
Chen Shu practiced yoga barefoot: Only the charm that comes out of your bones can enter your heart.

author:Maruko loves entertainment

In the hustle and bustle of the city, there are always some people who choose to use their inner peace to fight against the disturbances of the outside world. Chen Shu is such a woman. She is not only a talented actress, but also a devout yoga practitioner. The photo of her practicing yoga barefoot is like a moving picture that transports us into a world of tranquility and depth.

Chen Shu practiced yoga barefoot: Only the charm that comes out of your bones can enter your heart.

Chen Shu once said: "Yoga for 18 years, this is not my self-discipline, but my life. This quote is full of her love and dedication to yoga. For her, yoga is not only a sport, but also a way of life, an inner practice. She proved with her actions that yoga is not only a physical exercise, but also a baptism of the soul.

Chen Shu practiced yoga barefoot: Only the charm that comes out of your bones can enter your heart.

Yoga has a low threshold and can be practiced as long as you can breathe. This is Chen Shu's most direct understanding of yoga. Yes, yoga doesn't need expensive equipment, it doesn't need a gorgeous venue, just a heart that is willing to calm down. We can start our yoga journey at home, in the office, in any corner of the park. As long as we are willing to breathe and feel every subtle change in our body, we can begin our yoga practice.

Chen Shu practiced yoga barefoot: Only the charm that comes out of your bones can enter your heart.

However, the threshold for yoga is very high, and it takes us to practice it for the rest of our lives. This is because yoga is not only a physical exercise, but also an inner practice. It requires us to constantly explore, to perceive, to comprehend. In the world of yoga, we must not only learn how to make our bodies softer and more flexible, but also how to make our minds calmer and more serene. It takes time, effort, and persistence.

Chen Shu practiced yoga barefoot: Only the charm that comes out of your bones can enter your heart.

Chen Shu has set an example for us with his 18 years of yoga practice. She tells us through her actions that yoga is a practice that can accompany us throughout our lives. Whether it's facing the pressures of life, the challenges of work, or facing our own hearts, we can all find a balance, a sense of peace, through yoga.

Chen Shu practiced yoga barefoot: Only the charm that comes out of your bones can enter your heart.

So, why not give yourself a reason to start? Maybe it's because we want a healthier body, maybe it's because we want a calmer mind, maybe it's because we want a better life. No matter what the reason, as long as we are willing to try and persevere, we will definitely benefit from it.

Chen Shu practiced yoga barefoot: Only the charm that comes out of your bones can enter your heart.

When we start practicing yoga, we will find that every breath, every movement, brings us closer to our hearts. We will feel every subtle change in the body, we will feel every fluctuation of the mind. These feelings will make us understand ourselves better and cherish ourselves more.

Chen Shu practiced yoga barefoot: Only the charm that comes out of your bones can enter your heart.

At the same time, yoga also makes us more confident and calm. We will be calmer and more rational in the face of life's challenges. We will learn to face everything with a more peaceful mind, and no longer be swayed by the distractions of the outside world.

Chen Shu practiced yoga barefoot: Only the charm that comes out of your bones can enter your heart.

Chen Shu's path of yoga practice is not only a path of pursuit of health, but also a path of pursuit of inner peace. She told us with her own actions that as long as we are willing to try and persevere, we will definitely be able to find our own path to yoga.

Chen Shu practiced yoga barefoot: Only the charm that comes out of your bones can enter your heart.

On this road, we will encounter all kinds of challenges and difficulties. But as long as we keep a calm heart and maintain a firm belief, we will be able to overcome all difficulties and achieve our goals.

Chen Shu practiced yoga barefoot: Only the charm that comes out of your bones can enter your heart.

In the end, Maruko wants to say that yoga is not only a physical exercise, but also a spiritual practice. It requires us to persevere and practice all our lives. Let's embark on this yoga journey together! Give yourself a reason to start, and you'll benefit for the rest of your life.

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