
"Cheongsam Goddess" Chen Shu is another popular record

author:Manxiao Sword


In 1988, 11-year-old Chen Shu went to Beijing alone to learn dance at Beiwu Affiliated High School, but because he was not confident in his appearance, he was compared to Li Xiaoran, a Beijing girl of the same grade, who was groundless and ashamed of himself.

Girls in their early teens have just developed and have not yet grown up, but Li Xiaoran has already come out of the sky, Chuchu is moving, and there is an endless stream of people who come to her to shoot advertisements.

Chen Shu often peeked at Li Xiaoran at school: "How can people be so long, with thick eyelashes and fair skin, so beautiful!" ”

What struck Chen Shu even more was that the teacher of the folk dance class once said: "Chen Shu, don't laugh, laugh is worse than crying." "This made Chen Shu desperate to find a seam to drill into...

"Cheongsam Goddess" Chen Shu is another popular record

Many people do not know that today's big beauty Chen Shu, formerly known as Chen Shu, was born in an artistic family in Huangshi, Hubei Province, but her mother's beauty seems to have been inherited by her brother, and when she was a child, her appearance was not so outstanding.

"Cheongsam Goddess" Chen Shu is another popular record

However, the good family environment has cultivated her elegance and tranquility, her grandparents are university professors, her parents are artists, her mother is good at flute and piano, her father is a dancer, and Chen Shu also likes dance.

The father originally did not want his daughter to work in his industry, thinking that the industry was too bitter and cruel. But no matter how he stopped it, he couldn't extinguish the enthusiasm of the little girl to chase her dreams.

"Cheongsam Goddess" Chen Shu is another popular record

Every day, Xiao Chen Shu came home from school and bolted the door.

One day, Father Chen was curious, moved a stool to stand by the window and looked inside, saw his daughter playing music and dancing after doing her homework, dancing like a decent, mesmerized, admired in his heart, and finally decided to cultivate her well.

Unexpectedly, Chen Shu easily entered the North Dance Annex, but was compared to Li Xiaoran, all kinds of things were not smooth, how is this good.


Fortunately, Chen Shu had developed an independent and unyielding personality early on, so these blows did not destroy her will. In the group life of Beiwu Annex, many children will hug the group, but Chen Shu is the one who often leaves the group.

Because I don't conform to the crowd, I have a firm self.

After hard training, in 1992, after graduating at the age of 15, Chen Shu was admitted to the Oriental Song and Dance Troupe with excellent performance.

"Cheongsam Goddess" Chen Shu is another popular record

From the students of the Beijing Dance Academy Affiliated High School to the dancers of the national academy, they look very stable and perfect, but Chen Shu is a little unhappy.

Every day, she repeats one imitation-filled dance after another, mechanically completing one task after another, and suddenly finds that there is no joy in hiding in the house as a child and dancing as she pleases.

Fortunately, two years later, the first opportunity for change came.

In 1994, a very famous modern dance dancer came to the Oriental Song and Dance Troupe and gave them a month of modern dance lessons.

In one class, the dancer improvised for a while, he knelt on the ground and made a shaking motion, that moment was like the sun shining into his heart, Chen Shu saw his own foolishness in this action, the yearning for free release.

In 1995, the 18-year-old Chen Shu ushered in his first love. A brother who often rehearsed for Chen Shu was very good to her, and the two had a long-term relationship, but later, this relationship was still because of their different choices, and there was no disease.

"Cheongsam Goddess" Chen Shu is another popular record

Two years later, the second opportunity for change came.

In 1997, Cheng Fangyuan, who returned from a trip to the United States, planned to present the musical "The Sound of Music" on the stage in China and openly recruit actors to the public.

The job advertisement was posted at the gate of the Oriental Song and Dance Troupe's dormitory, and a month later, Cheng Fangyuan received a call from Chen Shumao to introduce himself.

"Cheongsam Goddess" Chen Shu is another popular record

This phone call helped Chen Shu open another door in his life.


After a year of performance rehearsal, musical theater directors Niu Xinci and Cheng Fangyuan both felt that Chen Shu's performance talent was good, so they instigated Chen Shu to go to the Central Academy of Drama.

