
Chen Shu mature temperament

author:Wen Yi Youth

In this star-studded entertainment industry, there are always some characters who are not only talented, but also can always make people laugh in a humorous way. Today, let's talk about this goddess who "doesn't play cards according to routines" - Chen Shu, and see how she uses her wisdom and humor to find a different path in her career and family. It is said that one day, Dong Qing suddenly asked Chen Shu on the show: "Chen Da Beauty, do you still want your own child?" When Chen Shu heard this, the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

Chen Shu mature temperament

showed that iconic charming smile, and then said lightly: "Oh, Sister Dong Qing, you see how harmonious my family atmosphere is now, with my husband's handsome and bubbling appearance, and our lovely stepson elephant, isn't this the most beautiful 'family of three'?" Besides, I have a full work schedule right now, so how can I have time to have a baby? It's enough to love them well! When the audience heard this, it instantly dawned on them that this "he" refers to the whole family, what a goddess who can play!

Chen Shu mature temperament

Speaking of Chen Shu, it is a clear stream in the entertainment industry. In 2005, with the two big dramas "Secret Calculation" and "New Shanghai Beach", she became popular all over the country overnight and became a goddess in the hearts of countless people. But you know what? Before this goddess became famous, she was an out-and-out "dance maniac". Born into a family of artists, she studied ballet and classical Chinese dance under the tutelage of her parents from an early age. At that time, in addition to eating and sleeping every day, she was soaking in the dance studio, which could be described as "dancing without leaving her body".

Chen Shu mature temperament
Chen Shu mature temperament

Later, Chen Shu was admitted to the High School Affiliated to Beijing Dance Academy with her outstanding dancing talent and began her professional dance career. After graduating, she successfully entered the Oriental Song and Dance Troupe and became a professional dancer. However, just when her career was booming, a musical changed her fate. That musical made her discover her love for acting, so she resolutely quit her job in the song and dance troupe, was admitted to the performance department of the Central Academy of Drama, and began her acting career. After many years in the entertainment industry, Chen Shu finally ushered in the peak of her career. With her superb acting skills and elegant temperament, she has conquered the hearts of countless audiences.

Chen Shu mature temperament

From the original "cheongsam queen" to the later "workplace goddess", Chen Shu proved her worth with her strength. However, just when her career was in full swing, she chose a different path - becoming a stepmother. That's right, you heard it right! This goddess actually chose to be with Zhao Yinyin and was willing to become a stepmother. You must know that Zhao Yinyin is a divorced pianist with a son elephant. But Chen Shu doesn't care about this, she thinks that love is to accept everything from the other party, including the other party's past and family. So, she resolutely married Zhao Yinyin, and loved the elephant as if it were her own child.

Chen Shu mature temperament

After marriage, Chen Shu not only lived a sweet life with Zhao Yinyin, but also established a deep relationship with the elephant. She often travels with the elephants and participates in various activities together, so that the elephants feel the maternal love that they have never felt before. And the elephant was also full of gratitude and respect for Chen Shu, and treated her as his own mother. Once, when Chen Shu participated in the "Reader" program, he specially read an article called "A Person Must Be Like a Team" for the elephant. She affectionately wished that the elephant would become an independent and strong person, and at the same time expressed her love and cherishment for her family.

Chen Shu mature temperament

When asked if he regretted giving up his right to be a mother, Chen Shu smiled and said, "I have never regretted my choice. Because in this family, I feel happiness and satisfaction that I have never felt before. It's enough to love them well! Today's Chen Shu has gone through more than 40 spring and autumn seasons, but her charm is still the same. She has conquered the hearts of countless people with her humor and wisdom and has become a clear stream in the entertainment industry. Her story tells us that there is no fixed pattern in life, and only by constantly trying and exploring can we find our own happiness and satisfaction!

Chen Shu mature temperament

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