
Nie Rongzhen asked various military regions to donate food, and said to Commander Zheng Weishan: Do you kid have meat to eat every day_6


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Nie Rongzhen asked various military regions to donate food, and said to Commander Zheng Weishan: Do you kid have meat to eat every day

In the years of the Anti-Japanese War, the lack of materials became a major problem for the army. Among them, the shortage of food is particularly serious, which directly affects the morale and combat effectiveness of the troops. Faced with this grim situation, Nie Rongzhen, a far-sighted military leader, decided to personally go out and mobilize all military regions to donate grain to ensure the army's food supply.

Nie Rongzhen asked various military regions to donate food, and said to Commander Zheng Weishan: Do you kid have meat to eat every day_6

Nie Rongzhen knows that the army is the cornerstone of the Anti-Japanese War, and food is the lifeblood of the army. He understood that if sufficient food could not be raised in time, the combat effectiveness of the army would be greatly reduced, and it might even affect the overall situation of the entire War of Resistance. Therefore, he did not hesitate to issue a call for grain donations, asking all military regions to respond positively according to their own actual conditions and jointly contribute to the War of Resistance Against Japan.

After the mobilization order was issued, all military districts responded one after another, saying that they would do their best to raise food. However, in the process of inspection, Nie Rongzhen discovered an unsettling phenomenon. He noticed that the officers and men of one military region seemed to be more well-fed than those of other military regions, and some people even privately rumored that Zheng Weishan, the commander of the military region, had meat to eat every day.

Nie Rongzhen asked various military regions to donate food, and said to Commander Zheng Weishan: Do you kid have meat to eat every day_6

This discovery shocked Nie Rongzhen. He knew that in the difficult period of the Anti-Japanese War, every grain was particularly precious. However, Zheng Weishan, as a commander, was able to enjoy such a luxurious life, which couldn't help but make him question Zheng Weishan's character and style.

So, Nie Rongzhen decided to go to the military region in person and talk to Zheng Weishan. When he walked into Zheng Weishan's headquarters, Zheng Weishan was leisurely sipping tea, and there were several plates of exquisite dishes on the table. This scene made Nie Rongzhen more firm in his judgment.

Nie Rongzhen asked various military regions to donate food, and said to Commander Zheng Weishan: Do you kid have meat to eat every day_6

He walked directly in front of Zheng Weishan and said in a stern tone: "Commander Zheng, I heard that your soldiers here eat well, and there are even rumors that you have meat to eat every day. What's going on? ”

Zheng Weishan was a little caught off guard by Nie Rongzhen's questioning, and he hurriedly explained: "General Nie, listen to me. These dishes were not specially prepared by me, but were spontaneously organized by some officers and men of our military region in order to improve their food. They got some food by hunting, fishing, etc., and then shared it with everyone. I didn't eat the food to myself, and I didn't engage in corruption. ”

Nie Rongzhen asked various military regions to donate food, and said to Commander Zheng Weishan: Do you kid have meat to eat every day_6

However, Nie Rongzhen did not believe Zheng Weishan's explanation. He carefully observed Zheng Weishan's words and deeds, and found that his eyes were full of flickering and uneasiness. This made Nie Rongzhen more firm in his judgment: Zheng Weishan must have a problem with the food issue.

So, Nie Rongzhen decided to investigate the matter in depth. He secretly sent people to the military district to investigate, and as a result, he discovered the shocking truth. It turned out that Zheng Weishan used his authority and position to intercept a part of the grain privately for his own enjoyment. He also instructed his men to fabricate lies in an attempt to cover up his crimes.

Nie Rongzhen asked various military regions to donate food, and said to Commander Zheng Weishan: Do you kid have meat to eat every day_6

After having conclusive evidence, Nie Rongzhen immediately reported the matter to the higher authorities. After investigation and verification, the higher-level departments dealt with Zheng Weishan seriously. At the same time, they also inspected and educated other military districts to ensure that similar problems do not happen again.

This story is a profound cautionary tale. It tells us that in difficult times, we should focus more on unity and fairness. Any act of embezzlement and corruption that harms the public and private interests will undermine the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the armed forces. At the same time, this story also allows us to see Nie Rongzhen's wisdom and decisiveness. Through in-depth investigation, exposing the truth, and seriously handling the matter, he maintained the discipline and image of the army, and laid a solid foundation for the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression.

So, we can't help but ask: should we also be vigilant and sober-minded in today's era of peace? Should we also be as brave as Nie Rongzhen in exposing and punishing those acts of corruption and harm to the public and private interests? This is a question we need to ponder.