
"The house is close to these five places, and nine out of ten families are rich", which five places are referred to? Does it really work? It makes sense now

author:Sharp-eyed life

The ancients said: "The house is the foundation of people." People stand because of the house, and the house exists because of the people. This not only reflects the importance of housing to people's lives, but also highlights the profound meaning that housing and people's destiny are closely linked.

In this era of happiness and success, each of us longs to have a home that is both comfortable and auspicious, bringing good luck and prosperity to our families and ourselves.

"The house is close to these five places, and nine out of ten families are rich", which five places are referred to? Does it really work? It makes sense now

In traditional Chinese culture, the location of a house is regarded as an esoteric science, which integrates many factors such as feng shui, geography, and environment. Choosing the right home is like planting a seed of wealth for the family, and when the time is right, it will blossom and bear fruit.

So, how do you choose a home in the complex real estate market that meets the principles of Feng Shui and meets the needs of modern life?

There is a popular folk proverb that may give us some inspiration: "If the house is close to these five places, nine out of ten families will be rich." ”

This quote succinctly identifies five key locations to focus on when choosing a home. What are five places that have such magical power that allows family wealth to flow in?

"The house is close to these five places, and nine out of ten families are rich", which five places are referred to? Does it really work? It makes sense now


In Feng Shui, water is given a special symbolic meaning, which represents flow and change, and is also closely linked to wealth.

The proximity of a dwelling to a river, lake, or other form of water source is considered very auspicious. Such a location not only brings stable financial fortune to the family, but also symbolizes the convergence of good fortune.

Standing in front of the window in the early morning or dusk and looking at the sparkling water seems to feel the tranquility and harmony, which also has a positive effect on the mood of the occupants.

And, from the perspective of modern living environments, homes close to water sources tend to have cleaner air and more beautiful natural landscapes.

"The house is close to these five places, and nine out of ten families are rich", which five places are referred to? Does it really work? It makes sense now

Such an environment is extremely beneficial to the physical and mental health of the occupants. Wake up early in the morning, take a walk along the river, breathe in the fresh air, and listen to the birds singing, such a life is undoubtedly what many people yearn for.


Parks or green spaces are a sanctuary in the city, and they provide a tranquil haven from the hustle and bustle of urban life.

The proximity of the home to these places means that you can enjoy purer air and a more peaceful living environment.

On weekends or in leisure time, families can take a walk in the park, play and enjoy family fun, which is undoubtedly a reflection of the high quality of life.

"The house is close to these five places, and nine out of ten families are rich", which five places are referred to? Does it really work? It makes sense now

From the perspective of Feng Shui, flowers and trees, flowing water and birdsong in a park or green space are all considered to bring auspicious energy.

Not only do they bring good luck to the family, but they also help the family members to develop their careers and improve their financial fortunes.

Especially in the spring, when the flowers in the park are in full bloom and the trees are shady, that vibrant sight will undoubtedly give people endless hope and motivation.


In traditional Chinese culture, "backing" is a very important concept. The residential backing of the mountain not only means that there is a solid backing, but also symbolizes that the family can be sheltered and nourished by the mountain.

Those dignified and undulating peaks are considered to be places that can gather good fortune and bring prosperity and happiness.

"The house is close to these five places, and nine out of ten families are rich", which five places are referred to? Does it really work? It makes sense now

In modern society, although many people no longer have a traditional agricultural lifestyle, a home close to natural peaks or hills is still seen as a very desirable living environment.

With fresh air and beautiful environment, the mountains are undoubtedly a good place to get away from the hustle and bustle and get back to nature for those who pursue a high-quality life.

Moreover, from the perspective of Feng Shui, it is also easier for a residence in the mountains to attract good aura and fortune.


"If the road is passed, the wealth will be passed", this is a widely circulated old saying. It profoundly reveals the importance of easy access to transportation for family and personal development.

The proximity of the home to transportation hubs, such as bus stops, subway entrances, etc., means that family members can travel more easily and quickly. Whether it's going to work, school, or traveling, you can save a lot of time and effort.

"The house is close to these five places, and nine out of ten families are rich", which five places are referred to? Does it really work? It makes sense now

When choosing this type of home, we also need to pay attention to the issues of traffic noise and pollution.

An ideal home should be able to enjoy the convenience of transportation while keeping the living environment quiet and tidy.

Only in this way can we enjoy modern urban life while maintaining a healthy and comfortable living environment.


The business center is one of the most vibrant places in the city. It is home to a wide variety of shops, restaurants, and entertainment facilities, providing residents with extremely convenient living conditions.

The proximity of the home to a commercial hub means that family members can enjoy everything from shopping, dining and entertainment to the next.

In addition, the business center is also the place where the flow of people, information and resources is most concentrated.

"The house is close to these five places, and nine out of ten families are rich", which five places are referred to? Does it really work? It makes sense now

People who live here have easier access to development opportunities and information resources to achieve greater success in their careers and wealth.

Especially for those who are starting a business or looking for a career advancement, such a residence is undoubtedly a very good choice.

When choosing a home, we should consider these factors to create a comfortable and auspicious living environment for our family and ourselves.

An ideal home is not only four walls and a roof, it is also a harbor of family happiness and the starting point of personal career development. Therefore, when buying a house, please be sure to choose carefully and make your home the warmest stop on your life's journey.

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