
Health commissions in many places announced: cancel or reduce the number of medical personnel! Downsizing or becoming a future trend?

author:Yan Wuji

Reform of the establishment of public hospitals

Recently, the health commissions of many localities have issued statements saying that they will reduce or simply abolish the number of medical personnel.

This is a blow to those who have always felt that hospital work is an "iron rice bowl".

Health commissions in many places announced: cancel or reduce the number of medical personnel! Downsizing or becoming a future trend?

Establishment reform, the general trend?

In the past, everyone thought that the establishment of the hospital was a "golden job bowl", as long as they could get in, the job would be stable, and the treatment would be very good.

But after a long time, problems also come, such as the staff is not very mobile, and the work efficiency is not very high.

So now it looks like an imperative to reform the establishment.

Health commissions in many places announced: cancel or reduce the number of medical personnel! Downsizing or becoming a future trend?

If you look at the recruitment announcement in Hunan Province, public hospitals are recruiting new people now, and they don't like to be compiled, and they are more likely to sign contracts or dispatch.

The pitiful number of quotas is also given to those highly educated or urgently needed professionals.

In this way, it is really difficult for those doctors and nurses who want to enter the establishment.

Health commissions in many places announced: cancel or reduce the number of medical personnel! Downsizing or becoming a future trend?

Reduction of compilation, affecting geometry?

The staffing has been reduced, and the news is like a bomb to the doctors and nurses who are already making it.

They panicked in their hearts, and began to worry about whether their work would be affected and what the future would be.

But in fact, in the long run, such reforms may not be a bad thing.

If the staffing is less, it must be given priority to those departments that are short of manpower, such as emergency departments, pediatrics, etc.

Health commissions in many places announced: cancel or reduce the number of medical personnel! Downsizing or becoming a future trend?

In this way, it may be possible to attract more talented doctors to join these departments and solve the problem of insufficient staffing.

Moreover, the reduction of the number of staff will also put a little pressure on doctors in other departments to continuously improve their technology and service quality in order to gain a firm foothold in this highly competitive environment.

So the downsizing, while alarming, may be able to make the entire healthcare system better.

Health commissions in many places announced: cancel or reduce the number of medical personnel! Downsizing or becoming a future trend?

Opportunities and challenges coexist

The challenge is that medical staff have to adapt to the new environment and continuously improve their technology and service quality in order to stand out from the crowd.

As for the opportunity, this reform has provided more development space and promotion opportunities for medical staff, and maybe you can take this opportunity to show your strength and realize your ambitions.

Health commissions in many places announced: cancel or reduce the number of medical personnel! Downsizing or becoming a future trend?

There is also a reform of the establishment that will also affect the choice of majors for medical students.

In the future, those departments that lack people may become popular majors for medical students to apply for.

The healthcare system can also be injected with new energy and talent, which is a good thing for the entire industry.

Thinking and Prospecting in Change

This matter is not only related to the jobs of doctors and nurses, but also affects the future development of the entire medical system.

In the midst of this change, we have to stay calm and think about how to deal with it.

Health commissions in many places announced: cancel or reduce the number of medical personnel! Downsizing or becoming a future trend?

Doctors and nurses need to recognize the reality that the reform of the establishment has brought challenges, but also opportunities.

Everyone has to work hard to improve their medical skills and service level, so that they can gain a firm foothold in the competition and achieve their own career development.

Speaking of hospitals, they also have to work hard to cultivate and bring in talents.

It is necessary to readjust the structure of qualified personnel and improve the overall quality, so that we can better cope with the problems brought about by the reduction in the number of personnel.

Health commissions in many places announced: cancel or reduce the number of medical personnel! Downsizing or becoming a future trend?

At the same time, the hospital has to cooperate more with universities and other places where we teach, and work together to train more powerful doctors, so as to add more vitality to our medical industry.

The future direction of the establishment reform

As soon as this reform came out, it caused a lot of controversy and discussion.

Some feel that downsizing would make the health system more dynamic and services better.

But there are also concerns that doing so will make the work of doctors and nurses unstable and affect medical services.

In the face of these different voices, be calm and rational.

Health commissions in many places announced: cancel or reduce the number of medical personnel! Downsizing or becoming a future trend?

Establishment reform is a complex and lengthy process, and the best solution can only be found through the joint efforts of the Government, hospitals and medical personnel.

In short, the reform of the establishment of public hospitals has become the trend of the times.

In this process, it is necessary to see both the difficulties faced and the opportunities that it brings.


The reform of the establishment of public hospitals has made every doctor and nurse very concerned.

In the process of reform, we must work together to face these challenges and strive to create a better future.

No matter how the establishment changes, the original intention and mission of providing good services to patients will never change.

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