
The 1 million square kilometers of the Outer Northeast, which has been under Russia for 165 years, has been slow in development, can it come back?

author:Zhai Xiaohan

The year 1860 was a year of shame for the Chinese nation.

Under the weight of unequal treaties.

The vast territory of more than 1 million square kilometers in the entire Outer Northeast,

The 1 million square kilometers of the Outer Northeast, which has been under Russia for 165 years, has been slow in development, can it come back?

Now, walk there.

But that culture and customs were originally bred in this hot land of China.

Where life is not free, everything seems out of place.

They have lived in this land for generations, but they have been forced to learn a foreign language and live a life that is alien to their surroundings.

The 1 million square kilometers of the Outer Northeast, which has been under Russia for 165 years, has been slow in development, can it come back?

But so much time has passed.

This area still can't develop, why is that?

Huge investment

It's not that simple.

The first thing needed is a large amount of manpower and material resources.

Open the thick dossier of history.

And you'll find that

The 1 million square kilometers of the Outer Northeast, which has been under Russia for 165 years, has been slow in development, can it come back?

It is necessary to build roads, erect power poles, build water and electricity supply systems, and build an infrastructure network covering the entire region in this once-abandoned wasteland.

And once the start of construction is imminent, more manpower and material resources will be invested endlessly.

It's like taking the heart and soul of an entire country,

The top priority at the moment should be to make every effort to revitalize the urban and rural areas.

Heal the wounds of war, not expand your territory.

The 1 million square kilometers of the Outer Northeast, which has been under Russia for 165 years, has been slow in development, can it come back?


From the very beginning, it was a desolate place that no one cared about.

And the more uninhabited it is, the more it lacks human investment and policy care for development.

A vicious circle is formed.

The 1 million square kilometers of the Outer Northeast, which has been under Russia for 165 years, has been slow in development, can it come back?

Those last stubborn diseases, who would rather have to take root here, have finally been crushed by the extremely difficult environment to survive.

Even a school hospital can hardly be sustained.

The once vast territory of the Outer Northeast has gradually become a veritable "no man's land".

All the prosperity and excitement have become a cloud of the past.

The 1 million square kilometers of the Outer Northeast, which has been under Russia for 165 years, has been slow in development, can it come back?

Here, all that remains is the howling cold wind and the billowing yellow sand.

Various preferential and subsidy policies

At that time, Tsarist Russia was still struggling.

They lobbied around,

The 1 million square kilometers of the Outer Northeast, which has been under Russia for 165 years, has been slow in development, can it come back?

But no matter how much gold or silver was sown, few people came.

After all, it's too far from the mother land.

The first impression is of a vast, barren and desolate wilderness.

In the end, the tsars had no choice but to give up.

Set aside the territory you have seized and let it roam freely.

The 1 million square kilometers of the Outer Northeast, which has been under Russia for 165 years, has been slow in development, can it come back?

The Far East is too far from Moscow.

The geographical barrier is destined to increase the sense of political alienation in this area.

If the Far East grows richer and more populous, the interests of the central regime diverge.

At that time, the Moscow regime will pour all its efforts into this territory.

Haven't they all been wasted?

This is undoubtedly the last thing those in power want to see.

So, in the face of difficult choices,

The 1 million square kilometers of the Outer Northeast, which has been under Russia for 165 years, has been slow in development, can it come back?

In this way, a full 165 years have passed.

The fertile and vast territory of the Far East has been abandoned in the flood of the times that could change dynasties at any time.

When people go to empty buildings, all vitality is strangled in the cradle.

There is nothing but howling cold winds and sparse nomadic population.

What are the prospects?

If you have been holding on to the territory of the outer northeast.

What would happen if they forcibly built a large number of people in this inaccessible land and forcibly dragged the population over to reclaim it?

These people who were forced to come to this strange environment.

It is no wonder that a large number of immigrants will soon be separated and find another way out.

The 1 million square kilometers of the Outer Northeast, which has been under Russia for 165 years, has been slow in development, can it come back?

Even if there are some stubborn people who decide to put down roots here, if they do not receive support for a long time, how can they continue to make a living in this desolate place?

Even if you can get through it for the time being, no one cares about the initial stage.

Once the economy is no longer rich, there will be a vicious cycle of exodus.

Wait until one day, overwhelmed and give up development and investment.

The city will be empty, and only empty cities will stand.

Let the wind blow and the sun will gradually decline.

After all this,

The 1 million square kilometers of the Outer Northeast, which has been under Russia for 165 years, has been slow in development, can it come back?

At that time, all the efforts made by Tsarist Russia on this land.

Undoubtedly, the bamboo basket is empty.

In contrast,

The situation would be very different.

We have many excellent pioneers, builders, and guardians.

They will be able to sow the seeds of hope in this hot land, and they will soon be able to bear fruit.

The 1 million square kilometers of the Outer Northeast, which has been under Russia for 165 years, has been slow in development, can it come back?


Not only can it concentrate its resources on developing its European part, but it will also revitalize this once abandoned territory.

In the near future, under the watering of the sons and daughters of China, a hundred flowers will bloom and bear fruit.

I just hope that this moment will come sooner.