Chen Shu thought about it for 5 minutes after hearing this, and then made a decision: I will take the exam next year.

When colleagues of the Oriental Song and Dance Troupe heard about Chen Shu's resignation, they were simply incredible, and they came to persuade her: "Why do you go at this time, even if you are a year and a half late, two years later, you can catch up with the last batch of welfare houses of the Ministry of Culture." ”

It would be a new house of 70 to 80 square meters located at the south gate of Chaoyang Park, and Beijingers at that time had vaguely felt the power of real estate.

"Cheongsam Goddess" Chen Shu is another popular record

At that time, Chen Shu was only 20 years old, young and bold, in the face of such benefits, he still resolutely gave up the work of the Oriental Song and Dance Troupe, and under the dual pressure of economy and spirit, he immersed himself in hard study for 9 months.

In 1999, at the age of 22, Chen Shu was admitted to the Acting Department of the Central Academy of Drama with a score of 170 points above the score line.

When the exam was played, Chen Shu and Yu Xiaowei were assigned to an examination room, grabbed the casts in a pair, and set up a sketch, and the two met like this.

After that, the two were admitted to the Chinese opera at the same time and were assigned to the same class.

Because of familiarity, as soon as they first performed the work, the two of them automatically got together, and as a result, Yu Xiaowei regretted it.

The other students in their class spoke several times, and the position was almost the same, but Chen Shu was not good, especially more real, Yu Xiaowei watched everyone else go out to eat and drink, he looked at the sky with both eyes, and this good extracurricular time was wasted in Chen Shu's hands.

After getting along for a longer time, Yu Xiaowei found that Chen Shu's behavior was surprising, not late, not early, what to eat, what time to drink, what time to go to the toilet, all well planned...

"Cheongsam Goddess" Chen Shu is another popular record

Such a self-disciplined person, when he meets a group of naughty and playful classmates, has become the topic of their discussion.

Chen Shulao wore a black sports suit, pedaled a pair of sneakers, because of the figure eight feet trained by learning dance, walking is particularly fast, everyone said she:

"Look, she walks like she plays football."

"Look, she walks like she does everything."

"Cheongsam Goddess" Chen Shu is another popular record

These words later reached Chen Shu's ears, and she skipped the evaluation of "everything", thinking that her figure eight feet walked like a football player, and she had to pull this habit over.

Chen Shu's luck was very good, and he signed the contract of female number one as soon as he graduated.

However, when it came to the official start of filming, it encountered the legendary "unspoken rules".


It turned out that the crew signed a more famous actress, and when filming officially began, Chen Shu was replaced by female number two.

"Cheongsam Goddess" Chen Shu is another popular record

A newcomer, the first play is the female number two is actually very good, but the strong Chen Shu is very sad, feel that he is not respected, if he comes to act, he will definitely act well.

At that time, she also longed for overnight fame, and this kind of luck was so easy to bump.

Later, she figured it out herself: God wants to temper me, and I will accept the tempering. When you are young, you don't suffer hardships, do you suffer when you are old?

In the next three years, Chen Shu starred in many works such as the criminal investigation drama "Dangerous Process", "Sonorous Rose", "Destruction", and the anti-war drama "Unashamed Cangsheng", which received an evaluation in the circle:

"Don't give Chen Shu a chance, she won't let Chen Shu have a chance."

"Cheongsam Goddess" Chen Shu is another popular record

Chen Shu was proud of this recognition, but was not satisfied with his career development.

Although there are almost two scenes being filmed every year, the scenes are not ideal, and they are always far from the goal in her heart.

In 2005, Liu Yunlong began to prepare for the spy drama "Dark Calculation", the role of "Mathematician Huang Yiyi" was originally intended to be quiet, and Tranquility gave up because of the schedule, the crew stopped for 15 days to find the right actor, and found Chen Shu on the last night.

"Cheongsam Goddess" Chen Shu is another popular record

The surprise came very suddenly, Chen Shu liked this role very much, of course, did not miss this opportunity.

In order to play this role well, Chen Has studied many times.

