
CPF machete! An astonishing adjustment of the provident fund of all employees of a state-owned enterprise: from 12% to 5%!

author:Yan Wuji

Recently, a well-known state-owned enterprise issued an announcement, simply put, the company wants to reduce everyone's provident fund from the original 12% to 5%.

This change has made the image of this company, which was originally famous for its good welfare, fall to the ground, and the hearts of the employees are also turned upside down, which is not a taste.

CPF machete! An astonishing adjustment of the provident fund of all employees of a state-owned enterprise: from 12% to 5%!

Employees are shocked: how to protect the future with benefits cut?

Hearing the news that the provident fund was going to be lowered, the employees were dumbfounded.

Everyone has worked hard for so many years, but I didn't expect that the benefits would be reduced, who can stand this? Especially those old employees who have been in the company for many years, they have always regarded the company as their home, but now they feel left behind by this "home".

CPF machete! An astonishing adjustment of the provident fund of all employees of a state-owned enterprise: from 12% to 5%!

There is an old employee who is very disappointed, and said: We have dedicated our youth and sweat to the company, but the company is treating us like this now, which is really chilling.

The young employees are also quite helpless: I just bought a house, and the monthly mortgage is overwhelming me, and now the provident fund is going to drop again, how can I live this day?

CPF machete! An astonishing adjustment of the provident fund of all employees of a state-owned enterprise: from 12% to 5%!

Corporate response: helpless under economic pressure

Seeing that the employees were not satisfied, the company also quickly came out to explain.

They said that the current economic situation is not good, and it is difficult for companies to make money, and the pressure is great.

In order for the company to continue to grow, the only way to reduce the burden is to cut some benefits.

But when the employees heard this, they still felt that something was not right.

CPF machete! An astonishing adjustment of the provident fund of all employees of a state-owned enterprise: from 12% to 5%!

Many employees feel that when the company encounters financial difficulties, they should find other ways to solve them, rather than directly taking employees' benefits.

They hope that the company will give more consideration to the actual difficulties and needs of employees.

Social concerns: Experts have mixed opinions

As soon as this matter came out, everyone was very concerned, and experts from all walks of life also came out to speak.

Some experts feel that enterprises are under great pressure now, and adjusting the welfare policy is also a way to save themselves, which is quite reasonable.

CPF machete! An astonishing adjustment of the provident fund of all employees of a state-owned enterprise: from 12% to 5%!

However, some experts are worried that doing so may affect employees' enthusiasm for work and will not be good for the company's future development.

When other companies saw this, they began to wonder whether their welfare policies were suitable.

They begin to reconsider what to do if they are in a similar situation.

They found that stable employee benefits are actually very important, not only for employees, but also for the company's reputation and future development.

CPF machete! An astonishing adjustment of the provident fund of all employees of a state-owned enterprise: from 12% to 5%!

Employee Rights: Unite to fight for rights

Employees must not be reconciled when benefits are cut.

Instead of swallowing their anger, they began to find ways to express their dissatisfaction.

Some employees have banded together to ask the union for help and want the union to negotiate with the company on their behalf; Others want to protect their rights and interests through legal means.

CPF machete! An astonishing adjustment of the provident fund of all employees of a state-owned enterprise: from 12% to 5%!

These actions not only show that employees value their rights and interests, but also show that they really care about the future development of the company.

They hope that their efforts will cause the company to reconsider the decision and find a solution that works for everyone.

Corporate Compromise: Finding a New Balance

Under pressure from all sides, the company's management has also begun to reconsider the matter of cutting the provident fund.

They found that a direct cut in benefits may not be the best approach.

For the sake of the company's stability and to protect the interests of employees, we must find a new balance.

So the company held a series of emergency meetings to discuss the matter.

CPF machete! An astonishing adjustment of the provident fund of all employees of a state-owned enterprise: from 12% to 5%!

In the end, the company decided to suspend the plan to cut the provident fund for the first time, and at the same time find a way to reduce costs by improving internal management and improving efficiency, so as to cope with the current economic pressure.

And the company also promised to slowly restore the benefits of employees in the future.

Conclusion: The Game of Welfare and Development

Although this matter has been solved temporarily, the problems in it are still worth thinking about.

In the case of high economic pressure, how can the company balance its own development and the benefits of its employees?

How to ensure the rights and interests of employees and at the same time enable the company to develop in the long run?

CPF machete! An astonishing adjustment of the provident fund of all employees of a state-owned enterprise: from 12% to 5%!

Employees should also be more actively involved in the company's decision-making and speak for their own interests.

Only when the company and employees work together, understand and support each other, can we find the best balance point, so that the company and employees can develop well.

This balance point will definitely be an important task and problem for the company's management in the future.

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