 110, perhaps we can read the deep affection and love in his eyes.

Ge You's hardcore old Land Rover, a car has been driven for more than ten years, and he saw the license plate: "Ninety-Five Honor"

It's not just a car, it's an attitude to life, a respect for the classics and the past.

Let's wish Ge You and his car to continue to write their wonderful chapter on the road in the future.

In this hustle and bustle of the world, the story of Ge You and his Land Rover Defender 110 is like a melodious old song that warms our hearts.

Ge You's hardcore old Land Rover, a car has been driven for more than ten years, and he saw the license plate: "Ninety-Five Honor"

It makes us understand that sometimes, those seemingly ordinary things contain endless power and emotion.

Whether it's a car or an old thing, as long as we feel it with our hearts, we can find the beauty and meaning in it.

Let us all be like Ge You, find the persistence and love in our hearts, protect and cherish them with our hearts.

Because this is the true meaning of life, this is the footprint we leave in this world.

Ge You's hardcore old Land Rover, a car has been driven for more than ten years, and he saw the license plate: "Ninety-Five Honor"

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