In one scene, "Huang Yiyi" came to 701 with a lockbox, and the "vice dean" was leading everyone to take the oath. The original setting of the script was that everyone was seriously swearing an oath, "Huang Yiyi" touched the lockbox, but Chen Shu said to Liu Yunlong:

Although "Huang Yiyi" comes from the West, she is not uncultured. To highlight the differences between Eastern and Western cultures, when all the staff shook their fists and swore an oath, Huang Yiyi was also taking the oath, but it should be a very American way of taking the oath...

"Cheongsam Goddess" Chen Shu is another popular record

This suggestion was adopted by Liu Yunlong.

In October 2005, "Dark Calculation" was launched, in which Chen Shu played the talented mathematician "Huang Yiyi", who won the "Top Ten Classic TV Drama Character Award" in the thirty years of reform and opening up, and finally came to the fore.

"Cheongsam Goddess" Chen Shu is another popular record

Since then, the 28-year-old Chen Shu has changed his name from "Chen Shu", which has been mispronounced by the old people, to "Chen Shu", first, to commemorate the mathematician "Huang Yiyi" he played, and second, to hope that he can have a "number" in his heart, and the audience can also have her "number" in their hearts.

No one expected that in the second year after the name change, two things that were very important to Chen Shu happened.


In 2006, Feng Xiaogang's "Gathering Number" initially selected Chen Shu as the heroine, but after filming for 5 days, Feng Xiaogang suddenly felt that Chen Shu did not match the overall temperament of the film, so he replaced her.

"Cheongsam Goddess" Chen Shu is another popular record

Chen Shu was confused at that time, feeling that he had received ten thousand critical hits.

Some people say that her temperament is suitable for the period drama, but the drama road is too narrow, and it is difficult to have a market.

Chen Shu was very depressed and remembered the 4 words in a book he had read: me. She cheered herself up: through her own efforts and choices, she wanted to create more possibilities for her life.

Chen Shu spent a lot of money at that time, taking a set of classical and elegant cheongsam photo, which was this set of photos, which helped her get the opportunity to star in "New on the Beach".

"Cheongsam Goddess" Chen Shu is another popular record

Chen Shu played the charming, kind and affectionate social flower "Fang Yanyun" in the play, and she also became widely known to the public after the broadcast of "New on the Beach".

"Cheongsam Goddess" Chen Shu is another popular record

This time, she really tasted the taste of popularity. But with that comes physical health problems.

Because he fought too hard in his career, Chen Shu's mood and body became not very good.

The main manifestation is that he is particularly fond of crying. Went to Wangfujing to see a Chinese medicine doctor, parked the car in the underground parking lot, came up and found that she had never walked this road, stood in the hall of the mall and began to cry, after crying to find the clinic, saw the doctor without two words and began to cry...

The doctor said that her body was too much to consume and asked her to rest for two months.

"Cheongsam Goddess" Chen Shu is another popular record

Chen Shu was very obedient and obediently rested at home for a while.

It was during that break that she realized that she couldn't talk about her boyfriend by going around the set like this. And 30-year-old Chen Shu needs a relationship, she wants to get married!

"Cheongsam Goddess" Chen Shu is another popular record

In the crew of the TV series "Acacia Tree", when Chen Shu chatted with director Sun Zhou, he casually talked about his "hate marriage" heart. One day in 2008, Chen Shu suddenly received a call from Sun Zhou, saying that he wanted to introduce her to a boyfriend.


Chen Shu did not expect that the boyfriend introduced by Sun Zhou was actually a pianist Zhao Yinyin.

It turned out that before Sun Zhou called Chen Shu, Chen Shu accepted an exclusive interview with the magazine "World Cuisine", and after the publication, Chen Shu looked for this issue of the magazine, read his own article at random, and just read an interview with Zhao Yinyin.

She looked left and right, and felt that this pianist Zhao Yinyin was really handsome, and that kind of Chinese and Western temperament was really charming, but as an extremely disciplined woman, she was not good at rushing to inquire about people's contact information...

Unexpectedly, within a few months, Sun Zhou's phone came to introduce the two of them.

"Cheongsam Goddess" Chen Shu is another popular record

On the day of the blind date, Zhao Yinyin wore black-rimmed glasses and a white shirt, his voice was calmer than Chen Shu imagined, and people were more confident and kind than Chen Shu imagined. But she did not dare to admit that she was in love with Zhao Yinyin at first sight, because she felt that love at first sight was immature.

