
The strange room type "machete room" is on fire! This time the owner may be in trouble...

The strange room type "machete room" is on fire! This time the owner may be in trouble...

The long room type resembles a "machete"

It was also transformed

More than 10 individual rooms for rent

Recently, located in Liwan District, Guangzhou

This is a nearly 150 square meter residence

It can be described as "famous".

The strange room type "machete room" is on fire! This time the owner may be in trouble...

From a netizen post

Pictures can be seen

This house has a floor area of 149.42 square meters

It has been converted into 12 individual rooms

The size of each room

It ranges from 6.7 square meters to 12.2 square meters

All rooms share a 27 m² aisle

and an 8.2 square metre toilet

The strange room type "machete room" is on fire! This time the owner may be in trouble...

According to netizens, this residence is located near Xiajiu Road, Liwan District, Guangzhou City, and was originally 5 bedrooms and 1 living room, which was listed for sale on a housing rental and sales platform at a price of 3.5 million yuan. However, on the morning of December 28, the reporter searched on the housing rental and sales platform and did not find this residential information.

After several turnovers, the reporter found an intermediary, who said that this house was listed at the beginning of last year, and the online pictures were taken when there was no decoration before, and now it has been renovated. After the information was posted online, the landlord has contacted them to remove it.

"He's got a video of his house now, and he's made it like this, and it's a bit of a hassle if he doesn't file it. Originally, the family lived together, but then the owner was not here, and he felt that it was a waste to empty it, so he divided it into one room to collect rent."

The strange room type "machete room" is on fire! This time the owner may be in trouble...

To find out

The reporter climbed up the third floor through a narrow staircase

Finally saw this "machete" room

There are indeed traces of renovation

It currently has 11 rooms

Each room has its own bathroom

They share an aisle about one meter wide

The strange room type "machete room" is on fire! This time the owner may be in trouble...
The strange room type "machete room" is on fire! This time the owner may be in trouble...

A tenant told reporters

The rent of each room is about 1,000 yuan

At the moment it seems

Only one single room has not yet been rented

The strange room type "machete room" is on fire! This time the owner may be in trouble...

The reporter noticed

There are tenants who will be in the house

Set up a simple desktop

It is used for daily cooking

The strange room type "machete room" is on fire! This time the owner may be in trouble...

However, there was no fire hydrant in the hallway

Only the entrance location

Several hand-held fire extinguishers were placed

The strange room type "machete room" is on fire! This time the owner may be in trouble...

Because the tenant did not disclose the landlord's phone number

The reporter has not been able to contact the landlord himself for the time being

Then again

Divide the dwelling into multiple rooms for rent

Is it suspected of violating the law or even breaking the law?

A lawyer said that if he reconstructs or changes the original use of the house, and the internal remodeling affects the structure of the house and the safety of the floor, this is an act that is expressly prohibited by law.

"Changing the room into 11 suites for multiple people to rent out may violate the provisions of the fire protection ordinance if it is not equipped with the corresponding fire protection conditions or equipment, and it is also a violation of the law."


The reporter reported the situation to the local streets

December 28 at noon

A staff member has come to inspect the door

Hualin Street responded:


The preliminary judgment on the spot showed that the residence did not increase the area, height and change of the façade, which was exempt from planning and did not involve illegal construction. After inquiry, No. 48 Xiajiu Road has not carried out housing lease filing and small project filing, the street has contacted the owner in many ways, and the next step will be to strengthen communication and coordination with relevant departments, verify the housing property rights information, leasing and planning and construction information, etc., and rectify the situation that the house has not been filed and the fire hazard is rectified in accordance with laws and regulations.

You've seen anything like this

Strange rental housing?

Source: Guangdong Minsheng DV Live Editor: Xu Lulu

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