
Top 10 Legends of Ancient China_6576_62


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Top 10 Legends of Ancient China

In the long history of ancient China, there have always been some characters who have become legends of the times with their extraordinary talents, tenacious wills and far-reaching influences. They are either civil or military, or political or war, and each of them has left a strong mark on the stage of history. Today, we explore the stories of these 10 legendary figures, not only to understand their lives, but also to draw wisdom from them and warn future generations.

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1. Confucius - the founder of Confucianism

Confucius, a great thinker of the Spring and Autumn Period, devoted his life to the cause of education. He advocated "benevolence" and "etiquette" and founded the Confucian school, whose doctrine still influences the Chinese nation and even East Asian culture. Confucius's life was full of hardships, but he always held fast to his beliefs and continued to spread Confucianism. His tenacity and wisdom became a model for later generations of scholars in their pursuit of truth.

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2. Qin Shi Huang - the male lord who unified the six kingdoms

Qin Shi Huang unified the six kingdoms with a thunderous force and established the first great unified dynasty in Chinese history. He implemented the county system and strengthened the centralization of power; Build the Great Wall to defend against foreign invasions. However, his reign was also fraught with controversy, especially the "book burning and Confucianism" incident, which left a profound warning for future generations. Qin Shi Huang's life was a relentless quest for power and unity, but his way of ruling also taught us that power must be restrained or it would bring disaster.

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3. Zhuge Liang - the prime minister with unparalleled resourcefulness

Zhuge Liang, the prime minister of Shu Han during the Three Kingdoms period, was known for his outstanding resourcefulness and talent. He assisted Liu Bei in establishing the Shu Han regime, and continued to assist Liu Chan after Liu Bei's death. His "Longzhong Pair" pointed out the direction for the development of Shu Han, and his "Seven Captures of Meng" and "Empty City Strategy" have become good stories. However, Zhuge Liang ultimately failed to realize his ambition of the Northern Expedition to the Central Plains and died of illness in Wuzhang Plain. His loyalty and wisdom have become an example for later generations of politicians and military strategists, and his regrets also remind us that life requires foresight, but it is also necessary to judge the situation.

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Fourth, Guan Yu - a martial saint of loyalty and righteousness

Guan Yu is known for his bravery, good fighting and righteousness. He followed Liu Bei all his life and made great achievements for the establishment of Shu Han. However, he eventually lost Jingzhou and lost Maicheng, and his head was in a different place. Guan Yu's loyalty and bravery have become a model for future generations of military generals, and his failure also warns us that even the most powerful people cannot ignore any details and hidden dangers.

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5. Wu Zetian - the legend of the Empress Road

Wu Zetian, the only female champion and female emperor in Chinese history. She succeeded in ascending to the throne with extraordinary political skill and skill, and during her reign she implemented a series of important political, economic, and cultural reforms. However, her reign was also fraught with controversy and bloodshed. Wu Zetian's life is the pursuit and interpretation of power and wisdom, and her legendary experience has become a model for later generations of women to pursue independence and power, and also warns us that power is a double-edged sword that must be used carefully.

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6. Li Bai - the romantic life of the poet

Li Bai, a famous poet of the Tang Dynasty, is known for his bold and elegant poetic style. His life is full of legends, traveling far and wide, making friends with the world's best people. His poetry not only occupies an important place in the history of Chinese literature, but also influenced culture and art around the world. However, Li Bai's life is also full of ups and downs and tribulations, and there is no lack of deep reflection on life and society in his poems. Li Bai's life was the pursuit and love of poetry and freedom, and his legendary experience became a model for later generations of literati to pursue literary and spiritual freedom, and also warned us to pay attention to social reality and the meaning of life while pursuing freedom.

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7. Zheng He - the pioneer of the Maritime Silk Road

Zheng He, a famous navigator of the Ming Dynasty, went to the Western Ocean seven times and opened up the Maritime Silk Road. His nautical feat not only demonstrated the outstanding achievements of China's navigation technology, but also promoted economic and cultural exchanges between China and Asian and African countries. However, Zheng He's seafaring career was also full of unknowns and dangers. His legendary story became a model for later generations of navigators to pursue adventure and discovery, and a reminder to be in awe and caution when exploring the unknown.

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8. Yue Fei - a famous anti-gold general who is loyal to the country

Yue Fei, a famous anti-Jin general of the Southern Song Dynasty, was known for his loyalty, bravery, and loyalty to the country. He led the army to defeat the invasion of the Jin army many times, and made great achievements in defending the country and national dignity. However, due to the frame-up of the ministers and the suspicion of the emperor, Yue Fei finally died unjustly. His loyalty and courage have become a model for later generations to pursue patriotism and national integrity, and also warn us to keep a clear head and firm conviction in the face of power.

9. Genghis Khan - the eagle of the steppe

Genghis Khan, the founder and khan of the Mongol Empire, was distinguished by his exceptional military prowess and ambition to conquer the world. He unified the Mongol tribes and established a powerful Mongol empire, waging numerous foreign wars to conquer large swathes of Eurasia. However, his wars of conquest also brought wars and disasters. Genghis Khan's life was a legendary experience of unremitting pursuit and conquest of power and territory, which has also become a model for future generations to pursue national unity and national rejuvenation, and also warns us that force is not the best way to solve problems, and peace and cooperation are the right path for human development.

10. Zheng Chenggong - the national hero who recovered Taiwan

Zheng Chenggong, a military strategist and statesman in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, was known for his feat of recovering Taiwan and expelling Dutch colonists.

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