What she did not expect was that something even less "mature" was yet to come.

On the 15th day of their acquaintance, Zhao Yinyin took out a watch and proposed to Chen Shu. That watch was particularly beautiful, and Chen Shu, who hated to marry, almost took it and put it on himself.

But this is a woman who must plan when to eat and drink water at what time, plus Zhao Yinyin has been divorced once after all, and has a son with his ex-wife Huang Zijia, and the rational Chen Shu refused.

After that, Zhao Yinyin still proposed to Chen Shu from time to time, and after half a year of perseverance, Chen Shu finally agreed.

"Cheongsam Goddess" Chen Shu is another popular record

At this time, Chen Shu had begun to look forward to life after marriage, and even thought that if Zhao Yinyin asked her to reduce filming, she was also ready to accept... But Zhao Yinyin's attitude surprised her very much.


Zhao Yinyin said to Chen Shu from the bottom of his heart, "It's a pity that you don't do this line of work. Chen Shu did not estimate that love came, not only did not delay her career, but also exuberated her.

"Cheongsam Goddess" Chen Shu is another popular record

Screenwriter Zou Jingzhi finished adapting the script of Zhang Ailing's novel "Love in the City", and was worried about the actor of the heroine "White Tassel", accidentally watched an interview with Chen Shu's "Lu Yu Has a Date", and immediately decided to invite Chen Shu to act.

Later, the audience commented: "The white tassel played by Chen Shu is like the character who came out of the book, and I think it is most in line with the character image set in Zhang Ailing's book." ”

In 2009, the 32-year-old Chen Shu won the "Best Actress Award in the Chinese Love Genre category at the 4th Huading Awards" for her role as "White Tassel".

After acting in "White Tassel", Chen Shuhuo wanted to find her to shoot 60 plays a year, but she unexpectedly declined the film offer and ran to act in the drama "Sunrise". Friends have criticized her for being "too willful", and when her acting career is rushing upwards, she actually went to act in some drama!

But of course, Chen Shu's kung fu was not in vain, and the "Chen Bailu" played in "Sunrise" was praised by the audience as "the most beautiful and most beautiful Chen Bailu".

"Cheongsam Goddess" Chen Shu is another popular record

With her beautiful appearance, coupled with the polishing of several Haipai dramas and dramas, the taste of old Shanghai women in Chen Shu's temperament has become more and more intense, and since then, the title of "Qipao Goddess" has become synonymous with her.

Therefore, when someone recommended to director Guo Jingyu to let Chen Shu play "Iron Pear Flower", the first thing that came to Guo Jingyu's mind was the delicate and weak figure of the "Cheongsam Goddess", and said on the spot: "Actors from all over China can act, but she cannot play Iron Pear Blossom." ”

"Cheongsam Goddess" Chen Shu is another popular record

Chen Shu is a competitive person, and the opportunity to break through will not be easily let go. A few months later, Chen Shu finally made Guo Jingyu change his opinion, and he changed his mouth: "Tie Pear Blossom can only be performed by you Chen Shu." ”

"Cheongsam Goddess" Chen Shu is another popular record

There are less than 800 scenes in the whole play, and Chen Shu has performed more than 600 scenes alone...

In April 2010, Chen Shu co-starred with Weizi and Yang Zhigang in the legendary drama "Tie Pear Blossom", and the heroine Chen Shu became one of the most female stars in major media.

With this drama, Chen Shu won many awards such as "Magnolia Award for Best Actress in Television Category", "Golden Eagle Award for Audience Favorite TV Drama Actress", "Best Actress Award for TV Series at the 6th Huading Awards", etc.

"Cheongsam Goddess" Chen Shu is another popular record

Zhao Yinyin performed very well when Chen Shu filmed "Tie Pear Blossom", and personally boiled 4 hours of soup to carry to the crew. He said: Chen Shu is a young lady with a body and a beard, she eats Chinese medicine into the crew, and her career is exchanged for health!

Such a thoughtful and supportive man deeply touched Chen Shu. On September 16, 2011, 34-year-old Chen Shu and 39-year-old Zhao Yinyin held a small wedding in Bali.

"Cheongsam Goddess" Chen Shu is another popular record

Chen Shu said at the wedding: "I didn't believe I was so lucky, why did you appear now?" ”

After the marriage, Chen Shu found that Zhao Yinyin especially loved to lose things, and her temper came up, and Zhao Yinyin said a particularly touching word, so that Chen Shu was no longer embarrassed to criticize Zhao Yinyin for losing things.


Zhao Yinyin said, "I may not be able to change the problem of losing things in my life, but I can guarantee that I will not leave you in my life." Chen Shu was very touched to hear this, and he was embarrassed to say anything more.

"Cheongsam Goddess" Chen Shu is another popular record

In January 2018, Chen Shu, Lei Jiayin and Li Guangjie starred in the spy drama "Peace Hotel", Chen Shu's beauty and excellent temperament conquered the audience and became the focus of audience discussion, and even the lipstick number used was on the hot search several times.

"Cheongsam Goddess" Chen Shu is another popular record

Two months later, a netizen put together the "four intellectual goddesses" Chen Shu, Zeng Li, Yu Feihong, and Yuan Quan to construct a TV series "The Character of a Lady", and envisioned their respective characters and story lines for them.

The four are fully in line with the imagination of contemporary young people for intellectual urban women. For a time, the Weibo version with poster version was forwarded more than 50,000 times, and the netizens who made the poster cut out a video "starring" by four people, and the number of views also reached 50,000 times.

"Cheongsam Goddess" Chen Shu is another popular record

The 11-year-old girl who left home has struggled unremittingly for 30 years, and her career has finally reached the peak.

When his career and family were proud, Zhao Yinyin made a little lace.

In September 2020, Zhao Yinyin suddenly posted an intimate photo with a strange girl on the Internet, hugging each other affectionately and kissing each other's hair.

Netizens immediately fried the pot, and they accused Zhao Yinyin of cheating so brightly? Zhao Yinyin quickly responded, saying that the girl he was holding was his cousin.

But netizens did not buy it, saying that Zhao Yinyin's explanation was to cover up the mi zhang, asserting that the group photo was sent by the girl on Zhao Yinyin's account, with the purpose of "forcing the palace".

Then, the heroine of the cuddling incident responded personally, posting a group photo of herself and her family, one of which was Chen Shu, with the text "Come, show!" "The dispute was quelled.

In September this year, Chen Shu, who rarely posted a family photo, sent a photo of himself, her husband Zhao Yinyin, and stepson Bruce, writing a few words: "Eat three meals together, share four seasons, our 13th year together."

"Cheongsam Goddess" Chen Shu is another popular record

Once on the show, Chen Shu was asked if he planned to have children, chen Shu smiled and replied: As long as you treat Bruce well.

Recently, the disaster movie "Peak Explosion" was screened, Chen Shu and Zhu Yilong, Jiao Junyan, Zhang Yi, etc. starred, the 44-year-old her is in excellent condition, not only has remarkable acting skills, but also maintains an enviable figure.

The power of self-discipline is truly magical. Over the years, no matter how busy and tired the work is, as long as the conditions permit, Chen Shu will leave a little time every day to do yoga for himself. For her, it's relaxation, it's also adjustment.

It is the nature of animals to seek advantage and avoid harm, and it is human nature to be good and idle and to work badly. Man is human because he is more intelligent than animals. Reason makes people self-disciplined. Extreme self-discipline is often the secret passage to outstanding achievement.

References for this article:

1. Sina Entertainment: Chen Shu's classic characters have been refined into gold, and they have been "seen backwards" to be a natural success

2. Phoenix Network: The winners of the 24th Huading Awards, Zhang Jiayi Chen Shu won the best actor and actress

3. NetEase Entertainment: "Dark Calculation" female Number One Chen Shu plays Absolute Huang Yiyi

4. Boutique Shopping Guide: Chen Shu: The truth of the world is not something that a small group of people can change

5. Chutian Metropolis Daily: Huangshi beauty Chen Shuqing young pianist Zhao Yinyin, Bali married

6. Lu Yu has an appointment: Chen Shu - Numbers Say Life 2014-05-15

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